University | University of Birmingham (UoB) |
Subject | MKT6045: One Planet Business |
MODULE TITLE: One Planet Business
Assessment Brief
As the Sustainability Manager within an organisation of your choice, you have been asked to produce a business report for the Senior Management Team that considers the sustainability issues within the industry and presents a new, sustainable product or service to address one or more of these issues.
Your chosen organisation must operate within one of the following sectors:
- Restaurant and food retail
- Clothing and footwear retail (Please select this)
- Consumer electronics
Writing style should reflect the assessment scenario, i.e. you are a Sustainability Manager within an organisation who is writing a report for the Senior Management Team. As such, it is expected that your document will include:
- A title page, containing the company logo, report title, distribution list and report date
- A table of contents, including the page numbers of sections
- An introduction, outlining the purpose and structure of the document
- A clear structure that aligns with the tasks, using numbered headers and sub-headers to break your work into sections
- Closing comments
You need to imagine that the reader has not read an assessment brief and therefore should use narrative to ‘tell your story and guide the reader through your document.
Required tasks (2 Tasks)
You are required to produce a business report for your chosen organisation in which you:
Identify sustainability issues in all areas of the Triple Bottom Line that are currently facing the industry in which your organisation operates AND evaluate the extent to which your organisation is addressing these issues in relation to three key competitors.
Task 1(Shown in below 2.1, include 2.1.1, 2.1.2 & 2.1.3 – need to talk about industry analysis
There are two elements to this question and you must address both of them. It is expected that you will undertake an appropriate level of secondary research into the sector in which your chosen organisation operates, demonstrating an up to date knowledge of relevant sustainability issues relating to all areas of the Triple Bottom Line – People, Planet and Profit. You should aim to identify a minimum of two distinct issues within each area, providing a good insight into the issue and its impact, using facts, figures and real-life examples to illustrate points; marks will not be awarded for generic information.
Task 2(Shown in below 2.2 Competitor analysis, Total words count will need 450 words+/- in this part)
Your competitor analysis should be clearly linked to the identified sustainability issues. It should evaluate how your organisation, and three of its key competitors, are addressing these issues, using facts and figures to support your evaluation. It is recommended that you use a table for your competitor analysis followed by an overall commentary at the end that provides a conclusion to your evaluation.
Example for a table for competitors as follows
(Note: need to compare all the 6 issues as above mentioned)
- Propose, with justification, a new or improved product or service that addresses one or more of the identified sustainability issues, providing a clear definition of the value proposition AND a concept visualisation or storyboard that outlines the features and benefits
Your proposed product or service could be a brand new concept or an improved version of a product that the organisation already sells, although any improvements to an existing product should be reasonably significant. The justification should be provided for your proposed product or service, which should clearly address one or more of the sustainability issues identified in
Task 1. A clear value proposition must be provided using an appropriate framework (e.g. Geoff Moore’s Value Positioning Statement, Steve Blank’s XYZ, etc.). You must also provide a concept visualisation or storyboard of your proposed product or service, using a combination of visuals and text to describe it and explain its purpose, as well as the features and benefits. You are encouraged to be creative, but you must ensure that the reader is left with an understanding of what you are proposing and how it will work.
(Note Part 3.1: Proposed product is recommended instead of service)
(Note Part 3.2: A sketch is needed as Part 3.1 is the proposed product; – please use the Isometric Graph Paper to sketch the drawing)
- Identify challenges that your chosen organisation might face when trying to encourage consumers with non-sustainable behaviour to purchase your new product or service AND provide three, detailed recommendations for overcoming these challenges.
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