OMGT2228: Develop a product/service. You should first critically review the processes needed to develop a product by identifying: Operation management Research report, RMIT, Singapore

University RMIT University (RMIT)
Subject OMGT2228: Operation management Research report

Task: Develop a product/service and develop a comprehensive plan for the operation process.

For this assignment, you are required to:

  • Develop a product/service. You should first critically review the processes needed to develop a product by identifying the customer needs, defining the appropriate level of product/service quality, and considering the other perspectives, i.e., liability issues, ethical considerations, sustainability issues, costs and profits. Apply the Kano model to classify the quality of your product/service. Then develop the house of quality for your product/service with a clear explanation.
  • Complete analysis for inventory management section. This includes the issues of order size, reordering point, safety stock etc. for the product you aim to design.
  • Define the Bill of Material for the product you aim to design. You must use either an assembly diagram or a product structure tree both discussed in week 9.
  • Develop the MRPs for the proposed product/service.
  • Investigate the top two challenges and discuss directions that relate to operations management of your product/service to effectively and efficiently manage it.

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