7 Major Problems faced by PhD Scholars
PhD ‘Doctor of Philosophy’, an abbreviation of the Latin word, is a postgraduate doctoral degree. This degree is awarded to those students who complete an original thesis on a subject in terms to provide a new knowledgeable contribution to the society.

Completing a PhD is a very challenging task which can be of 3-4 years (depending on the subject).
PhD is purely a research degree which consists of some stages:
- A Literature Review: a survey of current scenario of your selected field.
- Research: conduct the in-depth rigorous research and collect information and create a result.
- Thesis: create a thesis plan that presents support your topic in conclusion.
- Write a thesis paper: write the whole thesis paper and submit it to your facilities.
- Defending: defend your topic and prove your research a true research in the Viva Voce exam.
These are the common stages of full-time PhD programme. These steps can vary from university to university and subject to subject.
Basically, a research is an important step in the PhD course. There are many challenges identified by our experts in Singaporean students while conducting research, I am listing here 7 major problems that have been facing by all PhD scholars:
1. Time Management:
A vigorous time management is the essential part of the PhD studies. While pursuing the doctoral programme you must have a lack of leisure time that is quite appreciated but a proper, strong time management is required for writing a thesis paper.
Being a student of some university, you must have many more other things to do but sometimes you will have to reject another opportunity for your thesis paper work because writing a quality Research Paper needs to a big time investment in your research work.
2. Isolation:
This is a very major problem among the PhD students. Usually, a student writes his PhD paper alone or with very limited collaboration or people. This leads to a high range of dissatisfaction and lack of motivation in the students.
A student feels very lonely and feels that nobody is around to understand his problems. This is the reason why a PhD student is always advised to be a part of social groups and communities in the college or get in touch with other PhD students so they can help them and advice them with their research work.
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3. Problem with managing the supervisor:
This is again a very common problem among the PhD students. Every PhD student is assigned with a supervisor, who will be his mentor and part-boss in such 3 years.
To write a successful thesis a positive relationship between student and his supervisor is very important but due to many reasons a problem arise in between them such as regular unavailability of supervisor, sometimes a student is allotted with 2 supervisors that create many conflicts and some time a supervisor leaves the universities in between that to arise big problems in writing a thesis paper.
4. Caught with ‘second-year blue’:
A thesis writing is a long and daunting procedure and this is so common in human nature to get bored when working on the same project and that’s lead them with lack of motivation, confidence and morale. Usually, the initial excitement of the first year will die till he comes in the second year and this phase is called second year blue.
This phase can be cured with the help of other PhD students and supervisor’s support. A strong feedback, support and encouragement can help you to come out of such a phase.
5. Lack of motivation:
To write a thesis paper, a student needs enthusiasm, dedication and optimism. Though PhD is a long time, a 3-year full-time course and takes a big part of your life and remains motivated for all such 3 years is quite impossible.
A student can make this task quite interesting with being proactive. Though writing a thesis is a very typical task but don’t avoid this. Set some realistic goals for your thesis and brake down all the steps in equal part. Similarly, you can join an activity of your interest area or go out for some interesting and activities and after getting some fresh air return back to your paper.
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6. The problem to start your thesis:
This is also one of the major problems to start with your research paper. A student couldn’t understand how to start writing the paper, how could he phrase the lines. This is a quite challenging task because a traditional classical approach does not apply to every research paper.
It is advisable to plan all the steps of your paper. An advance planning helps you to create a quality paper and you will get to know the shortcomings of your paper.
7. Stress:
Stress is again a very common and major problem among the PhD students. Though writing a thesis is a long-time project but completing such project in definite deadline, with a large scale of research and with lots of personal investment (in term of monitory, physical and mentally) create a high level of stress among the students.
High level of mental stress is very common in PhD students. A student can find some better solution to release such stress including yoga, exercise and meditation etc.
Although writing a thesis is a very difficult procedure but the outcomes of writing this are very helpful, it increases your many skills and efficiency including time management, leadership, work commitment and many more things that help you in the future.
Lastly, if you want to take any guidance in writing your thesis you can contact specialized PhD writers of singaporeassignmenthelp.com.
Furthermore, you can even take help in the thesis editing and proofreading of your thesis paper to increase the quality of your paper.