Updated on: 9th Dec 2018

What is an expository essay, Format and writing tips

Essay writing is a common assignment assign to the Singaporean students in their school, college and universities and expository essays are one among them. The students are assigned to write an expository essay to express their academic knowledge and the opinion on the topic.

When the student assign a task to write an expository essay then the first question that comes in their mind is “what is an expository essay and how to write it?” usually students get confused and couldn’t understand what exactly they are supposed to write in this essay.

What is an expository essay, Format and writing tips

The Expository essay is a type of discourse which is written to describe, explain, inform or clarify a specific topic. The word expository means “to expose”, similar to this, an expository essay is written to expose some event, issue or situation.

Before we discuss, how to write an expository essay, let’s first understand, what is an expository essay?

What is an expository essay?

An expository essay is an essay which is written with an aim to inform the reader about the topic where a writer explores all angles of the specific topic in order to teach the reader everything about the topic.

The aim of an expository essay is to provide an explanation of the topic in a logical and straightforward way that involves comparing, discussing, analysing and telling a story about the topic. Without bells and whistles, this essay requires a fair and balanced analysis of each aspect of the topic, without presenting any writer’s opinion.

Some of the common subjects of expository essay writing topics include history, personal experience, literature, science and technology.

So now move on how to write an expository essay?

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6 steps to master the expository essay:

Composing an expository essay is not a rocket science; you need to consider few tricks at the stage of planning, gathering, analysing, composing and editing the essay can go a long way to make it a splendid one. Here are some steps that you need to follow to master your expository essay paper.

  • Select a topic: Selecting a topic is the first step in writing an expository essay. You can find many topics around you to write an expository essay. The main purpose of assigning this essay is that your instructor wants you to use your learned knowledge to develop an engaging essay paper that will satisfy the purpose of your writing.
    Selecting an impressive topic is the first and most challenging task. If your professor has assigned you a topic then you should move to the next step of writing without wasting any time.
    If your instructor has not assigned you a topic then you have to research and find a topic of your interest area. Conduct a research and brainstorm a list of topics that you are interested to write, you can even select an expository essay topic from your surroundings, newspaper, magazines or on some current issue, just make a list of topics without evaluation.
    Then assess all the topics selected and finalise one the most appropriate topic for your essay paper.
  • Plan your essay: Once you have selected a potential topic for your essay, your next steps are to create a plan and decide what you going to include in your essay paper. It will work as a Skelton of your writing that will save lots of time while writing. An essay plan will demonstrate:
  • How you are going to present the information.
  • What evidence you will present in your paper.
  • How you going to compare.
  • Prepare an outline: Once you have selected your topic and created a master plan to write an expository essay then your next step is to create an outline of your essay.
    An outline helps you to arrange your thoughts and ideas in a logical manner and helps you to stay on track while writing your essay paper. To create a perfect outline, you need to arrange all evidence in a sequential manner and write one line, under each heading and subheadings. Finally, summarise the main points of the essay.

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  • Create a draft using perfect structure: Like any other essay writings, the expository essay paper also follows the basic structure of essay writing which is consist of an introduction, body part and conclusion. Each section of the expository essay has its own specific characteristics they can’t be compromised.
    • Introduction: The introduction is the first part of the expository essay so you need to make it more compelling. Open your essay with a hook sentence or quote.
      Follow with setting some background for your readers and present some really good information about the essay. Then present a thesis statement where you will clearly define what you are ultimately talking about in your essay paper. Remember, you need to create an unbiased and neutral thesis statement.
    • The body part: The body part of the expository essay further divides into 3-4 paragraphs which clearly present a new information or evidence and present your understanding of the topic.
      You can present different points that support to the topic, in each paragraph or you can present 2 points that support the topic and 2 that are the opposite side of the topic or three stages to solve the problem. But you need to present a minimum 3 points on your topic.
    • Conclusion: Lastly, in the conclusion part, you need to summarise all points which you have stated in the body part. You can make it more compelling by asking some question like didn’t you or couldn’t answer.
  • Revise and edit: After you finish writing your essay, next, you need to do is reading. Reading and editing of the essay is a very important step where you can figure out the mistakes, you have been conducted in the essay paper.
    • Without editing and proofreading, minor mistake and errors cannot be excluded from your paper. After complete writing your essay, leave your paper as it is for 1 day if you don’t have that much time then leave your paper at least for 1-2 hour and the read every step of your paper and find out all errors.
    • After revising, create a final draft of your essay paper.
  • Reference: This is the last phrase of writing an expository essay and also the most significant stage. In this stage, you need to provide the original information of the resources which you have used in your essay.
    • Make sure you are aware with the referencing style that is required by your university and professor.
    • These are the basic steps to nail down a perfect expository essay

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Some tips to write a perfect expository essay:

  • Always know your audience: Knowing the audience is the most important to write an impressive expository essay. Before you start writing your essay, get an idea about who is going to read your paper, this will help you to use the information and terminology accordingly.
  • Always double check the instructions: Before you start writing your essay paper, double check the requirements and instructions provided by the college and professor.  So you will not miss even single information in your paper.
  • Ditch the complicated words and sentences: Most of the students think that using difficult to concentrate language presents scholarly knowledge and think that this way they can increase the quality of their paper. But in reality, only those papers who can be understood easily by the readers is consider as a quality paper so always use simple and understandable language.
  • Always double check your essay paper: Once you finish writing your essay paper, don’t do hurry to submit it, even your getting late for submission. First, check and re-check your paper deeply and precisely and make it a quality-oriented paper which is free from all errors.
  • Take help if necessary: Students, who feel hesitated to take help, always tend to face many problems. The students have to understand that there are many problems which cannot get solved itself. So if you facing problems in your essay paper then do take initiative to take help. In this tech world, there are many Essay Help resources are available; you can take help from them.
  • Have someone to edit your paper: We understand that when students complete their paper, they left with very less time to submit. It is really hard for them to edit their paper precisely in such a short time. But meanwhile they cannot ignore the importance of editing so it is always beneficial to take help from some professional essay editors who can edit your essay paper in a very short time; even in 1-2 hours and increase the quality of the paper.

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Our writers are available 24*7 round the clock and can assist you in all kind of essay paper including Argumentative Essay Help, persuasive essay, expository essay and many more.

Author Bio:

Laura Tan

I am an academic writer since 2003 and associated with Singapore Assignment Help. I have expertise in making dissertation proposal. Till now i helped more than 2000 Singaporean and Malaysian Students in completing their masters dissertations thesis and other academic papers.