University | Dimensions International College (DIC) |
Subject | BM5003: Global Business Environment |
Module Synopsis
The module introduces current patterns and structure of the hospitality industry. It also examines the recent development of the industry and explores the potential trends and development in the fast-changing commercial world.
Module Learning Outcomes
LO1 Identify the Objective and functions of Organization.
LO2 Select and apply appropriate analytical tools to evaluate external business environment of a selected Organization.
LO3 Using relevant theories, assess the state of competition and the attractiveness of an industry in Singapore.
LO4 Evaluate the impact of the global business environment.
Business Outlook of Tung Lok Restaurants (2000) Ltd
As of 31 March 2020, the Group operates a total of 44 outlets. These comprise 26 outlets we directly own, 7 held by our associates and 11 others under license/franchise. These restaurants are spread across Singapore, Indonesia, Japan, China, Vietnam, Cambodia and Taiwan.
The ongoing Covid-19 pandemic has added unprecedented complexity to the
Group’s businesses which underscores the depth of the challenges for consumer facing businesses like us.
As the state of the virus outbreak remains fluid in Singapore and overseas in regard to the length of time of disruption as well as the depth of economic impact, the Group will continue to closely monitor the situation and respond accordingly.
At this time, the Group is unable to ascertain the eventual financial impact that the Covid-19 pandemic disruption will have on its performance for the financial year ending 31 March 2021.
But we are fortunate to receive the support of various stakeholders such as the Singapore Government which helps to cushion the impact through various support measures including the Jobs Support Scheme, foreign worker levy rebate and waiver of foreign worker levy, as well as our landlords who have been supportive in granting short-term rental rebates to our existing outlets operating in their premises.
The Group will continue to monitor the evolving situation of the Covid-19 pandemic and shall adjust and react proactively with appropriate countermeasures. We have recently secured S$5.5 million in credit facilities from a bank to boost our liquidity in the event that the pandemic was to prolong longer than expected.
Imagine you are the business development manager of the Tung Lok Restaurants (2000) Ltd. (or select another organization if you preferred), and you are required to study its business environment.
Based on your study, write a report for not more than 2,500 words covering the following tasks:
a) Discuss FOUR types of organizations, and identify the type of organization that is provided in the case, or the organization that have selected.
b) Illustrate the Organizational Chart of the Tung Lok Restaurant Ltd., or organization that you have selected, and demonstrate how the different departmental functions of the organization coordinate to meet the business objectives.
2. Using PESTLE framework, evaluate the external environmental factors that impact the business of Tung Lok Restaurant Ltd., or the selected organization of your choice.
3. Explain how you could apply Porter’s Five Forces Model to evaluate the state of competition of the industry where the Tung Lok Restaurant Ltd, or your selected organization operates.
4. Critically discuss the impact of globalization on your selected organization.
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