Updated on: 22nd Jul 2022

SIT Grading System Singapore

SIT Grading System Singapore

The Singapore Institute of Technology (SIT) operates on a unique 4-1-4 academic calendar, which features two semesters followed by a one-semester internship. 

To be eligible for the award of a particular degree from SIT, students must fulfill all assessments and criteria as established in their program, obtain the complete credits required by the program, and obtain a minimum Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) at the conclusion of the final trimester.

SIT Honours Degree Grading System

Based on the CGPA obtained at the last trimester of their program, undergraduate students will be granted a degree classification as follows:

Degree Classification CGPA Requirement
Honours with Highest Distinction 4.50 ≤ CGPA ≤ 5.00
Honours with Distinction 4.00 ≤ CGPA < 4.50
Honours with Merit 3.50 ≤ CGPA < 4.00
Honours 3.00 ≤ CGPA < 3.50
Pass 2.00 ≤ CGPA < 3.00

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This system is designed to provide students with the opportunity to gain work experience and apply their knowledge in a real-world setting.

Each of its universities has a different grading system.

Let’s see each of  the university’s grading systems in detail:

Grading System of DigiPen Institute of Technology Singapore

The Grading System at DigiPen Institute of Technology Singapore is designed to give students a clear understanding of their progress and achievement in their courses.

The system applies to both examinations and term work, and the weight of a final examination grade is individually determined by each instructor.

The system uses a four-point grading scale. See the following Grade Point Average table for additional information.

A 4.00 Excellent
A- 3.70 Excellent
B+ 3.30 Good
B 3.00 Good
B- 2.70 Good
C+ 2.30 Fair
C 2.00 Fair
C- 1.70 Fair
D 1.00 Poor
F 00 Fail

The following grades have no impact on the GPA:

  • AU – Audit: A student who audits a course does not receive a letter grade or credit for the course, but may be required to complete certain assignments.
  • I – Incomplete: An incomplete indicates that a student has not completed all of the requirements for a course. An incomplete must be removed within one semester or it will automatically become an F.
  • IP – In Progress: Indicates that the grade was not available at the time of printing.
  • W – Withdrawal: Indicates withdrawal from the course before the conclusion of the eighth week of lectures or withdrawal from the university. No student will receive an “W” grade on any final examination taken. A professor may not remove a student from a course.

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Grading System of University of Glasgow

The university’s Code of Assessment regulates assessment.

The table below displays the range of grades from A1 (best) to H (lowest), with descriptions of each grade provided in the text column.

Projects, for example, are graded using these grades directly, whereas most examinations in Engineering are marked out of 100%.

The university converts these percentages into grades using the mapping in the table as a guide, with small adjustments to take account of the particular examination.

Grade  Aggregate Score % (*BEng Programmes) % (**BSc Programme) Remarks
A1 22 84-100 91-100 Excellent
A2 21 80-83 84-90
A3 20 77-79 78-83
A4 19 74-76 73-77
A5 18 70-73 70-72
B1 17 67-69 67-69 Very Good
B2 16 64-66 63-66
B3 15 60-63 60-62
C1 14 57-59 57-59 Good
C2 13 54-56 53-56
C3 12 50-53 50-52
D1 11 47-49 47-49 Satisfactory
D2 10 44-46 43-46
D3 9 40-43 40-42
E1 8 37-39 37-39 Weak
E2 7 34-36 33-36
E3 6 30-33 30-32
F1 5 27-29 27-29 Poor
F2 4 24-26 23-26
F3 3 20-23 20-22
G1 2 15-19 15-19 Very Poor
G2 1 10-14 10-14
H0 0 0-9 0-9

*BEng = Bachelor of Engineering programmes

**BSc = Bachelor of Science programmes

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Honours Grading System (University of Glasgow)

The following table is a GPA classification of honors degrees awarded by the University of Glasglow. It is based on a 22-point scale.

Honours GPA Honours classification
18.0 – 22.0 First class
17.1 – 17.9 Either first or upper second class (at discretion of GSA Final Examination Board)
15.0 – 17.0 Upper second class
14.1 – 14.9 Either upper second or lower second class (at discretion of GSA Final Examination Board)
12.0 – 14.0 Lower second class
11.1 – 11.9 Either lower second or third class (at discretion of GSA Final Examination Board)
9.0 – 11.0 Third class
8.1 – 8.9 Either third class or fail (at discretion of GSA Final Examination Board)
0.0 – 8.0 Fail

The Rules for Progression and Honours Assessment

The student’s performance at the end of each academic year must satisfy certain criteria in order for him or her to continue on with their degree program.

BEng Programme Progression

In order to progress from Year 1 (Level 3) to Year 2 (Level 4), the student’s Year 1 results, excluding those obtained in Glasgow during OIP, must meet the following requirements:

  • All courses must be completed with a minimum grade of E3 (130 credits for Aerospace programs) and 120 credit hours are required.
  • The finest 110 credits must have a D3 or higher grade.
  • At least a 9.0 (i.e., D3) on the 0–22 scale

BSc Programme Progression

To progress from Year 1 (Level 3) to Year 2 (Level 4) in the BSc, the student’s Year 1 results must fulfill these criteria:

  • 120 credits have been earned in the program.
  • A D3 grade (i.e., 9 on the University 22 point scale) in Year 1 (Level 3), at first attempt

Grading System of The Culinary Institute of America

The CIA (Culinary Institute of America) uses the following quality-point alpha grading system:

Grade Marks Qulaity Points
A 95 – 100 4.00
A- 90 – 94 3.66
B+ 87 – 89 3.33
B 84 – 86 3.00
B- 80 – 83 2.66
C+ 77 – 79 2.33
C 74 – 76 2.00
C- 70 – 73 1.66
D 65 – 69 1.00
F Below 65 0.00

In some cases no grades are given, such as:

I – Incomplete: Student did not complete the coursework for reasons beyond his/her control.

W – Withdrawal: Student withdrew from the class after the drop deadline.

IP – In Progress: Coursework is still in progress.

AU – Audit: Indicates that the student is not taking the course for credit and will not receive a grade from the instructor.

TC – Transfer Credit: Indicates that the student has transferred credit for the course from another institution.

NC – No Credit: Indicates that the student did not earn credit because of excessive absences or other reasons.

To calculate GPA, the quality points for each course are multiplied together. Then add all of your quality points together and divide them by the total number of credits received, including those for “F” grades that have not been repeated.

To graduate from the CIA, students needs to complete all degree requirements (courses, comprehensive examinations, and other criteria), and must obtain a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.0.

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Grading System of The Glasgow School of Art

In order to ensure that all students are fairly evaluated, the Glasgow School of Art uses a grading system. This system is designed to evaluate a student’s work in each class and assign a letter grade that corresponds to the level of achievement. The GPA table is as follows:

Grade  Aggregate Score Remarks Honours Class
A1 22 Excellent First
A2 21
A3 20
A4 19
A5 18
B1 17 Very Good Upper Second
B2 16
B3 15
C1 14 Good Lower Second
C2 13
C3 12
D1 11 Satisfactory Third
D2 10
D3 9
E1 8 Weak Fail
E2 7
E3 6
F1 5 Poor
F2 4
F3 3
G1 2 Very Poor
G2 1
H0 0

For classified honours programs, the discretion of GSA’s Final Examination Board (final-year students) is required to determine a final degree classification.

(a) The GSA Final Examination Board (Final-Year Students) should recommend the following awards when the mean overall Grade Point Average falls within one of the following ranges:

  • 18.0 to 20.0: First class honours
  • 15.0 to 17.0: Upper second class honours
  • 12.0 to 14.0: Lower second class honours
  • 9.0 to 11.0: Third class honours
  • 0.0 to 8.0: Fail

(b) If the mean overall Grade Point Average falls between two of the ranges established in 1(a), the GSA Final Examination Board (final-year students) has the option to select which of the alternative honors to suggest:

  • 17.1 to 17.9: Either first or upper second class honours
  • 14.1 to 14.9: Either upper or lower second class honours
  • 11.1 to 11.9: Either lower second or third class honours
  • 8.1 to 8.9: Either third class honours to fail

Final year students in the GSA are assessed according to their performance in examinations and other coursework. 

The following arrangement shall normally be applied when awarding marks: when the overall aggregation score falls between 0.1 and 0.4, the lower award is given; and when it falls at 0.5 or above, the higher award is given.

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Grading System of University of Liverpool

Grades for each module of non-clinical modular degrees are classified as follows:

Score Degree Classification
70 – 100 First Class
60 – 69 Upper second class (2.1)
50 – 59  Lower second class (2.2)
40 – 49 3rd Class
35 – 39 Narrow fail (but compensation may be allowed in accordance with the University’s rules)
Less than 35 Fail

In order to progress to the next year of study, a student must pass all 120 credits with a score of 40 or above.

However, a student may have up to 15 credits that are compensated with a score of 35-39, in accordance with the university’s rules.

The degree classification is established by counting the number of marks earned in Years 2 and 3, with a 30:70 Year 2/Year 3 weighting applied.

There are re-sit opportunities for Year 1 and Year 2 students during the summer assessment period. If a student does not pass the required number of credits, they will be required to take an additional year of study.

In order to avoid this, it is important for students to ensure that they are making satisfactory progress toward their degrees.

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The SIT GPA Grading System is a very good grading system. It allows for a lot of customization and is very user-friendly. We hope that  this article has helped you understand the basics of the SIT Grading System and how it works. If you have any questions, please feel free to our experts of Singapore Assignment Help. Our online assignment helper Singapore are available 24/7 to assist you with the Singapore GPA grading system or any other kind of academic assistance.

Questions Related To SIT Singapore Grading System

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Q.1 Is there bell curve in SIT?

Answer: No, there is no bell curve in GPA at the Singapore Institute of Technology. Each student’s academic performance is evaluated and assessed on an individual basis.

Q.2 Does SIT look at GPA?

Answer: Surely, the grade point average (GPA) is an important requirement for admission into SIT. However, it is not the only criterion on which applicants are judged.

Other factors such as test scores, letters of recommendation, personal statements, essays are also considered during the selection process.

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Q.3 What type of degree does SIT offers?

Answer: SIT offers an extensive range of degrees, both at its own institutions and at its Overseas University (OU). SIT’s own degrees include everything from business and management to engineering and technology.

Meanwhile, the OU offers degree programmes in a wide variety of subject areas, including arts and humanities, sciences, health, and education. There really is something for everyone at SIT.

Q.4 What is a good GPA in SIT?

GPAs are an important factor that colleges and universities look at when making admission decisions. A student’s GPA can give admissions counselors an idea of their academic ability and potential. In general, a good GPA for admission into SIT would be around 3.5 or above.

Q.5 What is SIT GPA grading system?

Answer: The SIT GPA Grading System is a system that evaluates student performance on a scale of A, B, C, D, E, & F. This system is used by SIT colleges to evaluate student progress and Standing in Academics. The grades given in this system represent the student’s level of achievement as well as their potential for improvement.

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Q. 6 What happens if I fail a module in SIT?

Answer: If you fail a module in sit, you will have to retake the module in order to pass. However, if you receive college assignment help Singapore and put in the extra effort, you should be able to successfully pass the module (and the course) the second time around.

Q.7 Is D1 pass in SIT?

Answer: Yes, it is satisfactory. A D1 pass indicates that you have demonstrated a satisfactory level of knowledge and skill in the subject matter.

Q.8 Is it hard to get in SIT?

Answer: 95% of current students are poly graduates. In general, a polytechnic GPA of 3.0 is required for admission into the SIT degree programmes. Alternatively, you may also consider the Foundation in Arts and Science programme which is offered at SIM University (UniSIM).

This programme will prepare you for entry into a wide range of degree programmes should you not meet the academic requirements for direct entry into a particular degree programme.

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Author Bio:

Laura Tan

I am an academic writer since 2003 and associated with Singapore Assignment Help. I have expertise in making dissertation proposal. Till now i helped more than 2000 Singaporean and Malaysian Students in completing their masters dissertations thesis and other academic papers.