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Updated on: 24th May 2021
DES 520 Communication Design for Business SUSS Assignment

DES 520 Communication Design for Business SUSS Assignment

In this Sample assessment, we shall be discussing the course DES520 Communication Design for Business SUSS offers. IT quite a renowned course. Each year many local and international students enroll in this course. As such, it is a level 5 course that also holds 2.5 credit units.

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Most of the time, all of the successful or innovative ideas came with the communication messages that are designed intentionally. The course aims to elevate the graduates’ as well as professors’ sensitivity to visual and design.  As such, this course help students improve their theoretical knowledge. In addition to this, it also helps improve their practical application of design and visuals in real-life situations.

They also learn the important elements and principles. These concerns the production, communication, and interpretation of information in physical and digital spaces. It helps them support the design and development of business documents. This includes the report, presentation slides, and many others.

However, it must be noted that this course doesn’t directly concern the concept of business report writing. Moving on, this course of SUSS covers several important topics. These include Design for experiences: Reading vs viewing, Information design principles, and techniques,The vocabulary of visual messages: Elements and principles, Document design III: Layout and composition, among others.

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Learning outcome of DES 520 Communication Design for Business

In this section of the sample assessment, we shall be looking at the learning outcome of the DES520 Communication Design for Business offered by SUSS. As such, this course covers several topics. Consequently, there are several important learning outcomes as well. Thus, without further adieu, these are as following:

What is the value of design in relation to document production?

This is one of the most important learning outcomes of DES520 Communication Design for Business. Here, students learn how to appraise the design value. This is taught in relation to document production. This helps them improve the overall design value and production of the Document.

Explain the development of design language which is commonly used in the communication design discipline?

The concept of “communication design discipline” is an important one in this field. For that reason, this course teaches just the same. As such, this design discipline requires a design language.

Therefore, students of this course are taught how to develop the design language the is used in the communication design discipline the majority of the time.

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How is the relationship and interaction of design elements is examined?

A balanced relationship is important for a system to work. The case is no different here. The relationship between different elements of design is quite important. Therefore, students of SUSS learn how to examine the relations as well as interactions of these different design elements.

How can you defend the document design decisions using principles and techniques?

Learning to defend one’s own decisions is very important. Thus, DES 520 Communication Design for Business teaches students how to defend their document-related decisions. This is taught in relation to different principles and techniques. As such, it helps the student learn how to protect their standing in a further corporate role.

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