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Updated on: 17th Jul 2021
NPM510 Strategic Planning for Non-Profit Organisations Assignment Sample SUSS, Singapore

NPM510 Strategic Planning for Non-Profit Organisations Assignment Sample SUSS, Singapore

In this assignment sample, we will be going to discuss the NPM510 Strategic Planning for Non-Profit Organisations Assignment Sample of SUSS, Singapore. Strategic planning continues to be the most common organization development and change management activity undertaken in both non-profit and for-profit organizations.

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Expectations of today’s society have grown, demanding better measures of financial transparency, integrity, collaboration among key stakeholders within an environment that is a business norm given the wide use of social media and new technologies which has disrupted how we manage our resources as much as it does to those who are more traditional with their methods.

The study of strategic planning is not an easy one, but it can be rewarding for those who follow the basic principles and insights. The course will examine non-profit organizations in detail to provide a better understanding of how they should approach their own goals while considering national culture as well.

All types of social service industries are included, from local perspectives that take into account society’s values at large so there is no room for misunderstanding or misstep when making decisions about what direction your organization needs to go next.

The course will explore a range of factors impacting the strategic process. The leadership qualities needed for non-profits and how to tackle change in light of this plan are all topics that come up, as well as anticipated challenges arising from implementing it successfully.

This course aims to challenge students to build strategic capacity in their non-profit organizations through an experiential learning approach. The objective of the course is to equip students with a well-rounded understanding of strategic management concepts and practices so that they can advance their own organization’s performance.

the purpose of this course was designed to analyze and apply the practices of strategic planning in a non-profit organization. Strategic concepts such as mission, vision, and objectives are reviewed. Implementation of a strategic plan is emphasized throughout the course by providing the relevant case studies for students to analyze. This will enable them to apply their learning towards real-life situations and hence learn from other practitioners’ best practices or failures in these areas.

TMA, GBA, TOA Assignment solution of NPM510 Strategic Planning for Non-Profit Organisations module SUSS

At the end of this course, the students enable to understand Strategic Planning for Non-Profit Organisations with the help of the following learning outcomes:-

1. Discuss basic concepts associated with strategy and planning in relation to the social

Basic Concepts Associated with Strategy in Relation to the Social Articulating a strategy is about clarity between an organization’s desired outcome, and the path/steps it will take to achieve its desired outcome.

A strategy is more than a list of tactics; it should be based on four principles: integrate physical logistics into all plans, create manpower where none exists, aim for asymmetric dominance through decentralized decision making; time is your most important asset get there before everybody else does. It should include an outline of how the business will behave over different periods (across future, near-term, and short-term).

A successful plan requires recognizing core competencies that can be leveraged by integrating focus points.

Planning is an essential process that motivates, facilitates, and anchors our interactions with others. Planning is a cognitive mechanism through which we solve the challenges of social living.

Planning – The process of understanding what can be accomplished by when and how in order to meet obligations or objectives in the upcoming days.

Social – All relationships among people that exist on a continuum from those based on formal rules (formal institutions such as government) to those based primarily on co-presence (informal connections). It was each person’s ability to make planning choices about their own lives that lead them to develop more complex social interactions.

2. Distinguish underpinning factors such as organization culture, social values, principles, models, and ethics required for effective planning strategies in non-profit organizations.

We can distinguish underpinning factors such as organization culture, social values, principles, models, and ethics required for effective planning strategies in non-profit organizations by discussing these factors in more detail.

Underpinning factors for planning strategies of non-profit organizations are basically the same as that for the commercial organization but over here, there is a need for effective assistance to disadvantaged people and thus it becomes a necessity to have overheads that can be easily managed by fewer personal rather than having many employees. This can reduce the cost of running the organization along with effective performance.

The culture of a non-profit organization is also important as this may also outline the greatest challenges and needs facing this type of group. Focus on development, creativity, and excellence in social interaction, good governance, building trust between all stakeholders systemically with effective communication skills & high level of motivation is expected from non-profit group’s leaders.

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3.Analyse relevant concepts to deepen and enhanced understanding of the strategic planning processes

We can analyze relevant concepts to deepen our understanding of the strategic plan.

Analyses are hard work for the inexperienced. This is because evaluating is not following intuition or natural inclination, but rather following careful reasoning and making judgment calls that are difficult to do quickly. This is why thinking before acting and analyzing relevant concepts will help you determine your next best steps in the long run of your career as a strategist.

There are many influences at work on a corporate strategy, some inside and some outside the organization. One way to analyze these factors would be from an economic perspective looking at revenues, expenditures, net assets/equity (assets fewer liabilities), values added, economic indicators such as trends in demand-supply balance across various markets.

4. Critique assumptions about effective leadership and its implications for practice in a non-profit organizational setting.

We can Critique assumptions about effective leadership and its implications for practice in a non-profit organizational setting through the following theories:

Leadership theory in an NPO environment– Practicing leadership is the most important task for any individual who wants to make a difference in this world. Thus, people are pushed into leadership positions where they have to demonstrate their skills, learn new ones, and develop others.

In order to achieve his vision, there are various ways of practising it but the major way is by influencing others such as employees in the workplace or students at school and university environments (Moorhead & Griffin,2015). Effective leaders influence them towards the goal that has been set out before them if he is doing a good job otherwise everything might go wrong since everyone else would just follow his lead unswervingly and without asking him what it is all.

5. Examine planning concepts and create tools for developing a powerful strategic plan in the social service sector/context/context.

We can examine planning concepts for developing a powerful strategic plan by defining the organization’s mission statement; developing a scenario analysis; conducting market research such as customer surveys and competitive intelligence to analyze competitors’ products and services; understanding the current climate, needs, and trends in order to predict future scenarios including potential changes to laws or regulations.

Finally, we need to identify stakeholders including customers, suppliers, employees (or any other stakeholders), identify their needs and perceptions of the company. If you need assistance with this process then I suggest contacting an external consultant through LinkedIn or something related.

We can examine tools for developing a powerful strategic plan by understanding the basics of implementing strategy and planning in a company.

Strategy permeates every aspect of business, from customer communications to employee acquisition to where the company operates and it’s always key. Most importantly, the strategy should not be thought about as just being critical; instead, it should be looked at as an iterative process that needs revision and adjustment. To enable this dynamic philosophy to effectively develop stronger strategies in your organization, you need to take care of these important items:

  • Seek input from all levels within the organization (especially if we’re talking about performance)
  • Review current status
  • Diversify perspectives when making decisions since life isn’t binary.

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5. Compare and contrast the effectiveness of change intervention strategies.

We can compare and contrast the effectiveness of change intervention strategies for the organization by identifying the characteristics of each strategy. Each change strategy has its own way of handling issues that will come up during implementation.

Each situation is different, but nonetheless, there are similar steps in all change intervention strategies. In this assignment sample, we’re going to learn about several types of change management plans and how they can be used effectively for the organization’s future success:

1. Contingency Change Plan

2. Strategic Planning

As we can see from the above comparison, each plan has its benefits and shortcomings. But which of them is the most effective for the organization? It depends on how you use each one. If you’re a great change planner in your own right then no doubt you’ll nail it!.

In this assignment sample, we’ve provided basic step-by-step instructions to help you get started. We also included some handy tips as well so that you won’t go wrong with your implementation process.

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