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Updated on: 4th Feb 2021

Risk Perception Theories for Singapore Psychology Students

Even without our knowledge risk perception is a major part of our life. It greatly affects our every decision irrespective if it’s big or small. So today we will discuss the risk perception theories in this sample essay.

Moreover, we will go through the definition of risk perception, types of risk perception, the factors that affect risk perception, and the importance of risk perception.

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What is Risk Perception? Definition

Risk perception refers to subjective judgments made concerning the possible negative or harmful event that may happen. These events or occurrences can be accidents, injuries, death or demise, financial or emotional loss, diseases, and so on.

Nevertheless, none of us is unknown to this concept; even though many of us might not know the theoretical definition of this we all experience it. Risk perception is embedded in the very nature of mankind. Some of us experience it at a lesser level while for some it is a larger factor but we all do have it.

Moreover, risk perception is divided into two dimensions based on the processes of our brain. Which areas mentioned below:

  • The cognitive dimension: refers to how well one understands and knows the risks.
  • The emotional dimension: what one feels about the risks is contained in this demission.

Why Risk Perception is important?

Risk perception plays an important part in health and risk communication. This is because it determines which hazards one cares about and how they deal with them.

But how we understand risk and how we choose to react to them affects us greatly. Risk perception does affect our decision-making for better or for worse depending on the given situation.

Nevertheless, small and larger risk affects our daily lives and our risk perception affects our response to them. These can range from deciding to go out or not while you are ill or your reaction during or after an accident takes place.

However, it doesn’t affect just the person themselves but for all the people they are responsible for. For example being: if the head of the family fails to act correctly to potential financial or other risks the whole family will be affected. This theory applies to larger and smaller levels, like the president of a country and head of an organization or mother and father of children.

Theories of Risk Perception

As you must have assumed, the topic of risk perception is a very vast one. It doesn’t fall in a single category of studies. Therefore, people from various different fields have tried their hands on this topic and devised different theories.

Moreover, these theories come from three different families i.e. field of studies. We will discuss the fields and the respective theories in the fields.

Moving on, the three families are as mentioned below.

  • Psychology approaches
  • Anthropology or sociology approaches
  • Interdisciplinary approaches

Now we shall discuss each one of the above in a little detail.

1. Psychological approach

As we know psychology concerns itself with understanding the cognitive and mental processes of a person, this case was no different. This approach began when researchers were trying to understand the concept of how people process information.

Moreover, over time few psychologists tried to understand the risk perception which gave birth to the psychological theories of perception which we will discuss below.

The three psychological theories of risk perception are:

  • Heuristics and biases theory
  • Cognitive Psychological theory
  • Psychometric paradigm

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2. Anthropology or sociology approach

The anthropology or sociology theories say that risk perceptions are socially constructed and revolve are cultural values and a person’s way of life.

This approach gave rise to two theories of risk perception. These theories are as mentioned below.

  • Cultural theory
  • National Culture and Risk Survey

3. Interdisciplinary approach

An interdisciplinary approach is where many different perspectives are taken into consideration and the problem is solved or looked at from outside-the-box methods. This gives rise to a unified approach to the situation.

However in this case there is only one theory devised through this approach which is mentioned below.

  • Social amplification of risk framework

Types of Risk Perception

Risk perceptions are divided into two types. This division is based on how a person decides to approach risk perception. These two types are

1) Deliberative risk perception

2) Affective risk perception

Now we shall discuss these types of risk perception in a little detail. Starting from:

Deliberative risk perceptions:

This type of risk perception is systematically and logically processed in one’s mind. A person may also take a rule-based approach under this category. Deliberative risk perceptions are usually absolute or comparative.

This means that a person relies on logical and systematic reasoning to determine what bad events might occur in their life based on their understanding of risks. A person might also judge the situation based on their set of rules they have decided.

Affective risk perceptions:

This refers to what effect might certain or several have. This type of risk perception affects our judgment and decision making based on the effect and uncertainty of the perceived risk.

Furthermore, feeling anxious and excessive worrying is associated with this category. Affective risk perceptions are connected to preventive behaviors and it also forces notable changes in one’s behavior.

Factors Affecting Risk Perception

Risk perceptions are rarely fully logical. People rather perceive risk based on their own emotional and cognitive capacities. Hence, researchers have studied and devised 14 factors that might affect how a person perceives’ risk.

These 14 factors are as discussed below:

1. Trust

The feeling of safety depends on whether a person trusts the information he is receiving or not. The information can be official information or self-derived.

If a person trusts the information concerning a possible risk they tend to feel safer as compared to when they don’t trust it.

2. Origin

The origin of risk is also a major factor. This means that if the risk is self-imposed or created people tend to feel safer as compared to when risk is of the external factors.

For example, people get angry when someone is talking on the phone while driving and yet doesn’t feel the same way when they themselves do it.

3. Control

Perception of control is matters. Moreover,this means that people feel safer when they are in control of the situation as compared to when they do not have any control of it.

An example is when driving a car feels safer than flying in an airplane even though automobile crashes are more likely than their aviation counterparts.

4. Nature

Nature of the risk affects one’s perception as natural risk like rain, heat, etc are usually less harmful as compared to manmade risk example being instruments for war

5. Scope

The risk’s scope also matters as cataclysmic risks, capable of killing many people at the same time, are more feared as compared to chronic risks which kill just as many people but over a longer period of time.

6. Awareness

Awareness towards risk matters greatly a larger event like a terrorist attack will scare you less as compared to an event that has happened very close to you like dead or accident of someone close.

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7. Imagination

It means that when threats are not clear to you, or you do not understand them completely they will appear scarier. On the other hand, if you have full knowledge of the risk you will feel safer.

8. Dread

Risk or events that give rise to the feeling of dread are noted to be scarier to the ones that don’t. Examples of these dread invoking risks are being burned alive or drowning or being closed in a narrow space.

9. Age affected

The fear of risk also depends on the age group it is affecting. Example: when smoke smokes near children as compared to when they smoke near adults.

10. Uncertainty

Event uncertainty is a major factor as if you are certain of a risk you will feel safer whereas when the occurrence of risk is uncertain.

11. Familiarity

If you are familiar with risk or not affects one’s perception of risk, because a familiar risk is anticipated as compared to a novel one.

12. Specificity

If you know specifics of risk or you do affects your perception. For example, if wrongdoers who are publicly identified evoke a greater emotional reaction than those who remain nameless and faceless.

13. Personal impact

Risk or event that occurs to someone close has a greater impact as compared to someone who is unknown.

14. Fun factor

If the fun factor is involved, a person ignores the fatal risk related to it. Examples of this being extreme sports, fast driving, and so on.

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