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Updated on: 17th Jul 2021
ECE 599 Independent Curriculum Project Assignment sample of SUSS, Singapore

ECE 599 Independent Curriculum Project Assignment sample of SUSS, Singapore

In this assignment sample, we will be going to discuss the ECE 599 Independent Curriculum Project Assignment sample of SUSS, Singapore. Building on ECE525 Investigating Curricular Content and Constructivist Pedagogies, ADL598 Learning Design Project, and ECE599 Independent Curriculum Project offer students the opportunity to integrate their early childhood education (ECE) learning by designing a short line of inquiry into an ECE curricular topic.

Students will have the opportunity to make this small-scale independent study relevant and meaningful in order for them to not only contribute new knowledge but also share that information with other teachers or parents who may be interested.

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This course will have group seminars to serve as provocations for students’ thinking, including sessions with guest speakers discussing contemporary issues of curriculum and pedagogical leadership. In these discussions, they’ll use the Socratic Method and design thinking principles to help them find their own questions on education in general or teaching specifically.

Students are encouraged to research what interests them about ECE (i.e., specific questions, problems) through a literature review before coming up with an individual line of inquiry for them which can be researched further during this class period or any other time outside it according to personal needs/circumstances.

The scope of this independent study could include designing a workshop or course on an identified topic of learning need, evaluating a set of educators’ resources, and even helping to design the perfect new resource for teachers!

This course was designed to let students decide what they want to learn about most in ECE and, through a literature review, further narrow the scope of what they wish to research into something manageable. This course is designed for those who have completed an undergraduate degree or higher and would like to continue learning towards an advanced degree (Masters or Ph.D.), or anyone looking to enhance their knowledge in this field, regardless of relationship with the future profession as a teacher.

TOA, TMA, GBA Assignment solution of Independent Curriculum Project Module SUSS 

At the end of this course Singaporean students will be able to learn about the Independent curriculum project module with the help of the following learning outcomes :

1.Examine contemporary issues of curricular and pedagogical leadership in educational settings.

We can examine contemporary issues of curricula by looking at curriculum history.

The foremost writers on curriculum study, like John Dewey, argue for moving education away from assembly line production and towards a more engaging learning environment – one which privileges exploration over rote memorization. Current discussions are focusing on the role of technology in 21st-century education; spearheaded by conversations around MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) and other online tools.

Enthusiastic educators have found ways to use these technologies as extensions of their own classroom work- it’s no longer enough just to give out information or lecture to your students. You need to engage them in thinking about topics, going beyond what they already know, and providing them with personalized challenges.

We can examine pedagogical leadership in educational settings. Firstly, it is important to consider the importance of a director for their staff within an organization. Secondly, we should assess how power is shared in order to determine the stability of said power. Thirdly, we need to know who has what responsibilities and how they balance them out (such as workload). Finally, supervision needs to be examined accordingly by mentoring teachers or providing feedback on teacher’s performance.

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2.Discuss the learning needs of ECE teachers in Singapore.

Many ECE teachers in Singapore recognize that their knowledge of contemporary teaching approaches is insufficient. There has been a need for “learning and professional development opportunities specific to the areas of pre-school education, such as curriculum and pedagogical issues, instructional techniques, teacher growth, etc.” (Heng & Kogawa 2000)

The areas of need are not so much about what courses to take or how long they will last but more about what skills fellowships should have and whether there are too many course options within distances education.

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3.Evaluate available literature and/or resources to support teacher learning in ECE.

We can examine the following criteria to evaluate available literature and resources to support teacher learning ECE.

  • Scope – which aspects of teaching do they cover?
  • Blind reviews – is the material peer-reviewed?
  • Methods – in this research based on any particular theories or methodologies? If so, these should be identified in a brief abstract; if not, state that.
  • Relevance – (if you are reading about multicultural education) does this resource look at anyone else’s diversity other than your own (e.g., gender, sexual orientation)?
  • Audience -Who are these materials for?

4.Draw upon their knowledge of Socratic questioning techniques and design thinking principles.

Socratic questioning techniques: Once the person you’re questioning feels comfortable and thought-provoked, instead of coming up with a theory or explanation to show them right away, ask them deeper questions that might lead to their own revelation about what happened. The point here is not to have all the answers but just to get someone as close to it as they know how or can experience on their own.

Design thinking principles: This is a systematic process that people use when solving problems in our complex highly connected world where demands are constantly shifting and evolving. A person following design thinking approaches a problem by identifying an unmet need relating to the user’s needs, queries for information through observations of users, and constructs an idea.

5.Create an end-product (e.g., workshop, resource) that will benefit adult learning in the area of ECE curriculum and pedagogy.

We can create an end-product (e.g., workshop, resource) that will benefit adult learning in the area of ECE curriculum and pedagogy by doing a review of the literature.

The end-product should be an assessment tool that will reveal to learners strengths and weaknesses in the area of ECE curriculum. Potential measures include item types called “true” or “false,” “traditional multiple-choice questions” (which may entail flipping a coin to answer), or other novel measures. The assessment tool could then be used for benchmarking, as well as motivation and inspiration.

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If you create an end-product, then the more valuable it is in terms of impact on ECE learning, the more likely it is that people will continue using it and viewing its worth. There’s a good chance your end-product would also be readily adopted by other teachers or educational institutions. When this happens, not only are the design concepts validated but they’re replicated as well.

The original creators of all these variations can share their know-how with other designers and teach them new tricks. Although it might sound complicated, designing an effective end product isn’t as difficult yielding high value in terms of impact on the ECE curriculum.

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6.Critique one’s independent study.

In order to critique your independent study, several steps need to be taken. Follow them below and see for yourself how easy it can be.

1)Research the article that you are critiquing; a critique is as much about analyzing the work as it is an analysis of how closely you followed the expectations of a critical examination (for example, having an understanding of what constitutes a formal introduction or what constitutes evidence in support of one’s position).

2) Attempts to be non-judgemental with observations while using language that is specific and descriptive. When giving feedback on major errors observed, attempt not to personalize criticism but try instead for constructive feedback on where improvement could take place.

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