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COU 568 CFT Supervision for Practice Assignment Sample of SUSS Singapore

COU 568 CFT Supervision for Practice Assignment Sample SUSS Singapore

In this assignment sample, we will be going to discuss the Supervision for Practice SUSS, Singapore. The supervision practicum in couple and family therapy aims to expand individual styles with the purpose of helping trainee therapists become more versatile. This course will also provide a greater awareness of the person within one’s family-of-origin, as well as explore how systemic therapy is used when working with an individual or individuals.

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This course was designed to assist in the process of becoming a certified couple and family therapist. The course is required for those who will be working in the field of mental health, to help them understand how humanistic therapy and systemic theory are used in the practice.

We can discuss this course from different perspectives, like theoretical perspectives and practical perspectives. If we look at it from the theoretical perspective, we can say that this course is an important part of an individual’s professional development as a couple and family therapist; these effective theories provide guidelines for professionals regarding their personal approach while guiding client’s therapies.

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At the end of this course, the student will be able to understand the Supervision for Practice module with the help of the following learning outcomes.

1.Construct the theoretical and conceptual framework underlying the various couple and family therapy skills

We can construct the theoretical and conceptual framework underlying the various couple and family therapy skills through different theoretical orientations and their philosophies. Each philosophy provides a different approach in implementing the skills and approaches to addressing couple or family issues.

  • A relationship is a way we, as individuals who consist largely of relationships, express who we are and what we want; it’s our map to directing a successful life. Within this framework, every couple has its own unique map to a successful life.
  • Relationships function best when both partners recognize their individual need for autonomy and when they are able to make effective compromises in response to each other’s needs.

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When these elements are present, couples can provide mutual support and partnership in meeting their personal goals (as well as those that have been mutually agreed on) so that they stay connected while maintaining different roles in both life and the relationship.

2.Appraise the common factors of change in couple and family therapy

Couple and family therapy positions are usually behavioral, cognitive, emotional, or existential in nature. In behavioral play therapy, for example, the therapist helps children assume social roles (or personas) to more fully understand their fears and desires.

Cognitive behaviorists may help clients identify how they respond to triggers that cause them anxiety or anger; meanwhile, people often use these principles to change behaviors when designing systems of belief and attitudes based on cognitive values.

Read also this Sample: COU 564 Emotion-Focused Therapy for Couples Assignment Sample

A primary factor of change in couple and family therapy is behavior, which includes both overt actions and internal thoughts. Therapists seek to sensitize clients to their own thoughts, feelings, and behaviors as they occur at the moment.

Therapists observe that the client’s current aware experience sets the stage for future functioning by establishing problems or solutions that are likely to be repeated.

Therefore, one of the goals of therapeutic interventions is often teaching new skills—defining a goal situation or new response behavior (trying something different), following through with it until it becomes a habit (something clients can do without thinking about it), and finally practice–rehearsing “future problems” so that new solutions become habits before they happen.

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3.Organize the concept of the “Person-of-the-Therapist” within one’s clinical setting

A Person-of-the Therapist typically is defined in response to a person’s unique situation, and the therapist’s identity is generally contextualized within this specific situation. As such, it would be difficult to give one clear portrayal of the “Person-of-the Therapist” as that term is understood in clinical settings. In most cases, therapists find themselves within their profession because of an inherent need they have fulfilled that was not met by other roles or professions.

There are many possible scenarios for how a therapist can be affected by the therapeutic process; therapists might harbor some emotional distress (such as anger) for having sought help from someone who they perceive as being at fault or weak for needing guidance.

They may also be affected by their client’s issues and how they might relate to them as people with different personal struggles and life situations, or as an “Other” who is keeping the counselor from pursuing certain goals or serving specific interests.

The fact that these are people-oriented professions means that therapists need to prioritize fitting in well with the rest of society and ought to have good relationship skills. Of course, if they hope to help others solve their relational problems, then it would help to have knowledge about personal development beyond what has already been accomplished so far.

4.Demonstrate the clinical skills needed to assess the presenting couple/ family issues from a systemic perspective

We can demonstrate the clinical skills needed to assess the presenting couple/ family issues from a systemic perspective through discussion/ analysis of the following:

We can demonstrate clinical skills needed for assessing and managing couple or family problems, from a systemic perspective through discussion/ analysis of the following.

We can demonstrate knowledge about therapeutic approaches to couples or couples with children in terms of applying them across various settings by discussing how each approach has been applied primarily in general counseling setting, individual therapy setting, family therapy setting, community-based organization setting, etc., as well as how they have been made culturally relevant through cultural awareness training provided by CFT.

5.Develop CFT strategies and skills in the clinical work with couples and families

We can develop CFT strategies and skills in clinical work with couples and families, by studying various theoretical models in relationship, family, and couples therapy.

For example, there are several couple/relationship theories that have been developed:

The CFT scope of practice statement is designed to provide guidelines for the kind of activities undertaken by counselors who use a cognitive-behavioral and family systems approach in their clinical work with individuals, couples, or families.

The preamble states, “Counselors who reach the level of expertise described in this document should be able to demonstrate competency in all domains defined as within the scope of practice or agreed upon by participating regulators.”

6.Apply the appropriate couple and family therapy strategies/ techniques to a given clinical case

We can apply the appropriate couple and family therapy strategies/ techniques to a given clinical case by exploring the presenting problem, assessing the functioning of individuals and families, identifying processes such as communication patterns or interactions which may be related to the symptoms and disturbance within each marital/ family member’s life.

By exploring all relevant couple and family issues we can then assess what therapy would be most appropriate for this particular family or individual. It is necessary that a diagnosis should first be made before treatment begins. The type of treatment given will depend on various factors; these include:

  • The patient’s age
  • Their physical condition
  • Their emotional state
  • What stage they are at in terms of their psychological development.

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