ENVS3750: What are the properties in a biological system that an industrial system should mimic in order to be sustainable: Industrial Ecology for EOHS Course Work, UON, Singapore

University The University of Newcastle (UoN)
Subject ENVS3750: Industrial Ecology for EOHS
  1. What are the properties in a biological system that an industrial system should mimic in order to be sustainable?
  2. Singapore was previously known as a “garden city”. Going beyond planting more trees and developing additional parks, Singapore is remodeled as a “city in a garden”, and more recently “a city in nature”. Explain the significant change from a “garden city” to a “city in nature
  3. To qualify as an industrial ecosystem, at least three (3) industrial manufacturers must exchange at least 2 different materials among themselves. Give an example of an industrial ecosystem. Describe the 3 types of manufacturers and at least 2 types of materials that they would exchange among themselves.
  4. To ensure that Singapore has sufficient water, “NEWater” is drinking water recycled from domestic wastewater. Why is NEWater considered a good example of Industrial Ecology?
  5. In Singapore, major appliances such as refrigerators, laptops, air-conditioning units, and monitors are seldom recycled by either the consumer or the manufacturer. How does the “take-back policy:” proposed by the government assist in the reuse/recycling of these products?
  6. A medium-sized Japanese company with 3,000 employees assembles high-end lithium-ion batteries in two manufacturing facilities in the Dongguan industrial zone toxic materials in the batteries include metals, acids, and solvents. It has 10 sub-contractors in Vietnam, China, and South Korea.
  7. Out of the 10 sub-contractors: only 25% have an EMS; and 40% have environmental compliance violations in their wastewater, air, and solid waste discharges. The senior management team has an ambitious 10-year plan to raise the company’s profile to achieve “zero emissions” across ALL the manufacturing facilities. As an EHS consultant, how do you propose to assist the team to achieve this goal?
  8. Discuss the ways in which the key tools of industrial ecology can be applied in the service industry to improve environmental performance  Illustrate your answer with a service business of your choice.

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