Updated on: 3rd Aug 2018

How to Write a Good Essay - Impressive Tips & Steps Explained

Writing a good essay becomes a frightening task for students in an exam as they have to complete it within a specific given of time. Writing a better essay is not as simple as sitting down on a laptop and start typing, it includes a lot of planning before, great grammar skills and hardcore research. Here, we are providing impressive tips & steps for “How to Write a Good Essay”

How to Write a Good Essay


An essay is a written piece of paper based on a specific topic. Generally, an essay is written by the students as their course work in universities or colleges. Writing an essay is a long task that includes research on a specific topic for many days or even months.

While writing an essay is a lengthy milestone but, as per our expert, there are some specific steps to write an impressive essay. There are various types of essay writing & you have to be very careful while writing an essay.

How To Write A Good Essay Step By Step

There are many things you need to be considered while writing an essay. Here we are providing some major steps for writing a good essay.

Steps for Writing a Good Essay

If you follow these steps you will defiantly reach the excellent form of an essay.

  • Step 1 – Decide what kind of essay you want to write
  • Step 2 – Conceptualized your topic.
  • Step 3 – Do a lot of research
  • Step 4 – Flourish a thesis
  • Step 5 – Outline the essay
  • Step 6 – Write down the complete essay
  • Step 7 – Rewrite essay, check grammar and spelling errors
  • Step 8 – Proofread it.

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While these steps sound like a long procedure but if a student follows these steps then he will be able to write down a rational, adequate and competent essay that helps the reader to understand your essay decisively. If you are searching for an appropriate topic,  singaporeassignmenthelp.com is providing free essay writing topics.

Format For Writing A Good Essay

To write a good essay, you must know the correct format of essay writing. The format basically includes an introduction, main body & conclusion.

Outline to Write an Essay:

Through more advanced academies have their own outline but generally, in high schools, colleges and universities follow a basic and standardized outline to formulate an essay.

1. Write an introduction: The main motive of the introduction part is to introduce the reader about you “Position”, but a good introduction of an essay should always start with a “hook” sentence that could be a powerful phrase or a question related to their subject.

Once the reader’s attention is hooked then present an impressive “Thesis Statement”. The thesis statement should very precise and clear and should define the subject. It should leave a picture of their position on the reader’s mind.

Then the student should present a short preview of examples that support the thesis statement that they going to present in the rest part of an essay.

2. The body part of an essay: The body part of an essay is a middle 2-3 paragraph of the essay. In the body part students has to present the details, facts, and examples in support of the thesis statement.

In the first paragraph, the student should specify the most effective argument with a significant example. This paragraph should start with the topic itself and then continue with the example which already presented in a short preview of the introduction part.

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Examples should be defined properly that make an impact that how they are relevant or they should provide enough information or evidence that proves the student’s view correctly.

Following this student should provide 4-5 relevant examples, facts or events related to the thesis statement.

Lastly, the student should define exactly how these examples prove proved your thesis.

Every other paragraph should start using the “Transitions”. Transitions phrases (further, secondly, lastly, move on, etc.) are useful for understanding the readers where the first paragraph ends and the other one starts.

3. Conclusion: Although the conclusion part comes at the end of the essay, it should be written in a very precise manner because it gives the last chance to the student to leave an image on the reader’s mind.

The conclusion should start with Transitions (in conclusion, in the end, etc.) and then follow to it, restate the thesis statement in different words.

Tips to Write a Perfect Essay

According to our professional writers, these are some tips, by using them you can improve little more quality to your essay.

  • Tip 1 – Read other good essays – Reading helps to improve the writing skill. As more as you read, you will come to know with the new writing style, and later on, you will discover your own style. The much verity you read the more knowledge you get and that helps you to in writing your own essay effectively
  • Tip 2 – Build your vocabulary and use it properly – Get a good command on the vocabulary helps to express your word more precisely. With your flourish vocabulary and writing style, you can grab your reader’s attention until the end.
  • Tip 3 – Start with proper planning – To start an essay it is always advisable to plan all the events in advance. The one who plans before writing their essay always comes up with more supportive ideas and a more efficient essay because “If you don’t know where you are going, you’ll end up somewhere else”.
  • Tip 4 – Practice more and more –  Practice makes always a man perfect and writing is all about practice because good writing doesn’t come accidentally.

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Facing problems in writing an essay? Let us write a perfect essay for you!

We hope that you have got a precise overview of how to write an essay but still if you don’t feel you can write your essay on your own or you need some assistance in your work feels free to contact professional writers of SingaporeAssignmentHelp.com.

Author Bio:

Laura Tan

I am an academic writer since 2003 and associated with Singapore Assignment Help. I have expertise in making dissertation proposal. Till now i helped more than 2000 Singaporean and Malaysian Students in completing their masters dissertations thesis and other academic papers.