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Updated on: 1st Jun 2020

Gender Equality Essay Sample

Introduction to Gender Equality

Is “Gender” an appropriate criterion to discriminate against someone? Can treating someone differently based on their gender ever be justifiable? In our so-called modern and developing society, gender inequality still takes place every day, often beginning at a very early age, especially in education.

Gender inequality refers to discrimination or unequal actions based on gender. Treating everyone equally not only improves individual value but also strengthens the foundation of gender equality.

To promote gender equality, students in Singapore are educated about this topic through sociology courses and various academic programs.

They are also tasked with assignments such as writing essays, reports, or articles on topics like “gender equality problems and solutions” or “equality between men and women.” If you need to write an essay like this, refer to this sample to structure your thoughts and achieve high marks.

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What is Gender Equality?

Gender equality can be defined as a state where all genders are treated equally and provided equal opportunities in every sector. It is a cornerstone of human rights and a pressing global issue. Often referred to as equality of the sexes or sexual equality, it ensures uniform access to resources and opportunities without bias, particularly in economic participation and decision-making. At its core, gender equality values different behaviours, needs, and aspirations without prejudice.

Importance of Gender Equality

Around the world, women and girls face discrimination and violence daily. Shockingly, one in three women experiences mental, physical, or sexual violence at some point in their lives, irrespective of their age, religion, or nationality. Systemic inequalities, harmful cultural practices, and discriminatory laws often treat women and girls as second-class citizens. These injustices violate human rights and hinder individuals from reaching their potential.

Here are key reasons why gender equality is vital:

  • Saves Lives: Equality can reduce violence and harmful practices.
  • Improves Healthcare: Equal access ensures better health outcomes.
  • Boosts Economic Growth: Employing women strengthens businesses and economies.
  • Empower Future Generations: Children grow up healthier in gender-equal environments.
  • Reduces Poverty: Economic opportunities for women improve household incomes

Key Issues in Gender Equality

Despite global efforts, significant gaps remain in gender equality. Women often face fewer opportunities for education, employment, and healthcare. Below are some persistent issues:

  • Violence against women and trans-women
  • Unequal pay between men and women
  • Sexual harassment in workplaces
  • Child and forced marriages
  • Harmful traditional practices like dowry and female genital mutilation
  • Limited political representation
  • Domestic violence and marital rape

These challenges highlight the urgent need for dedicated efforts to bridge gender disparities.

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How to Achieve Gender Equality

Achieving gender equality requires comprehensive efforts to address disparities and promote fairness across all genders. Here are practical steps:

  1. Eliminate Harmful Practices: Combat violence against women, child marriages, and Gender-based oppression.
  2. Economic Empowerment of Women: Job, education, and credit facilities should be available for women.
  3. Equitable Representation: Women must participate in politics and leadership positions.
  4. Education for Girls: The education system should be responsive to gender issues.
  5. Laws and Policies Reform: Regulations that perpetuate inequality should be amended, and women must be protected from all forms of discrimination.
  6. Public Education: Communities should be enlightened on the benefits of gender equality.

When men and women work together toward shared goals, societies flourish, and gender parity becomes achievable.

These are some basic ways to achieve gender equivalence as well as equity too-

  • Talk to women and girls delicately
  • Let girls reach for every opportunity and utilize all resources
  • Ceasing child marriage and sexual harassment
  • Empowering mothers
  • Making the education system gender-sensitive
  • Encouraging girl child and their parents
  • Include women into power (politics or higher places in firms)
  • Together working of men and women
  • Freedom of movement
  • Giving value to the “women’s work”
  • Stopping violence against woman
  • Bring changes in different policies to bring women in the front
  • Amendments in the rules, constitutions relevant to adverse actions against women
  • Economic empowerment of women
  • Gendered arrangements of work and care
  • Improvement in marriage, divorce and property laws and regulations
  • Informing women of their rights


Gender equality is at the core of a more progressive society and therefore absolutely necessary for the world at large. Despite these successes, however, there’s still much work to do to ensure equal opportunity is truly provided for everyone in society. All stakeholders — governments, communities, and individuals — need to coalesce and act together to end such discrimination and enable people everywhere to achieve their best capacities. We make a better world for future generations if we value and promote gender equality.

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