Updated on: 16th Mar 2020

Shorten Dissertation Abstract

In the previous article, we have studied writing the dissertation abstract.  Now in this article, we will talk about the techniques for shortening the dissertation Abstract.

Many students pursuing a Ph.D. or Masters from college in Singapore often exceed the word count writing abstract by writing long sentences. They face many issues in reducing the word count of the Abstract.  The main objective of this article published by Singapore assignment help is to assist students in shortening their abstracts.

Shorten Dissertation Abstract

In the previous article, we have studied the writing, Now in this article, we will talk about the techniques for shortening the dissertation Abstract. Many students pursuing a Ph.D. or Masters from college in Singapore often exceed the word count writing abstract by writing long sentences. They face many issues in reducing the word count of the Abstract.   An expert team of Singapore assignment help has suggested a few strategies in this article that can be helpful in making dissertation abstract short.

The 6 techniques by using which you can use for making your dissertation abstract short. These techniques are :

  1. Avoiding writing passive sentences
  2. Do not utilize noun style
  3. Avoid writing long sentences in Abstract
  4. Do not repeat sentences or phrases.
  5. Omit detail explanation
  6. Inclusion of key points

Let’s, look at the detail explanation of these six techniques.

How to shorten the dissertation abstract?

Avoiding writing passive sentences

At the time of writing the dissertation abstract, you should try to use active voice.  In passive voice, the sentence becomes long. If In case you have already written a dissertation abstract then you by converting passive sentences into active could make the sentence shorter.  It is considered to be as one of the best technique which can use to shorten your dissertation abstract.

 You will have a Question: how to convert passive sentence into active. Here is the solution. You for transforming active sentence into passive just need to change the words of thing performing action. In simple words, you can easily transform passive voice into active by placing verb after things doing action.  You should only use an active verb.


Passive ( which you should not use in the abstract) Active ( such sentence you should use )
The home is painted by Smith. Smith paints the home.
The management information system has been tested by Johnson. Johnson tests the management information system.
The theory is supported by the results. Results support the theory.
A partial answer is provided through Pestle analysis. The pestle analysis provides a partial answer.
Both interview and Questionnaire techniques are used for collecting data. Data collection is done using Qualitative and Quantitative techniques.

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Avoid writing long sentences to shorten dissertation  Abstract

One of the best strategies to shorten the dissertation abstract is to avoid the use of superfluous words which increase the length of sentences.

Unnecessary words in sentences Example  Strong and short sentences Examples
A  greater number of The greater number of  people has voted against Most, Many Many people have voted
As an outcome of The profit of the firm has declined as a result of inflation Due to, because of Firm profit has increased due to inflation.
All times At all times employees have a complaint related to management  Every time, Always Always employees have few complaints related to management.
Present times, At present times, digitalization has bought the biggest transformation in the corporate world. Currently. Presently, Now Presently, digitalization has bought the biggest transformation in the corporate world.
By means of The students were taken to picnic spots by means of bus. By The students were taken to the picnic spot by bus.
Aim of Investigator conducted an investigation with the aim of identifying the impact of globalization on business. To Investigator conducted an investigation to identify the impact of globalization on business.

Do not repeat sentences or phrases

The best way to shorten the dissertation abstract is to try to avoid writing the word or phrases again and again.  One of the best technique which you can use is to after completion of abstract read it loudly.  It is a strategy which will help you in addressing the repetitive words and phrases. Moreover,  You can also seek help from your friends or family member for identifying the repetition of sentences, words or phrases.   Computer software can be utilized for detecting the words or sentence repetition.

With repetition Without repetition
The outcome of the investigation has represented that the new compensation scheme has an adverse influence on the satisfaction of employees.  Employees said that The outcome of the investigation has represented that the new compensation scheme has an adverse influence on the satisfaction of employees. They have stated that
Outcomes of investigation are obtained by means of a survey.  outcomes are analyzed by means of SPSS. Outcomes of investigation are obtained by means of a survey and it is analyzed using SPSS.
By analyzing the conclusion drawn from the study it is determined that  The result demonstrates that

Omit detail explanation

You should not include too much detail information about the background of the topic or issue.  At the time of writing the dissertation abstract, you can define the problem or topics in just one or two sentences. It is an effective technique to shorten the Dissertation abstract.


Detailed description Summary
Woolworth is a company that was founded in the year 1988. The company is operating a business in the retail sector. Its aim is to earn a high profit. Woolworth is a retail organization aims to earn high profit.
The strategy which is adopted by the enterprise for Promoting a business is not effective. It is a strategy that is designed by the manager of the firm. The marketing strategy of the firm is not effective.
The pricing strategy which indicates the prices of various goods or services offered by the company is based on the economic condition of the nation. The pricing strategy of the organization is based on the economy of a nation.

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Do not utilize noun style

One of the main reasons for lengthy abstracts is the use of a noun which makes sentences longer. The overuse of nouns can make sentences difficult. You can utilize verbs in your sentences.


Noun style Verb
An article provides a definition of  dissertation An article defines the dissertation.
The theory was supported by the results. Result supported the theory.
The management in an organization took a decision that the business plan should emphasize business expansion. Management in the organization decided that the plan should emphasize business expansion.
Tourists should decrease the utilization of plastic bags. Tourists should use fewer plastic bags.

Inclusion of key point to shorten dissertation abstract 

We have already discussed the elements and information to be included in the dissertation abstract in our previous article (you can refer to the link). In the previous article, we have provided a clear explanation of the meaning and explanation of information to be included in the abstract.

Author Bio:

Laura Tan

I am an academic writer since 2003 and associated with Singapore Assignment Help. I have expertise in making dissertation proposal. Till now i helped more than 2000 Singaporean and Malaysian Students in completing their masters dissertations thesis and other academic papers.