Updated on: 7th Mar 2020

How to Write a Dissertation?

Students studying undergraduate or Masters are often asked by their tutor to prepare a dissertation on a specific topic.  When students are told to prepare a dissertation, it means that they are at the end of their educational journey. It is the phase of their college life where students are required to demonstrate their knowledge, core competencies, and ability to perform an investigation in their selected discipline. The expert team of Singapore assignment help in order to assist student has provided information about how to write a dissertation.

How to Write a Dissertation?

What is a dissertation?

The dissertation is basically a long piece of academic writing. It can also be referred to as a lengthy essay on a particular topic or subject, Dissertation is a final project in which students pursuing Ph.D. I have to submit for obtaining a Doctoral degree.  Dissertation mainly involves research and also detailed information about the topic.

Now after developing the understanding of dissertations, let’s develop an understanding of the basic dissertation structure.

Many of the students have confusion related to the thesis and dissertation. Many students consider the thesis to be a dissertation which is not true. Before developing an understanding of the process of writing a dissertation, it is very much important to first gain knowledge about the difference between thesis and dissertation.

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What is the difference between a dissertation and a thesis?

The main difference between the two is that a thesis is a project which is to be submitted at the end of the degree program.

On the other hand, you could be asked to prepare a dissertation at any time during the course.

The thesis is research work done with the motive of obtaining a Ph.D. Degree. Whereas, a dissertation is another expression of research work. It is somewhat like an essay.

Dissertation written for claiming the doctoral degree contains much more detail and is complicated as compared to a thesis.

Now, after understanding the difference between a dissertation and a thesis, let’s look at the procedure of writing a dissertation.

how to write a first-class dissertation?

The procedure of the perfect dissertation includes the following phases these are:

1. Identification of the interesting topic

it is the starting phase of the dissertation writing. Firstly, you need to select a suitable topic for writing a dissertation. While writing the dissertation you should make sure that the topic has been clearly defined. Students are always suggested to make a choice of engaging topic for writing a dissertation. After selecting the topic you should ensure that it is either too broad or narrow. While writing your dissertation you need to mainly focus on the specific problems.

2. Writing a dissertation proposal

After the selection of the topic, you are required to prepare the proposal for the dissertation. While writing a dissertation proposal you should keep one thing in mind that it is a chance for you to influence your supervisor. You should also consider that the tutor expects that the proposal you will present will help in adding b value to the community. While writing the dissertation proposal you are required to consider provocative questions.

 3. Performing research and collection of information

It is considered to be the most critical phase of writing the dissertation procedure. You should collect information only from authentic sources, Secondly, facts that are to be collected and included in the dissertation should be relevant to your topic. You should do proper references and citations of sources from where data about a specific topic has been gathered.

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4. Writing different parts of dissertation

First, you are required to prepare a research proposal and submit the draft of the same.  After writing the proposal for a dissertation, you can start writing the main part of the dissertation. Before writing the main part of the dissertation, you should make sure that the draft of the research proposal which you have submitted is accepted by the supervisor. You should not get panic because of the limitation of time.

Prepare an outline for the dissertation: It is an important phase. Before writing a dissertation you should prepare the layout of the dissertation.

The different parts of the dissertation are :

  • Introduction: You should provide clear aims and objectives. It is important for you to provide background information about the topic. You can include interesting Quotes
  • Literature review:  In this dissertation chapter, You need to provide strong arguments along with strong evidence for writing first-class dissertation. You should also include interesting Quotes in the dissertation.
  • Reliable data sources: You for achieving the first-class grade for the dissertation should include theories or models along with proper sources. Students can collect information for writing the literature review section using secondary sources such as newspapers, online articles or journals, etc. It is very crucial for you to ensure the reliability and validity of secondary data included in the dissertation.
  • Methodology:  It is a dissertation chapter where you should clearly provide detail of the selected research method. You should also provide a proper reason for choosing the same.
  • Findings and discussion: You in order to set up a first-class dissertation should include detailed findings.  You can utilize the Graph, chart for presenting the findings in a proper manner.  While writing the finding section in the dissertation, you need to state the implication of findings. For example, if you have conducted an investigation in the field of social science then you need to state how findings of your research work will contribute to social benefit.
  • Conclusion: It is the last dissertation chapter You for achieving the first-class grade should provide a summary of key findings.  You can include suggestions related to further improvement in the conclusion section.

5. Completion of the first draft

While writing the first draft of the dissertation, you should concentrate on the work. At the tile of writing a draft, you should follow proper guidelines.

6. Proofreading, editing and improving

After, completion of your dissertation you should proofread it. These tactics will help you in the identification of your mistakes.  While proofreading the content of the dissertation a few things you should emphasize ids formatting, punctuation, grammar, etc. It is very much important for you to mainly focus on references while proofreading the dissertation. One of the best techniques to address errors in the dissertation is to read the content loudly.

After, identification of mistakes, you need to make changes in it. While editing the content of your dissertation you need to ensure the consistency and completeness of sentences.

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how long is a dissertation? Word count for masters dissertation? 

The dissertation is very much lengthy. It could take many months or years in completing the dissertation. The length of the dissertation is completely based on type, of course, you are pursuing.  There are a number of an educational program in which you needs to prepare a dissertation for these are Graduate, undergraduate, masters and Ph.D. Courses.

If you are pursuing a study in the field of business studies, science or humanities then in such cases you need to prepare a lengthy dissertation. The dissertation prepared for Ph.D. Consists of approx. 150000 words and even much more word count. There is no set word count for a dissertation written for obtaining a Ph.D. Degree.

What should be the style of writing a dissertation?

Writing style: It is one of the most important things which you should concentrate on while writing a dissertation. While making the choice of writing style you should review the guidelines or instruction provided by the teacher. Here, are some tips related to writing styles these are :

  • You should adopt the critical approach which will help you in accomplishing the first-class grade.
  • Before writing the dissertation, you need to consider the main purpose of the dissertation. The main objective of the dissertation could be to showcase knowledge about a specific topic. Other purposes could be to prove the effectiveness of the dissertation methodology
  • While writing the dissertation you should utilize simple words and sentences. You should not use technical words

What are the issues in writing a dissertation?

Students due to lack of knowledge about dissertation writing face a number of issues these are:

  • Ineffective planning of project: delay in the starting of the dissertation is a problem that students face. They think that a sufficient amount of time is available with them for completing a dissertation.
  • Lack of research skills: You might fail to write a dissertation due to a lack of research skills. Before of lack of experience in the research field, students have to face difficulty in the collection of information related to the topic. The suggestion here is to seek support from an expert or supervisor for identifying the best technique of gathering facts.
  • Difficulty in meeting Standards: Students generally face difficulty in following the proper language of writing a dissertation.  They have to face formatting issues. The solution for such a specific issue is to read the college or university guidelines properly.

Below are a few important tips you can use for writing the dissertation. Those tips will help you in achieving higher grades in the dissertation.

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 What are the tips for writing a dissertation Quickly?

Here are a few tips you can utilize to do your dissertation:

  • Seek support from supervisor: While writing a dissertation, you should continuously interact with your tutor. You can seek suggestions from your tutor. You can submit a draft of the dissertation to the tutor for checking. It is strategy will help you in enhancing the quality of work.
  • Time management: You should not procrast your dissertation work as it could have an adverse effect on the quality of work and on your career. Proper time management is very much crucial for completing the dissertation on time.

Below are some tips which you can use for managing your time while writing your dissertation.

Tips for managing time

  • Before writing a dissertation you should prepare a schedule and formulate an effective plan.
  • You should set the goals on a daily basis.
  • A list of priority tasks can be prepared daily.
  • Keep some time for a meeting with the supervisor. So you can seek suggestions or feedback from the tutor.
  • While preparing the schedule you should consider the time required for editing and improving work.
  • Try to organize your work according to a set plan.

Author Bio:

Laura Tan

I am an academic writer since 2003 and associated with Singapore Assignment Help. I have expertise in making dissertation proposal. Till now i helped more than 2000 Singaporean and Malaysian Students in completing their masters dissertations thesis and other academic papers.