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Updated on: 6th Feb 2025

Evacuation Planning Guidelines for Public and Industrial Premises Essay Sample

This essay sample will elaborate on the evacuation plan guidelines. It will focus on building fire safety, emergency exit plans, and drill practices. Suppose you visit an industry that catches fire. What will you do? Lack of proper evacuation planning can risk your life. How should evacuation planning be? Let’s find out.

What Does An Emergency Evacuation Planning Mean?

An emergency evacuation plan is a complete procedure made by the employees to help facilitate safe evacuations in case of any emergencies. Mainly evacuation planning contains locations of the safe areas, exit routes and any important steps to follow for each type of emergency. 

The objective of emergency evacuation planning guidelines is to detail the operational actions and measures undertaken by the company. Evacuation occurs due to emergencies or fires. These guidelines assist in minimising injuries and damage to property and personnel.

When is the need for evacuation planning?

As per the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, any type of emergency can lead to evacuation; it should be decided based on the case. 

What are the conditions where evacuations would be necessary? 

Identify public hazards as incidents and emergencies, whether from chemical spills, gas leaks, fires, floods, tornadoes, explosions, tropical storms, radiological accidents, civil disturbances, or riots.

Workplace violence may have to do with body injury, trauma, and damage to property, risking others.

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Evacuation planning guidelines

The objective of evacuation planning guidelines is to detail the operational actions and measures undertaken by the company. It happens due to the occurrence of any emergencies or fire. These guidelines assist in minimizing injuries and damage to property and personnel.

SCDF evacuation planning guidelines

1. The emergency response plan (ERP)

An emergency response plan consists of building layout duties, responsibilities of designated employees, and fire safety equipment. SCDF must approve the drawing of the building layout. Distribute and educate ERP to everyone. Conduct meetings and briefings to all fire
management personnel.

2. The fire safety committee

The committee must consist of a fire safety manager, fire wardens, and security officers. It depends upon the risks associated with the premises, hazardous material storage, and the size of premises. The committee must distribute the following items before the drill. These include general instructions, helmets, armbands, and signages.

3. Fire evacuation models

There are three models of evacuation that depend on the height of the premises. Install an emergency voice communication system (EVCS) and a two-stage alarming system. In case of disaster situations implement a recovery plan. Determine press release center and control

4. Recommendation for selecting assembly areas

Identify a location outside the building premises that will serve as Assembly Area (AA) for the building. The fire safety committee should decide the best location for the Assembly area. Access the area to t the building evacuees. It must accommodate the full occupant. Further, the team must consider evacuation assembly area requirements.

5. Conducting evacuation drill

  • Distributing the emergency response plan to Distribute copies of the plan to the fire safety committee. The CERT must be familiar with the emergency procedures
  • Emergency instructions: Place notices on emergency instructions at conspicuous locations of the building. It includes a reception area; notice boards, and lift lobbies.
  • Training: Conduct the training program at regular intervals. Provide information on fire prevention, fire extinguishing methods, and emergency procedures to building occupants
  • Organizing drills: Conduct two evacuation drills every year. Exempt pregnant women and disabled people from participating in the drill. The Singapore civil defense force maintains the fire drill evacuation time limit in Singapore.
  • Company Emergency Response Team (CERT): It consists of response team members, site, and incident controller. Train the response team must adequately provide an immediate response to fire emergencies and incidents.
  • Building plan: Provide information about the building plan to SCDF. Provide details of the building structure and protection system installed in the building.

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  • The fire protection plan: It includes a manual fire alarm system, fire detection system, and fire fighting equipment. Install fire-resisting door and walls. Check for unauthorized storage of flammable liquids and hazardous material. There should not be an obstruction to the escape route.
  • Fire prevention maintenance program: The fire safety committee should draw a fire safety maintenance program by the premises maintenance staff. The objective of the program is maintenance and regular inspection of safety systems. Conduct meetings with the fire safety committee, immediately after the fire evacuation drill. Furthermore, prepare a fire evacuation drill report. It will include scenarios of the fire drill evacuation procedures and evacuation time. The report must involve fire safety equipment, the total number of participants, and SCDF comments.

Emergency response plan guidelines

Ask the following questions while preparing an ERP for your building. Your responses will indicate whether you are prepared for an emergency in the building.

  • Are fire extinguishers and emergency exits ready for use?
  • Is the fire station near to your building?
  • Is there any provision for the safe evacuation of disabled, children, and older people?
  • What will you do before the arrival of SCDF?


From the above article, we can conclude the significance of proper evacuation planning. We have studied the guidelines for evacuation in detail. Every Industrial and building premises must consider these guidelines to mitigate fire risks. Carry out a well-prepared fire evacuation drill in advance.

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