HFS201 Group – Based Assignment SUSS January 2025 : Workplace Evaluation and Design, Singapore

University Singapore University of Social Science (SUSS)
Subject HFS201: Workplace Evaluation and Design


This assignment is worth 20% of the final mark for HFS201 Workplace Evaluation and Design.

The cut-off date for this assignment is 20 February 2025, Thursday, 2355H

 Note to Students:

This is a group-based assignment. You should form a group of FOUR (4) to FIVE (5) members from your seminar group. Each group is required to upload a single report via your respective seminar group site in Canvas. Please elect a group leader. The responsibility of the group leader is to upload the report on behalf of the group.

You are to include the following particulars in your submission: Course Code, Title of the GBA, SUSS PI No., Your Names, and Submission Date.

Your Team

  1. Please be in touch with your group members by the second lesson. Let your lecturer know of member(s) who are not responding. If your lecturer does not hear from you by the second lesson, your group will be confirmed, and you have to complete the entire GBA, even if you end up being the only active member.
  2. If you do not respond to your group by the second lesson, you may be re-assigned to other groups. Again, take note that the entire GBA has to be completed even if you end up being the only active member in the re-assigned group. Hence, get in touch with your team mates early!
  3. As this is a GBA, all team members will be awarded the same grade for 90% of the assignment. This requires you to cooperate with one another closely and to manage your team members’ input. Exchange contact numbers with one another and decide on your roles and contributions. Stick to your agreed deadlines. Some students have found it useful to work on their GBA via Google Docs as they can see what the other team members are doing, and to track one another’s work. There is a 10% component in Question 3c where you need to work independently.
  4. If you intend to withdraw from the course and therefore not take part in the GBA, please inform your team members early. Do not put them in a position where they have to scramble at the last minute to take over your portion of work.
  5. You are strongly advised to set an internal deadline for your GBA group to compile your works. You could set this internal deadline at one week before the GBA submission. With this one week, your team is to put the GBA together (e.g. look and feel of the report, cover page, spellcheck, grammar check, correct labels, etc.) and to patch up any major lapses (due to oversight, non-submissions from team members, etc.). The group can choose to exclude members who cannot submit their works by the internal deadline. So the idea is: do your allocated work on time and submit it, or you may be out of the GBA group.


Plagiarism and collusion are forms of cheating and are not acceptable in any form of a student’s work. The electronic submission of your assignment will be screened through a plagiarism detecting software. Your examiner will NOT mark any portion that cannot be read by Turnitin, unless otherwise specified. SUSS takes a tough stance against plagiarism and collusion. Serious cases will result in the student being referred to SUSS’s Student Disciplinary Group. For other cases, significant marking penalties or expulsion from the course will be imposed. Refer to the Student Handbook for disciplinary actions.

Report with high similarity index will be flagged for plagiarism review. You are to provide proper references when you use other people’s ideas, words or pictures (including diagrams). All references should be provided in the American Psychological Association (APA) 7 format. Please refer to this website https://apastyle.apa.org/style-grammar- guidelines/citations for APA guidelines.

Using of AI tools (e.g. ChatGPT, Grammarly)

AI tools can assist you in generating content and exploring ideas. However, we strongly recommend that you do not rely on AI tools for the following reasons.

  • Assignments are designed to enhance your understanding of your Thinking through your course materials, seeing their relevance in real life applications, and applying them to solve problems will help you develop a deeper understanding and appreciation of the subject.
  • While ChatGPT can generate responses for you, it cannot understand the specific context of your This could result in irrelevant answers which will impact your grades negatively. Be sure to verify the accuracy of the generated content and rephrase in your own words, before integrating in your own work in a responsible manner.

As part of your submission, include a declaration detailing how AI tools were utilized in the preparation of your report. This declaration should be placed on the last page, following the references section.

The declaration should cover the following points:

Non-Usage Declaration:

If you did not use any AI tools, please explicitly state this in your declaration. Example: “I did not use any AI tools in preparing my answers for this exam. The work submitted is entirely my own.”

Usage Declaration

  • AI Tools: Specify the AI tools or platforms you have used (e.g., ChatGPT, Grammarly, Copilot).
  • Purpose: Describe the purpose for using these tools (e.g., generating ideas, checking grammar, coding assistance).
  • Extent of Use: Explain the extent of using AI (e.g., occasional help, significant part of the process).
  • Originality: Confirm that the final submission is your own work and that AI tools were used to support, not replace, your own efforts.

Note that Turnitin can detect AI generated content, and you will be subjected to the same penalties outlined under plagiarism.


You are to include the following particulars on the cover page in your submission: Course Code and Name, your names, SUSS PI No. It should look similar to this:



                                                                                Workplace Evaluation and Design

Group-based Assignment (Jan 2025)

S/N Name SUSS PI Number Role and Responsibility
Team Leader
(e.g. submission, collation, formatting, lead for Question ##)


  1. Compose your GBA using Microsoft Office Word and save either as .doc or .docx (preferred). Submission via Canvas mobile app is not supported.
  2. Name your document file strictly in this format: HFS201_GBA_TeamleaderFullName_TeamMemberFullName (omit D/O, S/O) Example:HFS201_GBA_TanMeiMeiSally_MuhammadAliBinAzman_GanesanMy Use underscore and not space.
  3. Multiple submissions are allowed before the cut-off date. Re-submission is NOT allowed after the cut-off date (including the grace period). Only the latest submission will be kept. Mark deduction scheme applies.
  4. As part of your submission, include a declaration detailing how AI tools were utilized in the preparation of your report. This declaration should be placed on the last page, following the references section.


The objective of this GBA is to allow your team to experience workstation evaluation and redesign process using real-life examples. Some questions require you to pick a situation of your choice for the analysis. It may be from your home or workplace.

Use the time allocated for your student-led session to work on the GBA with your team.

Put in effort to format your report. Treat your marker as your Human Factors client. A well- formatted and neat report would be given higher grades.

Participating fully in this GBA give you insights into how to tackle practical workplace evaluations, and the practical-oriented questions in the final exam.

Question 1

  • Determine the anthropometric measurements required to design a customised sitting workstation for a Watchmaking Studio. Figure 1 shows the various posture taken by watch makers when they work at a There are no existing local design standards for such a bench, rationalise the measurements proposed by your team.


Figure 1: Craftsman Working at Watchmaking Bench

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Using the anthropometric jig at the Human Factors Safety (HFS) Lab to generate (i) the anthropometric profile for ONE (1) of your team members and (ii) the anthropometric measurements you proposed for the watchmaking workstation.

Anthropometric measurement instructions can be downloaded from the Canvas course site. A comprehensive set of anthropometric data is to be taken. You may refer to Tan et al (2010) for a list of the commonly used anthropometric measurements. Provide a table showing anthropometric values in millimetres.

Include pictures of the team taking the measurements showing clearly (i) various team members taking the measurements (less the member being measured), (ii) anatomical landmarks utilised for the measurements and (iii) orientation of segments during measurement i.e. standing height measured with head, shoulders and hips touching the wall.

(15 marks)

  • If you are required to make the measurements mentioned in Question 1(a) at a customer’s site, how would you make these measurements given the anthropometric jig is not portable. List three tools that is easy for you to buy to take anthropometric dimensions. Include pictures of the tools. Discuss the strength and weaknesses of the

(10 marks)

Question 2

  • As the workplace safety officer of a watchmaking studio in Country S, you received information that a newly recruited male watchmaker Ron who is 1.65 metre tall. Ron is experiencing shoulder pain after two months on the job. Using the anthropometric data of Country S males, (see Table 1 in the Appendix). Using the standard normal cumulative probability table, calculate his percentile value based on Table 1 in the Appendix. You may assume that all his body proportions correspond to that of his

(5 marks)

  • Ron uses specialized equipment to perform fine crafting of watch mechanism and spends approximately 3 hours seated at the bench just to work on one The current work surface that studio has is 1.10 metre high.

Apply appropriate anthropometric design techniques to analyse the compatibility between Ron and the work surface. Show your calculations clearly. State the anthropometric measurements used in your analysis precisely. Illustrate with diagram(s). Discuss if the work surface that will be comfortable for Ron. (Note: no marks will be awarded for calculations that only show numeric numbers without providing proper name of the anthropometric dimensions (e.g. knee height) or item dimensions (e.g. surface height) involved.)

(15 marks)

  • The studio runs another welding facility at Country G. At Country Z, the studio have limited resources and only have the stature anthropometric data. The mean is 1.70m and SD is 5.0cm. Applying the RASH method, calculate the mean and SD of the elbow height of the population at Country G.

(5 marks)

Question 3

  • You are planning to buy a work bench for your home studio, see Figure As a group, determine the anthropometry dimensions that are critical for the purchase. Illustrate the key considerations and steps.

                                                                  Figure 3: Work Bench

(10 marks)

  • Do Question 2(b) independently and not as a group. Marks are awarded to individuals. Append your individual work as an appendix with your name as the title of the appendix.

Building on your discussion in Question 2a, take anthropometric measurements that are critical for the purchase of a mobile tool bench for your home. Apply your anthropometric measurements to find a tool bench that meets your needs. Include photos of the product and discuss if it meets the needs of your family.

(10 marks)

  • As a group, reflect on this design for adjustability exercise. What are the key lessons learnt? What did you discover about variability in people? What did you discover about the use of anthropometry in your environment?

(5 marks)

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Question 4

(a) Pick an organization that a member in your team works As a group, identify anartefact deployed in public spaces that you can propose to the public organisation to improve workplace safety and/or health.

  • Attach a photo or drawing of the artefact
  • Explain how this artefact would improve the safety and/or health of employees at the selected workplace. Relate its application to the nature of the

(10 marks)

(b) There is a chance that the management of the organisation would disagree with your What might this disagreement be?

Refer to your iStudy Guide (iSG) Study Unit 1 to Study Unit 3 to generate information that the team can collect to justify your recommendation. You need not collect the evidences. Briefly describe the evidence and how you plan to collect.

Speculate the effort required.

(15 marks)

                                                                   Table 1Anthropometric Data of ABC Land.

Dimensions (in millimetres) Male Female






SD 5th






Stature 1585 1680 1775 58 1455 1555 1655 60
Eye height 1470 1555 1640 52 1330 1425 1520 57
Shoulder height 1300 1380 1460 50 1180 1265 1350 51
Elbow height 950 1010 1080 39 870 935 1000 41
Hip height 790 855 920 41 715 785 855 42
Crotch height 737 810 894 48 669 739 809 43
Fingertip height 575 640 705 38 540 610 680 44
Sitting height 845 900 955 34 780 840 900 37
Sitting eye height 720 780 840 35 660 720 780 35
Sitting shoulder height 555 605 655 31 510 560 610 29
Sitting elbow height 190 240 290 31 165 230 295 38
Thigh thickness 110 135 160 14 105 130 155 14
Buttock-knee length 505 550 595 26 470 520 570 30
Buttock-popliteal length 405 450 495 26 385 435 485 29
Knee height 450 495 540 26 410 455 500 27
Popliteal height 365 405 445 25 325 375 425 29
Shoulder breadth 380 425 470 26 335 385 435 29
Hip breadth 300 335 370 22 295 330 385 21
Abdominal depth 150 210 270 36 150 215 280 39
Shoulder-elbow length 310 340 370 19 290 315 340 16
Elbow-fingertip length 410 445 480 22 360 400 440 24
Shoulder-fingertip length 680 730 780 30 615 660 705 26
Shoulder-grip length 580 620 660 25 525 560 595 22
Vertical grip reach 1835 1970 2105 83 1685 1825 1965 86
Sitting vertical grip reach 1110 1205 1300 58 855 940 1025 51
Forward grip reach 640 705 770 38 580 635 690 32

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