Dissertation Writing Guide for Singapore Students

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Conceptual Framework: Control Variables

Conceptual Framework : Control Variables

This is a continuation of an article that explained what independent and dependent variables are and what a conceptual framework should contain. In this article, we will understand the meaning of control variables in a conceptual framework. (more…)

List of Abbreviations in Dissertation

List of Abbreviations in Dissertation

In the previous article, we have studied How to write an Acknowledgement. Now in this article, we will gain knowledge about the list of Abbreviations. Students Pursuing a Ph.D. from the college of Singapore has to prepare a professional dissertation for getting the degree. While preparing the dissertation, students often get confused about where t

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Writing Dissertation Proposal

Writing Dissertation Proposal

Writing a Dissertation proposal is like you are preparing a checklist for making sure that you include all important information. There are many things that a student needs to consider while writing the proposal for a dissertation such as structure, language, etc. In this article written by an expert team of Singapore Assignment help, we will gain

Writing Dissertation Overview

Writing Dissertation Overview

Writing a dissertation overview is quite a difficult task for the students. At the time of writing dissertation students studying in the college of Singapore sometime found that passages in the dissertation overview and introduction consist of repetitive information. Our expert team of Singapore assignment help has written an article that will help

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How to Write a Dissertation Introduction

How to Write a Dissertation Introduction

In the previous article, we have read about the dissertation abstract. Now in this article, we will develop an understanding of how to write an introduction for the dissertation? Students who are studying the Master's Face issue in writing the dissertation introduction. They have regarding the way of starting the introduction section of the disser

Shorten Dissertation Abstract

Shorten Dissertation Abstract

In the previous article, we have studied writing the dissertation abstract.  Now in this article, we will talk about the techniques for shortening the dissertation Abstract. Many students pursuing a Ph.D. or Masters from college in Singapore often exceed the word count writing abstract by writing long sentences. They face many issues in reducing

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Dissertation Abstract

Dissertation Abstract

In our previous article, we have discussed dissertation acknowledgment. Now in this article, we will learn about how to write a dissertation abstract which comes after the acknowledgment section of the dissertation. Students pursuing an Undergraduate or Masters from college in Singapore often face issues in writing a dissertation abstract. Many st

Dissertation Acknowledgements Writing Tips & Examples

Dissertation Acknowledgements

Students studying undergraduate or Master's from Singapore University face difficulty in writing acknowledgement for dissertation. When students have to write dissertation acknowledgements, they have confusion about who to thank?  Such a query of the student will get resolved by reading this article. It is a real fact that many students feel stre

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How to Write a Dissertation?

How to Write a Dissertation?

Students studying undergraduate or Masters are often asked by their tutor to prepare a dissertation on a specific topic.  When students are told to prepare a dissertation, it means that they are at the end of their educational journey. It is the phase of their college life where students are required to demonstrate their knowledge, core competenci

How to Structure a Dissertation

How to Structure a Dissertation

The structure of a dissertation is completely based on the type of investigation you are conducting. An expert team of Singapore assignment help has written an article for assisting students in determining an appropriate dissertation layout. If you do not have knowledge about the dissertation structure then the guideline provided in this article w

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