Updated on: 19th Dec 2016

Does Using Social Media is Good for Students?

With the introduction of social media into our lives, one wonders what the social media effects on learner’s writing will be. Parents, professors and students are learning a new type of social media. Communication through social media can include misspellings, poor grammar and abbreviations and still be considered acceptable.

Does Using Social Media is Good for Students?

The requirement for students writing college or university assignments is much higher than compared to writing in schools. Social media impacts on student writing can be positive or negative it all depends on the professor in the classroom. The instructors can encourage proper grammar and communication even though acronyms may be used.

What are some of the negative effects of social media on student writings?

Social media is presently part of everybody’s life. Students are exposed to and interact with social media at an early age. As posts on social media are acceptable among students peer regardless of attention to detail, social media effects on student writing can be harmful.

  • Grammar and spelling errors- The most common errors social media brings are grammar and spelling mistakes. Proper grammar and spelling are the most essential in school, college or university, but mistakes are acceptable on social media.
  • Writing too fast- Social media has increased the need for rapid information. Writing too quickly increases mistakes and gives less time to think. Scholars are quick to post without thinking or revising about what they wrote.
  • Using text language- Abbreviations that are common in social media are dislike upon in formal writings. Students must spell words fully and not use slang.

Positive effects of social media-

Social media can be harmful, but if used properly students can use social media to improve their writing skills. Few of the causes why social media is useful for students-

  • It educates students- Social media appeals to every side of human emotion, including sharing of issues and problems that student might not have come across otherwise.
  • A place to turn to for advice- To seek advice on difficult subjects’ social media plays an important role. Students can get any advice through social media.
  • A place to test out your honesty- Often students finds it easier to express their feelings, correctly or improperly from the safety of behind a computer.
  • It’s a habit their future will thank them for- How to converse online, attract people to your website and read your cyber profile, is something many employers will see as a good skill to have in the future. And if they are learning and having fun then all power to the next generation.
  • It boosts self-esteem- Social media helps to stimulate the self-esteem as we have all compared and despaired by looking at others lives online.
  • It cheers them up- Social media has become a platform for the students to cheer them up when they go the wrong side.

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Apart from these the other advantages of social media on student life are-

  • Lessons about sharing- Students can share their writings on social media, blogs and websites. This can encourage followers since they know their efforts may be public.
  • Encouraging creativity- Professors can use social media to promote creativity and the thought process. The thought process is crucial in writing. Students can also obtain ideas through social media.
  • Expressing thoughts- Social media allows understudies to express their views like never before. Professors are finding that students can use the same process in writing in college or university.

How can students and professors balance social media and college?

Students in this day and age are on social media even if it is not in the classroom. Teaching students how to get benefit from social media can improve their performance and allow them to excel in the area of writing. Some of the ways students and professors can balance social media in college or university are-

  • Encourage individuality- Social media is a great place to express yourself. Instructors can encourage students to let their individuality come through in their writing.
  • Enhance communication- Good writing skills can be an encouragement to improve communication on social media as well as in the classroom.
  • Monitoring usage- Teachers do not need to be nervous of social media in the classroom. Monitoring the usage of students is paramount to benefiting from it.

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However, social media gives plenty of opportunities for learning and interactivity, and it’s not too hard to see how students gain from using social media. As modern generations use such technology in the classroom, they remake the educational landscape.

Students are encountering the world through more than just books and assignments; they are learning and adjusting to the world using a relatively new form of communication. In a world where connections are necessary, graduates are coming into the workplace with a lot to offer. Availing assignment help services from SingaporeAssignmentHelp.com is also the best opportunity to make perfect use of social media. Many of the Singapore students have availed our services.

Author Bio:

Laura Tan

I am an academic writer since 2003 and associated with Singapore Assignment Help. I have expertise in making dissertation proposal. Till now i helped more than 2000 Singaporean and Malaysian Students in completing their masters dissertations thesis and other academic papers.