A Marketing Research on Anyone Food Establishment in Singapore :Diploma in Travel, Tourism and Hospitality Management Assignment,MDIS, Singapore

University Management Development Institute of Singapore (MDIS)
Subject Diploma in Travel Tourism and Hospitality Management

Working title

  • A Marketing Research on anyone Food Establishment in Singapore (preferably Canadian Pizza)

Research question or questions

(Ensure what you write in this section logically requires a question mark) Max 3

  • What is the relationship between customer service and customer satisfaction?
  • How to improve customer satisfaction?
  • What kind of customer service is helpful for customer satisfaction?

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Research Aim

(This is one over-arching statement to support your objectives)

  • The research aim is to find the influence of … customer service/ relationship between customer service and customer satisfaction

Research Objectives

(Objectives should commence with a verb.  Examples are to analyze, to establish, to review, to examine.  The final objective should be to recommend … For a Masters’s dissertation, four objectives in total is usually sufficient.  Each objective should be numbered and be no longer than one complete sentence.  In the final chapter of your full dissertation you will be required to state how the objectives of the study have been met)

Reasoned Justification of the Study

(A brief statement on the business/management reason for the study.  Examples may be due to a performance issue which could be people, process or resource-based)

  • Research problem: what problem is currently existing in this company/ area/ industry/ hotel/ restaurant…..

Limitations of the Study

(Every piece of research is limited.  You may state that the research is limited to one department of an organization or one town within a country and therefore it is a preliminary analysis.

Note: your personal time is not a research/statistical limitation

Relevant Theme and Disciplined Area

(Examples for this section could be management, change management.  Include an academic definition of the terms and ensure you provide the source, based on Harvard)

Customer satisfaction/ Marketing Management

Employee motivation, leadership- human resource management

Initial Theoretical Research- literature review

(This section should identify academic theory related to the theme and disciplined area identified above.  A list of six sources, of which at least four should journal articles is required, together with a very brief precise of the paper.  These should be in alphabetical order by author’s surname)

  • Relevant knowledge of your own topic

Types of Data Employed

(This section requires content related to primary and secondary data AND the sampling technique that will be utilized in the dissertation to collect the data)

  • Difference between primary and secondary data
  • sampling technique

Method of Data Collection

(The most frequently used method is the questionnaire, you may also elect to conduct interviews, this is primary data.  You should state, briefly, what method you intend to use and why.  It is essential to define the terms used, based on academic sources.  In certain situations, the use of secondary data is relevant to support a study, for example, annual reports produced by a company, the Office of National Statistics, and other authentic sources.)

  • Qualitative research (definition, application, strength, and weakness.)
  • Quantitative research (definition, application, strength, and weakness.)
  • Comparison of qualitative and quantitative research

What are you going to use to collect data, and why?

Design a survey form/ questionnaire

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