ENG5100: What are the advantages and disadvantages of working remotely versus working in the office, both for the business and for employees: Professional engineer in organisation and society Assignment, MU, Singapore

University M*nash Univ*rsity (MU)
Subject ENG5100: Professional engineer in organisation and society

1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of working remotely versus working in the office, both for the business and for employees, given the team-based nature of the company’s work?
2. How can a shared organizational team culture and strong working relationships be built and sustained if employees are frequently working remotely?
3. How can a work practice model be developed which responds to the needs of the business and its clients, while responding to the diverse needs of skilled team members?
4. What steps can the business take to maximize individual and team performance and ultimately success? Consider motivation and other factors impacting team effectiveness.
5. Having “always treated all of his people in the same way”, what are the issues he needs to address in dealing with the diversity of gender, culture, and generational attitudes, which is now a significant issue, which he has previously ignored?
6. Given that team members are easily distracted by personal issues, and that younger team members are constantly distracted by mobile phones, how can the business reduce distraction and optimize concentration on the task at hand?. Consider any distractions which exist in virtual/remote workspaces, as compared to working in the office.

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