Updated on: 9th May 2020

Start a Research

Start a research paper by developing broad factual statements about the subject. College-going students when asked to perform research for the first time they have a question on how to begin writing a research paper. They face several issues in starting to write research papers. In this article, our professional is providing beginners with proper guidelines for starting a research paper.

Start a Research

How do you start a research report?

When you are asked to write a Research report, Dissertation, or thesis it could be quite difficult to understand from where to begin writing a research paper. There are some steps which you should follow for starting your research. The research process starts with the development of ideas related to the research topic. Before starting research, you need to perform preliminary research for identifying the problem. After that you are required to refine research questions. The researcher also needs to prepare the basis for research design which leads to a proposal that outlines plans and ideas.

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What are the main steps for starting a research project?

The 6 important steps you need to follow for starting the research project are:

Step 1: Selection of topic

Before starting a research paper, you need to generate an idea about a topic on which you want to perform research. You can select broad research or Dissertation topic. You must select the topic of your interest. After some time, you are required to narrow down your topic. You can review journals related to your field and try to find relevant issues associated with it. If during the preliminary investigation you found an interesting article you can review its references. By checking the references you will be able to identify other relevant sources. Along with reading you should prepare notes. You should also take high initiatives for the identification of problems, arguments, contradictions, and debates. After reading journals you should narrow down your topic. It is also very much important for you to think about practicalities, requirements of the research project, amount of time you need to complete research, and level of difficulty in accessing sources and information related to the topic. Before starting the other steps, you should have a discussion about the topic with your supervisor.

Step 2: Identification of the issue

After the selection of the research topic and narrowing it down, you need to determine what exactly you want to study. You are also required to develop an understanding of the importance of performing research on a particular subject. It is very much essential for you to provide your research project with clear focus and purpose.

At this step, you need to define the research problem.  The problem can be practical or theoretical.

Example of practical issue: A system or procedure which is not working properly. Such an issue has a significant adverse influence on the performance and productivity of companies.

Theoretical problem example: A researcher performs investigation for developing an understanding of the unexplored phenomenon.

At this step of starting a research paper, you need to formulate research objectives and required to write a research problem. At the time of defining the research problem, you should provide detailed information about the people who will get influence by specific issues, the reason for performing study on specific topics and the way research will help in solving a particular problem.

Step 3: Prepare a plan for research

Before starting to write a research paper and after deciding the topic or issue, you should first develop the proper plan that is a research proposal.  In the research proposal, you need to clearly define the type of research you are going to perform. You should also define the methodology you will use for performing research. At the time of developing the plan you should determine the aims and objectives you want to achieve by performing study on specific topics.

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Step 4: Formulation of Research Questions

At the next step of the starting of research paper writing, based on the problem statement you need to design one or more research questions. Before formulating research questions, it is very much essential for you to first determine what you intend to identify by undertaking the study.  Your research Questions might focus on the following such as providing description, explanation, and comparison.

A strong characteristic of research Questions is that its quite specific. It means that you answer research questions by executing Qualitative and Quantitative research. You can create complex research Questions, as it is the strategy that will help you in performing in detail study. There are a few types of research that were at this step; you need to create a theoretical framework or hypothesis for testing.

Step 5 Identify Sources and resources

After determining the topic and issue on which you intend to start research, you are required to identify the requirement of resources that you will need for performing research. After determining the essential resources you need to arrange the same.  Determination and Planning of resources before starting research is crucial for eliminating hurdles in research.

At this step only, you are also required to determine the procedures, tools, or techniques which you will utilize for performing different activities during research. You are also required to make different arrangements for the collection and analysis of information. After designing the research questions, you need to first identify the type of information you will need for answering research questions. After that you are required to search sources from where you will gather information.

Step 6:  Start your research

It is a final step where you can start your research paper on a particular topic. Again before starting to perform research you should review your university guidelines, as this will help you in identifying the requirements related to the structure of the research paper. You should first prepare a draft of the research paper and submit the same for approval by the supervisor. But before submitting the draft you should proofread it and make required changes.


It has been concluded from the above that selecting a topic is an important and initial step of starting a research paper. Other facts that have been found from the above are that planning of resources before starting research paper is crucial for eliminating hurdles in research.

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Author Bio:

Angela Wong

Hi Guys, Happy to help you in research paper writing. I am post graduate from SUSS and now involved in providing assistance to Singapore students for making research projects during masters and Phd scholars. You can consult me for marketing, management, finance, accounting or any kind of research paper writing query.