Assignment Writing resources for Singapore Students

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Essay Writers From Various Singapore Universities Can Assist You

essay help for universities

Making mistakes while writing an essay can eliminate your reputation to a great extent. Being a college or university student in Singapore you might have been told to improve your writing skills time and time over which may leave your annoyed and confused about how much you can work on your academic writing skills. Though, you are not the only one

Be Motivated to Complete Your Dissertation

Be Motivated to Complete Your Dissertation

Motivation can create the difference between failure and success. After all, it is what makes us move, and keep us going to accomplish our goals. Ultimately, however, your success will be circumscribed by your motivation to reach that finish line. So, what you need is a strong desire to succeed with your dissertation, extrinsically or inherently. (

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Does Using Social Media is Good for Students?

Does Using Social Media is Good for Students?

With the introduction of social media into our lives, one wonders what the social media effects on learner’s writing will be. Parents, professors and students are learning a new type of social media. Communication through social media can include misspellings, poor grammar and abbreviations and still be considered acceptable. (more…)

How to Deal With Essay Writing Problems?

deal with essay writing problems

Whether it is narrative, a compelling piece or a research paper, essay writing can be challenging. The writing procedure is often a long road to false starts and lengthy revisions, where learners must face their assumptions of who they are as writers. Correctly citing sources, writing a thesis statement and elaborating on ideas are a few general pr

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How to Manage Finances During Academics?

How to Manage Finances During Academics

In an ideal world, your sustenance expenses abroad will be equivalent to the costs you would have at home. Though, this is not always the case. If you are moving abroad for your first year, it is not easy to understand what to anticipate or how much money you will need and to manage a budget. We have come up with a few tips and guidelines to assist

Statistics on Stress and Mental Health Challenges Among Singaporean Students (2021-2024)

Singapore Students Stress Statistics

In 2024, stress and mental health have become a growing concern for Singapore students because of increasing academic pressure, social expectations, and extracurricular activities. Singapore students feel overwhelmed by the highly competitive environment, which often leads to anxiety, burnout, and emotional distress. Recent statistics show that a h

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