Updated on: 3rd Apr 2020

How to Write a Research Paper

Writing a research paper requires you to search for information related to the topic. In this article, our professional research paper writing team through this article teaching students How to write a research paper fast.

A research paper is basically a type of academic writing which is done on the basis of original research. Before start writing a research paper you need to perform research, collect and analyze information related to the topic.

How to Write a Research Paper

Writing a good research paper – 13 steps

Students studying the research subject in middle school should follow the below 13 steps for writing a good research paper. These steps are:

Step 1: Develop an understanding of the assignment:

Before start writing a research paper, it is very much essential for you to read the college or university guidelines properly. While reading the guideline, you should mainly focus on the requirements which you need to fulfill for writing an academic paper. If you have confusion related to the research paper, you can seek advice or help from the professor. Before starting to write the research paper it is very much important for you to develop an understanding of academic goals. Then after analyzing the requirements you should note down key points.  At this step, you need to consider the following such as time frame, limits of words, length of a research paper, and objective of writing a research paper.

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 Step 2:  Identify the target audience

It is a step where you need to first understand the expectation of your targeted audience. You should start your research paper considering in mind the nature and knowledge of the audience. It is very much important for you to be very much conscious when making a selection of words and framing of sentences for writing a research paper. As writing style which you adopt may have a great effect on the behavior of participants.  For example, the researcher basically targets the expert audience in order to write a research paper or thesis for the master’s program.  Assumption related to audiences can be done if you are writing a research paper for middle school pr undergraduate courses.  They are basically two types of an audience that you can target for presenting research paper these are generalist and expert audience. The tips for how to write a research paper for the expert and general audience are given below:

Audience How to write a research paper
Generalist ·         When writing a research paper for a general audience you should

·         Not use technical terms

·         Make utilization of simple words and sentences.

·         You should give simple explanations of concepts and clearly state arguments

·         Provide detail information

·         Give examples for explaining concepts.

Expert ·         You should not provide too much detail.

·         Be careful while justifying your claim

·         Have command of the literature


Step 3: Selection of research paper topic

Freewriting, brainstorming, discussion, etc. There are a few techniques that you can apply for the generation of an idea related to the topic.  Analysis of other literature can also be done, as this is one of the best techniques which will help you in finding the best topic for research. You should choose the research topic according to your interests. After making the choice of topic you should make sure that it is original.  The topic which you have selected for writing a research paper should have the ability to meet the requirement of the assignment.

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Step 4: Execution of preliminary research

After the selection of a topic and before writing a research paper you need to perform preliminary research. It is the tactics that will help you in determining whether a sufficient amount of information related to the issue or topic is available or not.  You can utilize a variety of sources such as books, journals, and newspaper articles for finding information about the topic. It is very much important to make sure that you are collecting the information about a specific topic from an authentic source only.

At this step, you should design the research question, as it will help you in determining the need for collecting specific types of data.

Step 5: Formulation of thesis statement

At this step, you need to create a thesis statement. It is basically a summary of key arguments.  A thesis statement establishes and helps in positioning the research paper. After writing a thesis statement for a research paper you should make sure that it is concise, coherent, and specific.

Step 6: Prepare a research paper outline

It is a step where you should prepare a research paper outline. If you don’t have knowledge about writing a research paper outline then you can use a guide that provides information about how to write a research paper outline. In simple words, before start writing the research paper you should prepare the list of main headings that you will include in your academic paper.  Preparing the research paper outline will help you in making the writing procedure efficient.

Step 7: Design structure of the paragraph

Before beginning to write a research paper you should first understand that paragraphs are building blocks of every academic paper. While writing a research paper you should emphasize only a single claim.

Step 8: Prepare the first draft of the research paper

In this step you need to prepare a draft of the research paper. The main objective of performing this step is to transform a rough idea into workable arguments, add detail to arguments and provide a sense of final documents. You should start writing academic papers by creating the research paper outline.  Before preparing a draft of your research paper you should set some priorities such as:

  • To maintain momentum
  • Paying attention to properly organizing a research paper
  • Arranging the paragraph in a logical manner
  • While writing the research paper you should only include flexible arguments.
  • Provide a sufficient amount of pieces of evidence for arguments.
  • Do the proper references and citations.

Step 9: Write a research paper introduction

The inclusion of the introduction section in an academic paper is very much essential. It is the section in a research paper that provides the reader with guidance throughout the research paper. The introduction represents the main idea and issue on which the study has been performed.  You can include hooks at the starting paragraph of the research paper introduction. It is the tactic that will help you in the generation of reading interest in the reader.  You should write an introduction to the research paper very concisely. In the introduction section of the research paper you should clearly state the aim, objectives, and questions and importance of investigation on a specific topic.

You also need to provide a description of how the research will proceed. While writing a research paper you should highlight the important elements of your research paper.

Step 10: Write the main body of the research paper

The main body is considered to be as most important pare tod research paper. It is the section that consists of detail information about the main idea. Many writers face issues in organizing the information present in the research paper.  It is through preparing the research paper guideline you can get ease in organizing the content of the research paper.  You can also utilize your thesis statement and topic sentences for arranging the paragraphs in a logical order.

  • Tip: After completion of the first draft, you should compress the paragraphs into only topic sentences and read them. Then after that, you should ensure smooth transitions between paragraphs.

Step 11: Write a Research paper conclusion

The main objective of the writing conclusion section is a research paper is to provide a sense of finality to the reader.  In the conclusion section, you need to present the key arguments and findings.  Issues that have taken place during the investigation can include the same while writing a research paper conclusion. It is a section where you can include general consequences of the arguments and could provide recommendations for future studies.

Step 12:  Prepare the second draft:

The 4 things which you should keep in mind while writing a final draft of research paper theses are:

  • You should analyze the way the vision of the research paper is to associate with the first draft.
  • Before submission of the research paper you should address any assumptions or an argument that requires proper explanations.
  • You should make sure that your ideas are arranged in a logical manner.
  • If in case you address any idea that is not relevant to your study then you should remove that content.

Step 13: Do revision

Before submission of the research paper you should do proper revision and proofreading. It is the tactic that will help you in the elimination of errors.

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It has been concluded from the above article that writing a research paper is not at all a difficult task. You only need proper knowledge and writing skills for preparing a research paper. Another fact that has been found is that the selection of topics for writing a research paper is done considering the type of audience.

Author Bio:

Angela Wong

Hi Guys, Happy to help you in research paper writing. I am post graduate from SUSS and now involved in providing assistance to Singapore students for making research projects during masters and Phd scholars. You can consult me for marketing, management, finance, accounting or any kind of research paper writing query.