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Updated on: 27th Jan 2021

Professionalism and Ethics in Sports Coaching Essay Sample

Being professional and having ethical values are very important in times of today.  It is as important in sports as important it is in any other professional field.

Higher-ups and officials are expected to hold high values and be an example for everyone else. this is what we will read today.

In this essay, we will discuss how coaching style and personal behavior affect coaching and what are the expected values and behavior of an ideal coach to bring out the best from thee fellow pupils.

What are ethics and professionalism?

Ethics and professionalism refer to the accepted norms of what is right behavior and what is considered wrong behavior and behavior expected of a professional, based on universal values and standards.

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Professional code of ethics

A sports coach is expected to uphold certain ethical values and ethical responsibilities and professionalism while carrying out their duty.

Below we will discuss the most important ethical and professional values and factors between a working relationship of a coach and his fellow pupil. Which are :

  • Humanity
  • Relationships
  • Commitment
  • Co-operation
  • Integrity
  • Advertising
  • Confidentiality
  • Abuse of privilege
  • Safety
  • Moral value


Coaches are expected to understand the importance of respect, dignity, worth, and right to self-determination of each individual human and practice equality regardless of age, gender, religion, beliefs, or ethical values.


Well-being, safety, protection, and future of the individual must be the primary concern of a sports coach.  A balance has to be maintained between the performance development and the social, emotional, intellectual, and physical needs of an individual.

A coach has the authority to set limits and boundaries of the professional relationship between the coach and fellow sportsperson. A coach is expected to encourage a professional and growth-friendly environment.


Coaches must clarify all the fees and number of sessions in advance. Coaches must clarify to their sportsperson if they are committed to any other place or event or person and ask if fellow sportsperson or performer is committed to other event or coach.

Coaches must expect reciprocated commitment and should be informed by the performer or their guardian or parent if there is any change in a scenario that may affect sportspersons’ performance in near future.

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Coaches must cooperate with the performer and other factors which might affect fellow sportsperson’s performance which can be Performer’s educational and career counseling which might be affected due to involvement in sports. Performer’s medical and psychological evaluation.


Coaching integrity says a coach must not encourage his pupils and is expected is strongly discourage any behavior or activity that may hamper the spirit of sports.

There should be no effort to avail an unfair advantage by any means. The coach must teach fellow sportsmen to practice integrity and respect opponents. A coach’s pupil should act professionally in both victory and defeat.


Coaches are expected to advertise qualification, training, and services accurately and restrained by professionalism. Coaches must present proof of current qualification when questioned.


In a professional relationship between a coach and a sportsperson, an agreement must be put in place to protect the confidential information obtained by the coach willingly or unwillingly. Information is not to be shared with a third person. Such information can be on the following topics: performance in an event, personal information, result of many events, and so forth.

Abuse of privilege

A coach may have the privilege of regular interaction with the performer or traveling with a sportsperson on certain events and times.

A coach is expected to reflect high personal standards and not obtains unfair advantage of privilege through working relationships between a sportsperson and a coach. A coach must not display the use of any abusive substance and should maintain a professional and healthy look regardless of personal appearance.


The safety of a sportsperson or performer must be the primary concern of a coach. A trainer should never advise a method or training or technique to performers that may cause harm to them in any way physical, mental or emotional.  Pupil’s safety is the responsibility of the coach and shall be treated as such.

Moral value

There is always a how the question “How moral values affect coaching style?”. The moral values of a coach may be reflected upon his fellow pupil and may affect the sportsperson’s performance, sports mentality, and game spirit in a positive or negative way.

Hence a coach is expected to hold high moral values and inspire the same among his fellow pupil.

Upon going through each aspect of ethical and moral values and professionalism in sports coaching.

We can say that the ethical value and professionalism of a coach plays a big role in the development and performance of his pupil and each sportsperson should uphold high values and the same should be done by a coach.

Hence, a coach can do or undo his pupil so the professionalism of a sports coach is of uttermost importance for a performer will reflect the qualities of the coach.

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