University | James Cook University (JCU) |
Subject | PHRM Report |
Choose any Fashion company and write a report based on details shown in the table below.
Description Words
01 Introduction of the chosen company, nature of its business and
its general plans for the future.
02 Job analysis that includes (job description and job specification)
of a chosen department or a position in the company.
03 Job design of the chosen department or a position in the company
based on design for efficiency, motivation, safety & health (ergonomics) and mental capacity.
04 Choose any 1x topic from (topics 3,4,5 and 6) and explain how
the selected HRM process may be implemented for the chosen department or a position in the company. 500
05 Choose any 1x topic from (topics 7,8,9 and 10) and explain how the selected HRM process may be implemented for the chosen department or a position in the company.
06 Conclusion that summarises the key points and its benefits to
chosen company that you have covered in your report.
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