Updated on: 21st Jul 2022

NUS Grading System Singapore

NUS Grading System Singapore

The National University of Singapore (NUS) Grading System was first introduced in the academic year 2006/2007. 

This NUS Grading System is a set of rules and regulations that govern how courses and programs are graded at the National University of Singapore.

The system is designed to promote fairness and consistency in the evaluation of student work and to provide feedback that is useful for learning.

Modular Credits (MC)

Modular Credits (MC) is the credit system used by the National University of Singapore. It was introduced in AY 2004/05 to encourage NUS students to have a broad-based and holistic education.

Under the MC system, students need to complete a minimum of 160 MCs to graduate. The average study load for a student is 20 MCs per semester. These Modular Credits will be used to determine final grades and hence, ultimately, the degree classification that a student will receive on graduation.

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For most programmes, a student needs to fulfill several Modular Requirements in order to graduate, which normally includes General Education (GE) requirements, Programme-Specific Requirements (PSR) and Unrestricted Electives (UE).

Students can also use their Modular Credits to take up minor programmes or double degrees offered by other faculties in NUS. 

Hence, the Modular Credits system gives students considerable flexibility in structuring their own education programs.

Grade Point Average (GPA)

At the National University of Singapore (NUS), students maintain a grade point average ( GPA) over the course of their studies.

The GPA is a numerical representation of a student’s academic performance, and it is used to assess eligibility for graduation and progress towards degree completion. 

The GPA is calculated by dividing the total number of quality points earned by the total number of credit hours attempted.

Under the NUS GPA System, all undergraduate courses are graded on a scale of 0 to 5, with 5 being the highest grade and 0 the lowest. To be eligible for graduation, students must attain a minimum GPA of 2.0. 

For most programs, students must also complete all required courses and earn a minimum number of credit hours. The GPA grading system Singapore, or Grade Point Average, is a system that schools use to calculate how well a student did during their academic career.

The GPA is calculated by dividing the total number of grade points earned by the total number of credit units attempted.

For example, if a student earns a total of 30-grade points for 10 credit units of courses taken in a semester, the GPA for that semester would be 3.0.

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The following is a detailed explanation of the NUS GPA System:

A+ 5.0
A- 4.5
B+ 4.0
B 3.5
B- 3.0
C+ 2.5
C 2.0
D+ 1.5
D 1.0
F 0

Cumulative Average Point (CAP)

The Cumulative Average Point (CAP) is a measure of a student’s academic performance over the entire duration of his/her studies at NUS.

The sum of the module grade points multiplied by the total number of MCs divided by the total number of MCs is known as a student’s CAP.

CAP = sum (Module Grade Point * MCs assigned to modules)

                        sum (MC assigned to all modules)    

* The calculation of the CAP is based on a student’s module outcomes. Any modules without an assigned MC or grade point are excluded from this process.

The calculation of the CAP is based on a student’s module outcomes. Any modules without an assigned MC or grade point are excluded from this process.

Several circumstances in which no grade points are given:

  • Withdrawn (W): Modules for which a student has officially withdrawn ordinarily before the final examination.
  • Incomplete (IC): Modules for which the instructor has assigned an Incomplete grade due to extenuating circumstances that have prevented the student from completing the course requirements
  • Exempted (E): Modules which the student is exempted from taking, based on prior academic achievement.
  • In Progress (IP): Modules that the student is currently enrolled in but has not yet completed.

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The CAP is used:

  • To assess a student’s academic progress and;
  • To determine whether a student has satisfied the requirements for graduation.
  • To graduate, students must satisfy all programme and general education requirements, and attain a minimum CAP of 2.0 (NUS passing grade).


We hope that this article has provided you with a better understanding of how the GPA and CAP system works in NUS. Do remember that your grades are just one aspect of your university journey – don’t sweat it too much if you don’t get the results that you want! 

There are plenty of other opportunities to get involved in, and to grow as an individual during your time here. 

You can also get the best assignment help in Singapore from our professionals. We provide services for various assignments including essays, dissertations, case studies and more.

So if you’re feeling stressed out about your results, or just need some NUS assignment help, be sure to contact us!

Frequently Asked Questions Related To NUS Grading System

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Q.1 How many marks is an A in NUS?

Answer: The NTU grading system is not based on a specific number of marks that equal an A. The GPA means your final grade will be determined by more than just exam or assignment scores, so it’s important to submit all necessary materials in order for you receive credit.

Q.2 What is a good GPA in NUS?

Answer: There is no definitive answer to this question as it may vary depending on the course/major you are taking and also your future goals. However, a GPA of 3.5 or above is generally considered as good.

Q.3 What is the passing grade for NUS?

Answer: To be eligible for graduation, a student must obtain a minimum Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of 2.00 or above. A student who fails to obtain the required CGPA will not be allowed to graduate, even if he/she has fulfilled all other graduation requirements.

Q.4 What is an A+ in NUS?

Answer: An A+ in NUS is the highest possible grade that a student can achieve, and it corresponds to a grade point of 5. This means that an A+ signifies that the student has performed exceptionally well in their coursework and examinations. Students who receive an A+ are typically among the top few percentiles in their cohort.

Q.5 How do you get first class Honours in NUS?

Answer: In order to obtain first class Honours in NUS, students must attain a CAP score of 4.5 or higher. This is determined by the Cumulative Average Point (CAP) system, which takes into account a student’s grades across all subjects studied at university.

Q.6 Is it hard to get first class honours NUS?

Answer: To answer your question, it depends on what you define as “hard.” If you are asking if it is academically challenging to obtain a first-class honours from National University of Singapore (NUS), then the answer is definitely yes. The curriculum is very demanding and competition among students is intense. However, if you are willing to put in the effort and stay focused, it is certainly possible to get that elusive first-class honours. 

Q.7 How many people get second upper NUS?

The anticipated proportion of students finishing with a Second Upper under this new policy is about 65%.

Q.8 What is considered good CAP in NUS?

Answer: There is no definitive answer as the definition of a “good” CAP score may vary depending on the course/major you are taking and also your future goals. However, a CAP score of 3.5 or above is generally considered as good.

Honours (Highest Distinction) CAP 4.50 and above (ii)
Honours (Distinction) CAP 4.00 – 4.49
Honours (Merit) CAP 3.50 – 3.99
Honours CAP 3.00 – 3.49
Pass CAP 2.00 – 2.99

Q.9 How do I check my NUS CAP?

You can check your present Cumulative Average Point (CAP) on NUS to see how you’ve done so far. Alternatively, you may calculate your CAP by hand using one of the available CAP calculators that are accessible online.

Q.10 What is the difference between CAP & GPA?

Answer: There is a difference between CAP and GPA, GPA stand for “grade point average” & CAP stands for “Cumulative Average Point”. In NUS, the GPA is called the CAP. The CAP is computed based on coursework completed during a student’s candidature and comprises both academic grades and non-academic grades. 

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Author Bio:

Laura Tan

I am an academic writer since 2003 and associated with Singapore Assignment Help. I have expertise in making dissertation proposal. Till now i helped more than 2000 Singaporean and Malaysian Students in completing their masters dissertations thesis and other academic papers.