Updated on: 16th Jul 2021

PSLE 2024 Scoring & Grading System In Singapore 2024

The PSLE in Singapore is a national examination for students at the end of their primary education. It forms the basis for which secondary school a student will attend based on performance in subjects such as English, Mathematics, Science, and Mother Tongue, that is Chinese, Malay, or Tamil.

In 2021, the PSLE grading system was changed to eliminate the T-score and implement the Achievement Level (AL) system. In this new system, students will score from AL1 to AL8 for every subject. The new approach aims to reduce fine differentiation and emphasize individual student achievement. Such changes, in addition to other educational reforms, are part of Singapore’s efforts to continually improve the education system and prepare students to face future challenges.

PSLE New Scoring System in Singapore

Education remains at the forefront in Singapore, with quite significant allocations for the education sector. It is not limited to pursuing academic excellence but tries to cover other socio-economic problems as well, such as unemployment and economic growth in the country. The need for national development is well covered through the school system, and Singapore remained at the top in terms of global economic centres.

This version includes new reforms and provides a much more transparent view of the current landscape of education in Singapore.

PSLE Grading System 2024 Breakdown: What It Means for Students

Here’s the updated PSLE Grading System table for 2024 based on the Achievement Level (AL) system

Grade Achievement Level (AL) Description
AL8 8 Lowest
AL7 7 Low
AL6 6 Below average
AL5 5 Pass
AL4 4 Fair
AL3 3 Good
AL2 2 Very Good
AL1 1 Highest achievement


AL1 represents the best performance, while AL8 indicates the lowest.

Students’ total PSLE score is the sum of the ALs from four subjects: English, Mathematics, Science, and Mother Tongue. The minimum score is 4 (if a student scores AL1 in all subjects) and the maximum is 32 (if a student scores AL8 in all subjects).

This change in the grading system is designed to reduce competition and focus on individual achievement, moving away from the previous T-score system

Understanding PSLE Achievement Levels (ALs) For Singapore Students in 2024

Foundation Level Grading for PSLE (2024):

Grade Foundation Raw Mark Range Equivalent Standard Level (AL)
A 75-100 AL6
B 30-74 AL7
C Below 30 AL8

The students who are going for foundation level subjects will be assessed from AL A to AL C grading system and provide an overall performance in PSLE scores. Whereas the grading system in the standard level is in the form of 6, 7, and 8 which represent the range from 75-100, 30-74, and less than 30 respectively. Moreover, the new scoring system also exempted the scoring mechanism for mother tongue languages except for Asian and foreign languages.

As far as legibility criteria are concerned for the secondary school courses then students will be placed in express, normal either academic or technical courses based on the PSLE score.

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Key Differences Between T-Score and AL Score in the 2024 PSLE Scoring System

T-Score vs AL Score: The Key Differences in the PSLE Scoring System

The PSLE is also a big day for the children because it determines their future path in education and which secondary school they get placed into. The scoring mechanism of the PSLE has changed over the years with a view to becoming much more balanced and holistic in nature. One of the major changes occurred in the year 2021. Singapore decided to switch its old T-Score to the new Achievement Level or AL system.

This blog looks into the difference between the T-Score and the AL Score, helping you understand how the PSLE scoring system has transformed and what it means for students.

What Is the T-Score?

A while ago before 2021, PSLE results were ranked, giving T-Scores and used as a criterion that indicated the performance level a given child did in PSLE exams compared to others within that particular cohort. In particular, there is how it went along;

  • Calculation: It measures in the form of a T-Score the standardized score as put side-by-side on another form through incorporating the marks performed compared with any set scores scored on PSLE by students tin hat same particular cohort.
  • Relative Ranking: This concept was to indicate how a student performed in comparison with the rest of the class. For instance, if a student scored in the top 10%, then his or her T-Score would be higher than that of other students, even though his or her raw score was not the highest.
  • Competition: It created a competitive environment where students would feel compelled to outcompete each other since, at the end of the day, scores would be relative.

While the T-Score system aimed to provide a fair way of ranking students, it had its drawbacks. Students could feel anxious about competing against their peers, and even slight differences in scores could result in large differences in the final T-Score. It also didn’t always reflect individual strengths or weaknesses in different subjects.

What Is the AL Score?

The Achievement Level (AL) system was introduced in 2021 as a more student-centered approach to scoring. It is different from the T-Score system, which ranks students against one another. Instead, it focuses on individual performance. Here’s how it works:

  • Grading: Students are given a score from AL1 to AL8 in each of the four subjects: English, Mathematics, Science, and Mother Tongue (Chinese, Malay, or Tamil).

AL1 is the perfect score and AL8 is the worst.

  • Student achievement: For every student, the result is determined individually, in comparison to themselves only. What this means is that how well a student has understood and applied material in one subject does not necessarily determine the outcome in another subject.
  • Holistic assessment: AL aims to promote personal growth and accomplishment by focusing on the degree of how well a student is performing in terms of standards set, rather than being compared with other students.
  • Impact on Placement: The ultimate score for PSLE is derived by summing up all ALs obtained in various subjects and determining the secondary school placement. For instance, in all four subjects, if a student got an AL1, then the AL1 score would be 4 which is the lowest score on this scale. The higher the AL, the greater the total score.

How to Calculate the PSLE Score using the AL Scoring System?

To compute the PSLE score using the AL scoring system, you just add up the Achievement Levels (ALs) of the four core subjects: English, Mathematics, Science, and Mother Tongue. Each subject is graded from AL1 (best) to AL8 (lowest). The smaller the AL number, the better the performance.


AL1 (best) = 1 point

AL2 = 2 points

AL3 = 3 points

AL4 = 4 points

AL5 = 5 points, and so on up to AL8.

If a student gets AL1 in English, AL2 in Mathematics, AL3 in Science, and AL4 in Mother Tongue, then that student’s overall PSLE would be 10 for the total score.

Total Score: Range of 4 to 32. Less is better, meaning, the total score. Based on this total score, then, they make secondary school placements, but students mostly get assigned based on just how competitive that total score is. The better the total score, and the greater your chances, the higher into more academic schools.

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Presentation of P5 results in Holistic Development Profile (HDP)

The Primary 5 (P5) effects in the Holistic Development Profile (HDP) in Singapore are presented in a document that indicates a student’s normal overall performance across multiple areas of improvement. The HDP is a complete evaluation device that aims to assess a student’s universal improvement, which includes their instructional, social, emotional, physical, and aesthetic abilities.

The HDP report for P5 students typically includes the following information:

  • Academic rankings: Report the scholar’s rankings for the subjects of English, Maths, Science and Mother Tongue (Chinese, Malay or Tamil).
  • Holistic development ratings: The record indicates the ratings obtained by the pupil in social, emotional, physical, and aesthetic improvement. These ratings are based on an assessment of overall performance and instructor observations in the complete year.
  • Strengthening and regions for improvement: The record suggests strengths and areas for improving the pupil in each difficulty and area of development.
  • Recommendations: The report makes suggestions for the destiny of gaining knowledge of and improvement of the scholar based on their performance inside the HDP exams.

The HDP document is meant to offer a comprehensive evaluation of a student’s improvement and to assist them and their mother and father in understanding their strengths and regions for improvement. It is one among many tools used to assist students in gaining knowledge of and improvement in Singapore.

Scoring for Foundation-Level Subjects

The scoring for foundation-level subjects can vary depending on the specific subject and the institution or organization that is offering the course or program. However, in general, foundation-level subjects are typically designed to provide a basic foundation of knowledge and skills in a particular area, and the scoring may reflect this.

Here are a few possible ways that foundation-level subjects may be scored:

  • Percentage grades: Foundation-stage topics may be graded on a per cent scale, with a score of one hundred indicating that all of the fabric has been mastered.
  • Pass/fail: Some foundation-level topics may also have a pass/fail grading device, with a skip indicating that the material has been mastered to a high-quality degree and a fail indicating that greater work is wanted.
  • Letter grades: Foundation-degree topics may also be graded on a letter scale, consisting of A, with A being the very best grade and F being the bottom.
  • Competency-based: Some foundation-level subjects may be evaluated based on whether a student has demonstrated the required competencies or skills.

It is important to check the specific grading system for a foundation-level subject to understand how it will be evaluated and what is required to achieve a particular grade or score.

Such reforms in the education system are required to deal with the issues and challenges that it is currently facing and provide a problem-solving approach to real-world problems. Education is the right of the person recognized by the state as well as internationally.

The new PSLE scoring mechanism is introduced by the Ministry of Education for the benefit of the students. The reform in the education system is required after the state encountered the pandemic situation and such reform brings parity in attaining the goal of disseminating education. The main focus of such a revised scoring system is to allow the kids to concentrate on learning rather than comparing their abilities with others.

The Implication of PSLE New Scoring System

Though the Ministry of Education of the state has come up with a new scoring mechanism, it is important to note the effect of the same on children. Certain key changes are the result of such a new scoring system and one among such is achievement level.

Such achievement level has wider scoring bands than earlier which operates in eight ALs. And the candidate in case of similar ALs shall be placed in the same AL for every distinct subject. The eighth achievement level ranges from less than 20 which extends to equal to or more than 90. 

Such achievement level of every student is the computation of four subjects that vary from four to thirty-two. For instance, a student who scores AL 3, 2, 1, 2 in English, MTL, mathematics, and science respectively. So the PSLE score of such a student is reckoned as 9. Buy high-quality essays & assignment writing as per particular university, high school or college by Singapore Writers

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Hope that our information on PSLE new scoring system in Singapore helped you to understand the entire mechanism.

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Author Bio:

Laura Tan

I am an academic writer since 2003 and associated with Singapore Assignment Help. I have expertise in making dissertation proposal. Till now i helped more than 2000 Singaporean and Malaysian Students in completing their masters dissertations thesis and other academic papers.