BUS293 : Put Yourself in the Shoes of a Business Analyst or Management Consultant for a Moment you Have to sell your Thinking on this one Page Because Many Managers: Organisational Theory and Behaviour Report, MU, Singapore

University Murdoch University (MU)
Subject BUS293 : Organisational Theory and Behaviour


Netflix Please only do the following sections: Executive Summary Introduction Importance of Netflix’s sustainability (SWOT).

2.3. Executive Summary (ES) (Commercial format) – one page only In the commercial world the ES is the most important page in the entire report.

Put yourself in the shoes of a Business Analyst or Management consultant for a moment; you have to sell your thinking on this one page because many managers do not have the time to read the entire report. Its high impact stuff with every word chosen to ensure the “Big Picture” is summed up in one page.

Typically, the contents of an executive summary are written last after the full structure, content, and scope of the report are defined. However, it does not hurt to have a draft written early as this may help define goals for the rest of the report while it’s being constructed. Furthermore, as new core ideas of significance emerge, you can amend the draft to reflect these revelations that naturally occur in the construction stages. Ultimately, its final form should be decided on after you are satisfied that all elements in the discussion sections and end report sections are finished. The following elements outline the typical contents of an ES. (Note: Justified alignment looks best – ie: even margins on both sides as shown here).

2.3.1 The Three Main Elements of the Executive Summary.

1. The topic and its significance: This introduces the issue in question and its importance to management. Usually, topics are linked with the key issues, for example with organization performance/survival and a possible emphasis of any secondary problem or symptom that may undermine performance or profitability.

2. The findings (conclusions): This provides the reader with your high-level evaluation of the issue in question. In essence your informed opinion – always stay 3rd person (No “I”, “my” etc). Here you make it clear what the key findings of your analysis are.

3. The recommendations and their benefits: This provides the reader with solutions to the issue in question along with some benefits. The entire executive summary should be no more than one page. To cover the above areas in one page will be challenging for most writers because writing a good ES will provide a reader with a concise high-level understanding of all the core issues. You don’t need subsections here.

2.3.2 Benefits of an Executive Summary (ES) As already stated, managers are very busy. If you can’t get the main messages across on a page, chances are you will lose their attention. The ES should be able to act as a stand-alone, powerful page that sells the report. However, there are also other benefits such as improving reader memory retention by providing a reader with a broad understanding of an issue that creates a framework around which the detailed information can be more readily interpreted.

2.4 Introduction – one page only This section should not go over one page in length. There must be 4 subsections on this page that cover specific requirements. Their names and content descriptions are listed below: 1. Topic: Here you introduce the topic and elaborate on its significance briefly. Do not provide findings; just define the key purpose.

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2. Limitations: Here you discuss the scope and constraints of the report by elaborating on any weaknesses or omissions. This is often due to topic complexity and problems relating to limited information (A common problem when examining topic/cases/organizations is that people often distort information for their own ends).

3. Sources of Data: State briefly what sources of data have been obtained. Are they secondary only, such as books, journals, papers, magazines, and websites, or have you obtained primary data such as direct interviews (note: primary data is not to be collected for this assignment).

4. Report Organisation: Here simply elaborate on the structure of the main body of the report so the reader knows what to expect and comment on whether you will provide any recommendations and conclusions. Do not mention the Intro or ES here.

2.5 Main Body of the Report/ Discussion – less than 3000 words This section requires the writer to present all the research uncovered. The characteristics of the discussion section are;

2.5.1Third-person, factual, objective, and impersonal. You simply present the evidence uncovered by research and draw attention to information of greatest significance.

• Split into numerous, logical sections and sub/sections to help structure the dialogue. Clearly, many of the questions being research may help structure the discussion (main body) of the report.

• The key issues/researched findings not only inform your research effort but also help structure the report discussion itself. The sections and subsections should have titles that reflect the content (as this guide demonstrates) and organize information logically. Obviously, the precise format may vary from topic to topic as the circumstances may vary, but in BUS293 you will nearly always find it best to have titles in major discussion sections that reflect the key issues in the topic.

• You do not draw attention to the reader or yourself (keep your writing to 3rd person perspective). Just present the facts found in your research.

• Helps define the core theories and concepts of organizational behavior and how they contribute to the organization’s current performance and sustainability.

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