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Updated on: 26th Feb 2020

Gender Equality Sociology Essay for Singaporean Students

If you are seeking the essay on Gender equality, our experts may help you with that. Singapore students who are studying in Sociology or other departments of Universities of Singapore will need to submit the assignment on “Gender Equality”. Some students get scared and feel stuck in writing or preparing the essay. So stop worrying about that. Here experts of “Singapore Assignment Help”, are providing you the sample on “What is Gender Equality”. To be familiar with the topic check out our sample.

Essay Title- What is gender Equality Sociology Essay

Gender Equality

To understand about the Gender equality first, understand what equality is. It is a state of non-discrimination in which the same sort of rights and opportunities are exercised by every individual. In other words, it means the same sort of status for everyone in society. Discrimination can be of any type, it may be based on caste, religious values, sex, caste, race, region, etc. The reason can be differences in the culture, role in society, economic status, historical biases or others. Now when we talk about gender discrimination one has to know the term Gender.

What is Gender

Generally, it is understood as sex but that is not true. Where sex is, on the one hand, a biological construct on the other hand Gender is a social construct. There is a difference in the body of males and female that’s why they have different roles to play biologically, as, for example, a man cannot bear the child. A female can bear the child because her biological body supports this process of giving birth to a child. On the other hand, if women are ought to do some particular work because of the social division of roles and face discrimination even in getting opportunities equally to the other gender which is male then it is called gender discrimination.

Gender Inequality

This menace is prevalent in the entire world. Even at the present time of the 21st-century women do not get equal opportunities. And equal opportunities and all rights as political, economic and social rights, if distributed equally that will be considered as Gender equality.

Importance of Gender Equality

The development of the nation depends on the equal distribution of resources and rights. The progress can be seen only when each individual who belongs to any gender may exercise the same rights equally. In some societies women are refrained to exercise some exercise like decision making at home, getting employment opportunities, wages, etc. A nation can progress and attain higher development growth only when both men and women are entitled to equal opportunities.

In social structure and because of the childbearing women if often considered as caregivers of the family. And it leads their involvement mostly in house chores. There is a smaller involvement of women in decision-making roles, higher education, and leadership roles. This gender difference is a limitation in the growth rate of a country. When women contribute to the workforce it will eventually increase the economic growth rate of the country. With economic prosperity gender equality also increases the overall wellbeing of the nation.

How is Gender Equality Measured?

For the overall growth of the country, it is an important factor to note that what the situation of Gender Equality is in that country. There are lots of indices to measure gender equality.

Global Gender Gap Index – In 2006 the gender gap index was introduced by the WEF (World Economic Forum). It makes more effort to classify the level of female disadvantage. Educational, attainment, opportunity and participation, political empowerment, health and life expectancy are the four important areas which have due consideration in this index

Gender-Related Development Index (GDI) – As in the Human development index, the development factors include forex. education, the income of all here GDI (Gender Development Index) concentrates only on gender aspects. GDI is a gender centric measure of the Human Development Index.

Gender Equity Index (GEI) – Empowerment, Economic Participation, and Education the three factors which are taken into consideration in GEI but this factor does not take account of the health.

Gender Empowerment Measure (GEM) – How much income is shared by female and how much is their participation in parliament, and their role in decision making, These are the factors which decipher the empowerment of women.


The well-being of gender reflects the development of any country. And it is evident that in developed countries the situation of women is much better than the developing or low developed countries. Social and economic condition is deciphered by the gap in gender. As the exclusion based on gender reflects the deep-rooted problems in the society. The women who face gender discrimination in the workplace, in wage-earning and even in getting opportunities related to education heath or others cannot equally contribute to the growth of the country. The degree of inequality in gender is different across countries and regions. For most of society, the patriarchy system takes sound hold means males have more say and power but in some matriarchal society females are the decision-makers. However Matriarchal societies are less in number. By recognizing its importance United Nations also set the goal of decreasing gender disparity in the Millennium Development Goals.

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If you are feeling stuck in writing an essay on “Gender Equality” and you want someone to write an essay for you then yes, we are here for you to write your essay. We are “Singapore Assignment Help” who assist in essay writing and any other assignments. This sample of essay can be helpful for Singapore students studying in class 9thfor the reference purpose. We also provide an essay on Gender-related to other topics like causes of Inequality in gender, the practice of discrimination against gender, Gender Ratio, etc. To get the plagiarism-free essay you need to buy essay assignments from us.

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