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Updated on: 20th Dec 2021

SCO107 Challenging Sustainability Assignment SUSS Sample Singapore

The UN’s latest report on climate change is a serious problem that will affect every person alive today. It makes sense then, why there have been so many efforts in recent years to combat this global phenomenon via sustainable development goals and strategies for cooperation between private industry sectors at both local levels or internationally.” “The three pillars of sustainability—social economic environment–face unique challenges when it comes time to save our planet from total destruction due not only atmospheric changes but also resource shortages caused by overpopulation which leads us straight toward disaster! In Asia however you can find some response through national policies implemented and fulfilled by the will and involvement of communities, individuals and national institutions to which we owe great thanks.

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This paper will discuss sustainable development in Singapore and how it has been implemented by the government. It also includes a discussion about what your individual role as an environmentalist should entail, based on these initiatives being put into place for you to take advantage of or prevent any potential harm that could come from them if they are not successful at achieving their goals over time due lack support within society overall – especially when there is so much negativity surrounding this topic right now thanks largely due economic issues tied directly back with global warming.

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Assignment Activity 1: Outline the 3-pillars of sustainability and the UN SDGs.

  1. Pillar One: Economic Growth 

The first pillar of sustainability is economic growth. This pillar focuses on creating sustainable economies that meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. 

One way to measure economic growth is to look at a country’s GDP (Gross Domestic Product). The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) track 17 goals and 169 targets related to economic growth, including reducing poverty, creating jobs, and protecting the environment. 

  1. Pillar Two: Environmental Sustainability 

The second pillar of sustainability is environmental sustainability. This pillar focuses on managing natural resources in a way that minimizes negative environmental impact while meeting human needs.

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One way to measure environmental sustainability is to look at a country’s ecological footprint. A country’s ecological footprint measures the land area needed to provide for that country’s resource consumption, and the extent of its impact on biological systems worldwide. 

  1. Pillar Three: Social Sustainability 

The third pillar of sustainability is social sustainability. This pillar focuses on promoting equity and social inclusion, protecting human rights, reducing inequality, and building good governance.

One way to measure social sustainability is to look at gender-related development. Gender-related development examines the roles of men and women in society, education opportunities for girls and boys, child mortality rates by sex, differences in labor force participation, and the status of women in the political arena.

Assignment Activity 2: Describe international and regional strategies of cooperation.

The United Nations oversees international cooperation. It is composed of the assembly, made up of all members, which can discuss any issue at any time, and performs decision-making functions. The UN also has six major agencies with specific responsibilities – food and agriculture, natural resources management, civil aviation security, humanitarian assistance coordination – to name a few. Regional cooperation is handled by international organizations centered around geographical divisions. One example of this type of organization would be the Western European Union (WEU), which coordinates defense plans among member states during wartime as well as organizes peacekeeping missions in postwar periods. These are just two examples out of many for each type but they show how there are different types that encompass various regions or countries depending on which is involved. UN organizations also undertake cooperation tasks, as well as perform specialized functions by way of subsidiary bodies or coordinating offices.

Assignment Activity 3: Explain the sustainability challenges and responses by Asia and ASEAN.

The most pressing challenge for sustainable development in Asia and ASEAN is the pervasive poverty and inequality. This challenge is exacerbated by rapid population growth, unsustainable consumption and production patterns, weak governance structures, and natural disasters.

Many countries in Asia and ASEAN are making notable progress on a number of sustainability fronts. Recent policies and initiatives have been put in place to promote renewable energy, address deforestation, reduce traffic congestion, improve air quality, and support regional cooperation on water resources management. Yet despite these promising developments, the region faces daunting challenges in meeting the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Assignment Activity 4: Identify cultural, social, political and economic factors that undergird responses in Asia.

The social, polital, and economic factors behind response in Asia are hard to pinpoint precisely. It is not clear if there has been a change in social consciousness with the rise of electronic media platforms. It might be due to “obligation” for women to abstain from every day life as a result of working full-time or because they owe their husbands tribute or respect. Men still retain their dominance over gender roles despite an increase of women taking advantage of more opportunities throughout the last few decades. Men may feel they’re entitled due to misogyny encouraged by patriarchy from olden times, thus creating restrictions that restrict interactions between males and females. 

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Due to environmental factors such as immigration into areas that weren’t traditionally inhabited or a rise in the population, “increased the pressure on women, who are expected to manage their husbands as well as other family members” (p. 14). It is said that those from smaller families tend to be more liberal and those from larger families more conservative which would make them less likely to take advantage of equal opportunities due to increasing financial and social responsibilities to their relatives. In other words, the more people there are in a family, the less opportunities there are for women to break out of the mold and take on different tasks or roles.

Assignment Activity 5: Illustrate Singapore’s sustainability agenda and civil society initiatives with examples.

Singapore has set a high target for sustainability–to achieve economic development without significant negative environmental impact. To this end, the government has put in place a number of measures and initiatives, including the mandatory reporting of greenhouse gas emissions, the establishment of a carbon tax, and the development of an early warning system for climate risks.

The government also recognizes that civil society is an important partner in achieving sustainability, and has launched a number of initiatives to engage NGOs and citizens in sustainability efforts. For example, the National Environment Agency (NEA) organizes an annual Green Living Festival to promote sustainable living practices among citizens. The NEA also partners with schools to educate students about climate change and its effects on their environment.

Assignment Activity 6: Appraise sustainability solutions for individual action.

There are plenty of activities that go beyond recycling or just doing what we can to reduce our own footprint. Paying attention to the small things such as saving water and using it wisely, using less air conditioning and heating throughout the year, planting drought tolerant plants, building homes with energy-efficient design, gardening organically or living off the land if we choose to become homesteaders. Those who make these individual changes and see them as a first priority will be an example for others to follow.

The focus should be on creating sustainability solutions through individual actions because those might be more doable than big governmental projects that carry lots of risk for funding by large groups/governments; there is also manual labor involved in those sorts of things and people are often not able to do that because of their occupation or other reasons.

Living sustainably is something that we can all be a part of and should be encouraged, not only by friends, family and community members but by businesses as well. Many companies have started to go green in some way or another in order to try and improve the environment and to attract new consumers. Many of them will say it’s because they want to save money or resources, but in reality it is because consumers are asking for these changes and businesses are not going to continue what they’re doing if they don’t feel like there is a market for it.

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