Considering the multi-faceted drivers of FDI location choice and what location-specific advantages could GSK exploit from Brazil: International Business Assignment, UOB, Singapore

University University of Birmingham (UoB)
Subject International Business

Question 1

Considering the multi-faceted drivers of FDI location choice (e.g. national-level, industry-level, and firm-level), what location-specific advantages could GSK exploit from Brazil?

Note to Writer: Explain why GSK choose Brazil as their location (Location choice) when answering questions use the following:

1. Theories applied (concepts, Framework, terminology)

2. Critical discussion (evidence to support your discussion)

3. Justification to support the argument Please discuss the 6 points given below (650 words) Economic Factors 3 Country Factors 2 Industry Factors Agglomeration 1 Firm Level Factor SAMPLE OF WORKING FILE TO BE CREATED & ATTACHED TO ASSIGNMENT ANNEX (please see my attachment document title: Assignment Requirement for all information needed to complete this assignment) For Lecture Notes you can refer to Seminar 1 (attached)

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