Final Year Project (FYP) Report Template for Singaporean Students
Completing the Final Year Project (FYP) is an important milestone for university students in Singapore. A great report can make a big difference to your academic success. In this guide, we’ll look at the essentials of creating a great FYP report, designed specifically for Singapore students.
The abstract is to present the essence of the report. It should be in one paragraph of approximately 200-word length. Technical terms may be used where necessary for clarity, but abbreviations should be avoided. No diagrams shall be included and no references cited.
A list of five to ten keywords, separated by semicolons, shall be stated below the abstract. These keywords help others when searching for information.

List of Figures
Figure 1.1: Proposed solution.
List of Tables
Table 1.1: Test table.
Chapter 1: Introduction
The introduction part can have subtitles according to the needs of the project. Some suggested areas to include are as follows:
1.1 Background Information
This section is to provide a background of the specific subject addressed in the report, for the benefit of someone who is interested in the project but does not have the required background knowledge to make sense of it well. It is customary to start this section with a description of the broad area of knowledge and applications of the project, and then lead the reader to the specific scope of the project and the main aims of the work, highlighting the value of the investigation reported. It is important to briefly comment on any relevant work that had been reported elsewhere, and their implications to the present work.
This section is not a summary of the project, and therefore anything noted while carrying out the work should not be mentioned here.
1.2 Objective and Scope
This section provides a brief description of the project objectives and scope, and the experimental plan.
Chapter 2: Materials and Methods
All important actions carried out in the project, like setting up an experiment, a special process of cleaning the containers, stabilizing a parameter, number of test specimens prepared, etc., need to be stated clearly in the report. The objective here is to enable anyone else interested in repeating the work to carry out such reenactments without having to make guesses about procedural details. As such, any procedure that is unique needs to be explained in detail, whereas all standard procedures and commercially available schemes need only to be named. Appropriate methods of information presentation, like diagrams, pictures, and flow charts, may be helpful in communicating the necessary information. Subheaders may be included if necessary.
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Chapter 3: Results and Discussion
This is an important segment of the report as it is where the report writer’s personal reflections get recorded. Note that all descriptions after the introductory segment but before the discussion segment need to be impersonal and objective.
Any matter worth pointing out about the project execution, regardless of whether it is favorable or not, needs to be discussed with reasons to support the arguments. Of particular interest will be advantages and disadvantages of anything proposed in the project report.
Any new information drawn out from the observations and data collected is to be presented in this segment. The processes involved in drawing out the results, like ‘carried out a regression analysis’ or ‘computed the gradients of the graphs’ or ‘compared the rate of growth,’ need to be stated clearly when presenting the outcomes of those actions. To facilitate communication, suitable modes such as graphs, bar charts, and other forms of representations may be adopted.
Directions for Future Studies
At the end of each investigation, it is customary to suggest what kind of work may be carried out to further explore the subject of the study. Subheaders may be included if necessary.
Chapter 4: Conclusion
Each systematic investigation shall end with a set of conclusions drawn from the information gathered during the course of the project. Any matter raised in the introductory segment of the report shall be given a closure here. Potential applications of these findings also should be stated in this segment.
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There should always be a list of all books, articles, and technical resources consulted. The use of all source material should be explicit in the report. This means that normally every item in the reference list will be referred to in the report and every item mentioned in the report will have an entry in the reference list.
Each reference, be it from a journal, textbook, or conference proceedings, should be listed consistently, as in the example below.
Referencing Formats
Format 1: Refer to the works in numerical order with superscripted numbers¹ or square bracketed numbers [1]. In this case, the list of references at the end of the report needs to be presented as a numbered list in numerical order.
For example, the reference in the text could appear as “.. the laboratory methods [2]..” and the Reference Section would have:
[2] “The lab methods”, Laboratory Science, John Walters, Dec 02, pp 23–45.
Format 2: Refer to the last names of the authors with the year of publication of that work, within brackets, as with (Chung, 1996; Smith and Ho, 1997). If there are more than two authors, then only the first author’s name shall be cited, and add ‘and others’ as in (Morden et al. 1989). When the references are cited in this manner with the names of the authors, the list of references at the end of the report must be sorted in alphabetical order.
[2] “The lab methods”, Laboratory Science, John Walters, Dec 02, pp 23–45.
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