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Updated on: 23rd Apr 2021
Early Team Management Theories Sample Essay

Early Team Management Theories Sample Essay

This essay sample of Early Team Management Theories for Singapore students. here we will discuss the What is Team Management?, Early Team Management theories,  Administrative Management Approach, Bureaucratic Management Approach, Scientific Management, etc.

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The Early Team Management Theories Essay is a very helpful paper in understanding the topic. If you want to download this essay for your school or college, just contact our experts and they’ll provide custom-made papers that are according to what’s needed at each institution!

Introduction- Early Team Management Theories Essay 

A “Team” is the building block of any organization in any given industry. For it is a team that achieves all the business goals and provides value to an organization. Now,  one might know how people come together, how they work, as well as how they become a “Team”. However, this is not all there is to it. One of the most important parts of the business is “Team management”.

Moreover, we all know the early industries were infamous were their treatment of employees. A situation was not always as they are today. That’s why in this sample essay, we shall be looking at some of the earliest theories of team management. This will provide us a good look early industrial situation. In fact, most of the theories mentioned here are relevant to industry 1.0.

Nevertheless, we shall be providing you all the information related to the topic here. Therefore, we shall be starting our discussion by looking at the definition of team management. The reason being that before moving to the theories themselves we must first understand the concept. Thus, without further adieu:

Main body- Early Team Management Theories Essay 

What is Team Management?

The term “Team management” refers to the process of administrating and coordinating a group of individuals(employees) and orient them towards their concerned tasks. It involves several different aspects. For instance teamwork, communication, objective setting, as well as appraisals based on performance.

Moreover, Team management also covers the identification and solution of unrest within the team. It consists of several different methods that usually come from different theories. In addition, the productivity and success of a team highly depend on their leaders, for obvious reasons.

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Early Team Management theories

We shall be discussing the early theories of management in this section. Before that, one should note that the word “early” is in the context of the industrial age. Thus, it refers to the very firsts of the team management theories. With this clarified, we shall be moving to the different theories of the same.

Moving on, the early theories of team management are, as mentioned below:

Administrative Management Approach

The administrative management approach was developed by theorist “Henri Fayol”. He published this theory in his “General and Industrial management” in the year 1916. It was quite an advanced theory of its time and even today it holds much importance.

Moreover, this theory of team management discussed the five basic management functions. These five functions are, as mentioned below:

  • The foresight of an organization.
  • Organizational planning and implementation.
  • Commanding and leading workers.
  • Coordination of activities and workers.
  • Control over the activities.

So these are the five management functions as described by Fayol. Consequently, we can say that the administrative management approach helps us understand basic management regardless of the nature of business. In addition to that, it focuses more on helping managers coordinate their work rather than increasing productivity or performance.

Moving on, we shall be looking at the Bureaicractic management approach in the next section.

Bureaucratic Management Approach

The “Bureaucratic Management Approach” was developed by a German citizen “Max Weber”. Weber was quite curious about industrial capitalism, especially about its successes in certain areas and failure in others.

Moreover, he traveled to the U.S.A to approach industrial capitalism closely. In his studies, he noticed that in America position of manager was filled by a fitting person. Whereas, back in Germany criteria focused on people’s social standing and their relations with owners.

Therefore, to eradicate this bias and favoritism, he proposed this theory of team management. Even though Bureaucracy holds a negative image today, here it reflects something else. It refers to a neutral and unbiased structure that is based on impersonal authority, official procedures, and differentiation of management from the owners.

Moreover, in this theory, Weber proposed the following:

  • Hierarchal management structure.
  • Division of operations
  • Systematic recruitment process.
  • Career-oriented
  • Official rules and regulations.
  • Impersonality

Scientific Management

This theory was developed by Frederick Winslow Taylor, who was an engineer. He developed this theory in the year 1889 while working at Bethlehem steel. It is here that he decided to conduct an analysis of soldiering-related issues. Soldering refers to a state where employees are working willingly underperforming.

Moreover, in his analysis, he observed each and every activity of workers thoroughly. He studied their movements, tools as well as other processes. Here, he concluded that workers can perform thrice as better, but avoid it deliberately. Thus, recommended that management should provide incentives in form of increasing wages in order to meet new operational goals.

Following Winslow Taylor’s instruction, the steel plant increased its production by a considerable level. Moreover, Similar to the administrative management approach, Scientific management theory also aims at improving management.

Moving on, in this theory, Taylor laid forward some templates to follow for other organizations. These are, as mentioned below:

  1. Every activity should be analyzed carefully to find the most effective way possible
  2. Each worker should be recruited carefully and trained to perform their respective tasks.
  3. Managers and employees should communicate clearly and corporate to boost productivity.
  4. Managers should plan and workers are responsible for implementing them.


There are many different management theories out there, but the ones that work best for early teams will depend on your team members. You should take time to discuss with them what they need and want from their manager before you make any decisions about how you’ll lead them. The right leadership style is worth it when it comes to ensuring success in an early-stage company!

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