Dissertation Abstract
In our previous article, we have discussed dissertation acknowledgment. Now in this article, we will learn about how to write a dissertation abstract which comes after the acknowledgment section of the dissertation.
Students pursuing an Undergraduate or Masters from college in Singapore often face issues in writing a dissertation abstract. Many students consider writing an abstract as daunting. The expert team of Singapore assignment help has written this article for helping students in writing a good abstract.

Dissertation Abstract is a summary of research work. The abstract mainly indicates the purpose and findings of the investigation. The procedure of writing abstract mainly include four phases these are:
- Define aim and research questions
- Provide detail about research methods. (Note: We have discussed the research method in earlier articles if you still not familiar with the research method you can visit our website.)
- State summary of key research findings
- Write a conclusion
An abstract section in the dissertation has a strict word limit of 150-300. You need to write an abstract after the table of the content page.
Dissertation Abstract: Example
A Popular NGO in the US is presently facing the funding issue. During an investigation, it is found that the intention of donation is influence by the campaigning messaging strategy adopted by the company. The aim of the research is to determine how an organization can get funds through organizing fundraising campaigns. The objective of the research is to identify extend up to which fundraising campaign influences the intention of people related to donation.
An online survey is a technique which the researcher has used for gathering information related to issue. The random sampling technique is being utilized for selecting participants. The findings of the investigation reveal that it is the distance that influences the donation decision of people. Considering the findings, the suggestion is that NGOs should provide an online payment facility. There is a requirement to conduct a further investigation for addressing the other factors which influence the donation decision of people. The researcher can perform for identifying good ways for increasing the effectiveness of campaigning.
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When should you write a Dissertation Abstract?
You need to include abstracts in almost all types of academic writing such as research papers, thesis, etc. In a dissertation or other types of academic paper, you can write an abstract at last. You should not copy the content of one dissertation for using it for other forms of academic paper. While writing a dissertation abstract, you should ensure that the abstract is easily readable and understandable by the reader.
Before Writing Abstract you should first prepare the structure of your Dissertation
What are the key elements of the Dissertation Abstract?
Write abstract concisely and clearly: Key characteristics of an effective Abstract is that it is highly influential and short. Each sentence in the Abstract is meaningful and clear. Good abstract does not contain too much-unwanted jargon words and technical words.
Sentences and phrases in good abstracts are easily understandable by that reader who does not have specific knowledge about a particular topic. If you are facing issues in editing and reducing the word count of abstract, then you can read our next article shortening of the abstract.
1. Define aim
here, you need to clearly define the objective of your investigation. You can use words such as investigate, analyze, evaluate, and test, etc for writing aim. You can use words such as investigate, analyze, evaluate, and test, etc for writing aim.
Note: The abstract is always written in the present or past simple tense.
For example
The research report includes the detail of methods use for facilitating the study. (Correct statement)
Research report will include the detail of methodology utilize for conducting investigation. (Wrong statement)
2. Description of methodology
here, you need to provide information about the technique used for getting answers to research questions. You need to write this section in the past simple tense.
For example
The questionnaire technique was used for gathering information related to the topic. (Correct statement)
Questionnaire technique would be used for gathering information related to the topic. (Incorrect statement)
3. Summary of research findings
In this section, you need to present the results of the investigation. You can write this part both in the past or present simple tense. Only the main findings of the investigation can be included in the abstract.
For example
Analysis has shown a strong correlation between profit and inflation in the prices of goods. (Incorrect statement)
It has been analyzed that there is a strong correlation between firm profit and inflation in the prices of goods. (Correct statement)
It was found that there is a strong correlation between firm profit and inflation in prices of goods. (Correct statement)
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4. Write a conclusion
You should clearly state the answers to your research question. You should write this section in the simple present tense. Here, you can write the limitation of your research. It is very crucial for you to provide suggestions related to the problem on which investigation was performed.
Tips for Writing a Dissertation Abstract
You might face difficulty in summarizing the lengthy dissertation in just a few words. In the dissertation, the abstract is the first page that people usually read. Therefore, it is very crucial for you to write an abstract in a systematic manner. Below are few strategies which will assist in writing a good dissertation abstract, these are:
- Reverse outlining
While writing abstract you should include information from the main text. You should select a few key phrases from the different section which summaries your key argument. It is very crucial for you to do the revision of sentences. It will help you in developing the relationship between sentences. However, After completion of Abstract writing, you need to make sure that it contains a summary of key arguments.
- Reading other abstracts
One of the best techniques to write a good dissertation abstract is to analyze the abstract of another dissertation. You can get an idea about writing the dissertation abstract by reading the abstract in other books or Journals.
- Write abstract concisely and clearly
The key characteristic of an effective Abstract is that it is highly influential and short. Each sentence in the Abstract is meaningful and clear. Good abstract does not contain too much-unwanted jargon words and technical words. Sentences and phrases in good abstracts are easily understandable by that reader who does not have specific knowledge about a particular topic. If you are facing issues in editing and reducing the word count of abstract, then you can read our article shortening of abstract.
- Maintain concentration on a personal investigation
While writing abstracts for the dissertation, you should mainly concentrate on the objective of the investigation. The main aim of writing an abstract is to present the original contribution of the investigation. While writing abstracts for the dissertation, you will need to mainly provide a summary of key background information. You should demonstrate the relevance to the broader debate. You should not include citations when writing a dissertation abstract.
- Review formatting
After completion of writing the abstract, you should first review the college or university guidelines. It is the tactics that will assist in determining an appropriate format for writing the dissertation Abstract. For example, if APA format you have use APA then you need to adopt APA format style. For writing APA research paper. You should not write a research paper in more than a single page.
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Now, if you have exceeded the word count of abstract then in such case you should not worry, you can just read our next article Shorten Dissertation Abstract where you will get a solution.