EDF5532: When working with clients, there are times when a counsellor’s personal values create challenges in their ability to work ethically: Ethics in Counselling Essay, MU, Singapore

University M*nash Univ*rsity (MU)
Subject EDF5532: Ethics in Counselling

Task 1

When working with clients, there are times when a counsellor’s personal values
create challenges in their ability to work ethically.

From the case list provided on Moodle, you are asked to identify which two clients would be most difficult for you to work with. For each case, please ensure you address the following three sub-headings.

1. Values and Values Conflict

  • Briefly identify why values are relevant for counsellors.
  • Describe the values conflict that has been presented with the client by self-identifying which core/personal values are being challenged.
  • Critically analyse/reflect on why this case would be difficult as a counsellor
    from a personal perspective given the values conflict that has been presented in the chosen case/s.

2. Potential Ethical Risks and Implications

  • Identify the potential ethical risks and implications (e.g., risks for the client and yourself as a counselor) that could occur if you were not able to appropriately manage the value conflict.
  • Consider whether there are any conflicts between your own personal values and those of the profession (as outlined in Codes of Ethics).

3. Practical Strategies

Describe some practical strategies you would implement that could help prevent or limit the impact of the values conflict and ensure ethical practice with the chosen client/s.

You should make it clear how these strategies will effectively contribute to
ethical practice. The chosen strategies may be used during the counseling session or outside

1. The essay demonstrates insightful personal self-reflection on the student’s own core values, with emphasis on those values relevant ethically in the selected case/s

2. The essay demonstrates deep and critical awareness of how the student’s own personal values may impact (or even disrupt) the counseling process. Relevant ethical implications for the client are identified

3. Suggestions are made for responding to the values conflict and related ethical issues. The suggestions are relevant, ethically appropriate, and linked to available literature

4. A selection of at least six relevant and recent journal articles are considered with an integrated, critical discussion of these provided where appropriate.

5. Presentation, mechanics & clarity. The work is concise (not exceeding word length), uses clear expression, and is well organized with the required subheadings. Literature sources are cited consistently and correctly using APA (7th Ed) formatting.

Reflective writing

Task 2

You have been provided with two ethical dilemmas in the unit guide. You are to
work through both cases using the ethical decision-making model of Steinman, Richardson, and McEnroe (1998). Use the following sub-headings to ensure that all steps are taken to reach a satisfactory decision. See the marking criteria (unit guide) for further detail on each element. 1500-2000 words for each case, 4000 maximum total

Part A

  • Identify the ethical issue/s
  • Ethical trap possibilities
  • Preliminary response
  • Possible consequences
  • Ethical resolution

Part B: self-reflection

  • Which aspect/s of this dilemma do you anticipate would be the most challenging for you to deal with? Why?

What makes a good assignment?

  • Addressing all criteria to a high standard
  • Demonstrating ethical knowledge and insightful self-reflection when required
  • Consistent referencing using APA (6th ed)
  • Sub headings to guide the marker
  • Clear, concise points and effective use of paragraphing.
  • Assessment feedback will be provided
  • 15 working days of submission
  • 20 working days following submission.

Only letter grades (not marks) are provided to students during the semester for
completed assessment tasks. Final grades are released to students on the
date of the official publication of results by the University, following the Board of Examiners meeting.

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