ASB4904: Creating & Managing a Global Value Chain in an Age of Uncertainty: International Business Assignment, Singapore

University Management Development Institute of Singapore (MDIS)
Subject ASB4904: Applied Business Projects (International Business)




“Creating & Managing a Global Value Chain in an Age of Uncertainty”

This assignment is intended to give you an insight into the challenges facing Multinational Business Enterprises of the kind that many of you aspire to work for. To do this you will consider the operations (past, present & future) of a Multinational Company assigned to you – you should use concepts introduced in the IB module, & remember the behavioural aspects of IB emphasised throughout the lectures.

The company will have a wide range of international activities as it is taken from a global listing – there will be plenty of information available to you in the public domain. The company’s Annual Report & other information on the company’s own website will be valuable sources of information, as well as third party commentaries on the Company, including reputable media sources. Your task is to research relevant information & use it to answer the following practical issues facing managers – using concepts in the module.

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1. CONCISELY INTRODUCE THE COMPANY – the products that it offers, the locations where it operates, & examples of the range of transaction modes it uses (you may need to do this by interpreting the nature of the subsidiaries it operates – are these wholly-owned, joint ventures, agents, etc?).

2. To determine the behaviour of the company’s management, ANALYSE THE COMPANY USING OLI – what does it ‘own’, what has been the attitude to ‘internalisation’, & how has this influenced the locations it has chosen to operate in.

3. Evaluate how the organisation currently CONSTRUCT IT’S VALUE CHAIN – globally – which functions it locates where & why.

4. Critically assess the likely IMPACT OF PREDICTED CHANGES in the following forces of globalisation – technology, & regulation – commenting on the implications for the company to STANDARDISE OR ADAPT its operations around the World.

COMPANY – particularly that of cultural differences which might impact managers, employees, customers. Choose TWO countries which are relevant to the company & for which Hofstede data is available.

Write a report of THREE THOUSAND WORDS with five roughly equal sections.

Make effective use of Appendices in your answer. Ensure that you acknowledge all sources that you use, & that the work submitted is your own effort. This assignment is intended to give you an insight into the development of Multinational Business Enterprises of the kind that many of you aspire to work for. You are required to consider the operations (past, present & future)
of a Multinational Company assigned to you – using concepts introduced in the IB module, & considering the behaviour of managers when going international.

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