COM273e Revolutionary Vegan Protein Snack Bar Marketing & Advertising Campaign, Singapore

University Singapore University of Social Science (SUSS)
Subject COM273e Creative Communication Strategies

Question 1

Answer the following questions. (100 marks)

Your company is about to launch a revolutionary nutritional chocolate chip snack bar made with Solein, a novel synthetic protein that is produced by mixing air, CO2, and electricity. The protein bar is 100% vegan-friendly and does not contain any dairy or animal products. The chocolate chip bar is palm oil free, made from organically grown cocoa, and mixed with rice puffs, rolled oats, and dried bananas. The protein bar is high in fibre and iron, low in sugar and calories, and fortified with calcium, magnesium, potassium, and vitamin B, C, and D. Light as air, the protein bar is a healthy, easy-to-digest energy-booster that can help diabetics with blood sugar control in-between meals. It does not contain any wheat or nuts, and is thus also suitable for those on gluten-free, nut-free diets.

You are tasked to create a name for the protein snack bar and assist the marketing team with promoting the product/service through an advertising and marketing campaign, including press releases and a media pack to create top-of-the-mind awareness. The campaign will include a media launch of the product/service.

Create a PowerPoint presentation to address the following sub-questions (a) to (d) below. Use the presentation template in Canvas to create 6-7 presentation slides (including the cover slide) to present your answers to these questions.

a) Brainstorm to develop THREE potential names for the snack bar. Explain and rationalise your choices and select 1 preferred recommendation with justification. Create a tagline for this product and highlight its Unique Selling Proposition (USP) (1-2 slides).  (15 marks)

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b) Create a 250-word outline of an advertising campaign by applying the various strategies you have learned. In it, discuss FOUR strategies for the advertising campaign you will use to advertise this product and explain your reasons in greater depth (2 slides).   (25 marks)

c) Applying your understanding of press release communications, write a press release for this product. Employ an angle/hook, a headline, introduction, body, and conclusion in your press release. Word limit is 250-300 words, excluding Address and Header. Assume that the hi-res images of the product are within the media pack. Create a mock-up of a professional press release (1 page) and include a screenshot of it in the PowerPoint presentation (1 slide).   (30 marks)

d) Write a speech for the media launch of the product/service. Use the 7 steps for speech writing you have covered in Study Unit 3 to help you develop and write the speech for the launch of this revolutionary product. Word limit is 350 words (1 page). Include a screenshot of the speech in the PowerPoint presentation (1 slide).   (30 marks)


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