The Project Proposal You Have been Asked by your line Manager Clinical Leader to Lead on the Introduction: Leadership and Innovation Assignment, ENU, Singapore

University Edinburgh Napier University (ENU)
Subject Leadership and Innovation

Leadership and Innovation: The Project Proposal You have been asked by your line manager/clinical leader to lead on the introduction of a new practice into your clinical area. The change has been successfully piloted in a number of other clinical settings, both within and external to, your organization.

You are to be the designated ‘change agent’ – and will be working full-time on the project. You will lead a small team of two nursing colleagues, who are junior to you. and will each have 25% of their time allocated to the project. You have a small budget to allow for printing and other incidental costs.

The time frame allocated to the introduction of the change is eight to ten weeks.

1. ‘New practice’

The change you are seeking to introduce is theoretical but in order to make it ‘real’,  we would like you to choose one of the following topics:

Implementation of the WHO guidelines on infection prevention and control

Introduction of bedside handover

Introduction of an ‘orientation and induction pack’ for new staff or learners

Implementation of the WHO guidelines on prevention of surgical site infection

Introduction of award falls-prevention strategy for older and vulnerable people

Introduction of the surgical pause Implementation of the WHO guidelines on risk reduction of cognitive decline and dementia

Implementation of the WHO Guidelines on Integrated Care for Older People

Introduction of ‘self- rostering’ for nurse duty-rotas

Introduction of ‘Patient Safety Leadership WalkRounds’

Introduction of the WHO Guidelines on Suicide prevention

‘WHO = World Health Organisation

Breakdown of assignment content, marks, and word count.

A. Introduction This section is where you outline what you will be examining in the proposal. It should be around 150-200 words in length and introduce your work as if to someone who is not familiar with the question.

You shouldn’t go Into too much detail here – but you should briefly introduce which aspects of leadership, innovation, and change management you plan to look at. Also, introduce the change in practice that is planned.

We would suggest that you write this section at the same time as your

conclusion – and consider writing them both after you have undertaken the ‘discussion’ section of your work. The introduction will be worth up to 10% of the total mark.

i) Innovation in healthcare This section should explore the role of innovation in the development of healthcare in general – and this should be linked to the specific change you are implementing.

We would suggest that you use a model such as SWOT, PESTLE, or PDSA which can help identify the effects of the working environment on a planned change. You should discuss possible implications of the change in the local (e.g. ward, clinic. district) and/or organizational (e.g. hospital/organization) environment)

ii) Use of evidence to support change You should outline why change needs to be based on evidence, what ‘good’ evidence looks like. and where it may be sourced (see below). You should also discuss the implications of not using credible sources to support change in terms of evidence-based practice and providing the best care.

iii) Leadership You should explore here why and how leadership is important in enacting change, including a detailed examination of two leadership models/theories.

You should identify their strengths and weaknesses and identify which you would choose to apply to the task. Tell your reader why you have chosen the leadership theory you think works best and try to give some examples2 of how you could put the theory into practice.

iv) Change Theory and Change Management You should discuss two change theories/models and clearly identify the one you plan to apply to your change – telling us why you chose it – then explore it in more depth.

Consider how that model would be applied to the change you are introducing and give examples (see below).

Consider the role of ‘change agent’ – discuss why it is so important – and why nurses often make excellent change agents.

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