CM3020: Artificial Intelligence – you need to build on top of the codebase from the Genetic Algorithm/ Creatures case study: Computer Science AI Coursework, UOL, Singapore, Singapore

University University of London (UOL)
Subject CM3020 Computer Science AI

Part B


This section describes what you have to do and what you have to deliver for
Part B of the mid-term CM3020 AI coursework.

For this part of the coursework,. Your objective is to adapt the
evolutionary algorithm so that the creatures evolve to complete a new task.
The new task involves climbing a mountain. We have created a special new
environment for the creatures to operate in. You need to integrate the genetic
algorithm code to that new environment such that it evolves creatures that can climb the mountain.

The following image illustrates the new environment:

Figure 1: Mountain climbing environment

You can see that there is a kind of sandbox with a mountain in the middle. The idea is for the creature to get as high as possible up the mountain, without cheating and flying into the air. Your job is to integrate that new environment into the simulation code and to adapt the fitness function so it measures maximum closeness to the top of the mountain.

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