How to Write the Findings of a Dissertation

Last updated on: November 11, 2021 | George Orwell | 5599 views

After the collection of the data, you need to write the findings of a dissertation. Many students studying in UK University face issues in determining how to start writing the dissertation finding a chapter for a dissertation. They have questions such as when to write dissertation findings, what not to include in the findings chapter etc.  Our professional team is providing the complete guidelines about How to write dissertation findings.

The finding of the dissertation serves the objectives of presenting the key outcomes of research without interpretation of the meaning. It is considered to be one of the most interesting sections of the dissertation. In the dissertation finding chapter you need to include the things which you have observed during the investigation. The main purpose of the finding section in the dissertation is to provide essential and relevant findings of the research.


  • You should not include detailed information as it might give rise to confusion and misunderstanding.
  • It is important for you to write a dissertation findings chapter in the past tense.

Important guidelines for writing dissertation findings

At the time of start writing the dissertation section, you should provide the background information. It is the tactics that will help the reader in developing an understanding of the dissertation results. You should also repeat the problem statement and also the objectives of the study.  This is one of the best approaches which will help you in developing a positive impression on readers.  The 3 steps of writing the findings for dissertations are:

  • Step 1: At the initial step of writing the dissertation finding chapter you need to identify the outcomes which you intend to present in a specific chapter.
  • Step 2: In the next step, you should first develop a basic understanding of techniques for writing the finding section. It is the strategy that will help you in gaining the knowledge which could be helpful in relation to arranging the specific section in a chronological manner.
  • Step 3: Then after that you need to organize the information in a proper and accurate manner. You can structure your findings chapter of the thesis in a chronological manner. It means that you should begin every paragraph by writing the most crucial outcomes first.

“You can conclude the dissertation findings by writing a short summary of key findings” When writing the dissertation section you should keep in mind that unexpected outcomes can have a significant influence on the investigation”.

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When writing the findings chapter of the dissertation?

After collection and analysis of information, you need to start writing the dissertation finding section for the dissertation.  While writing the finding section in the dissertation, you need to relate your observations with a hypothesis or research questions that you have to formulate the introduction section. In case you have to write a dissertation by making a collection of primary information then you should present the findings separately. If you are writing the descriptive dissertation then in such a situation you can include the finding chapter with discussion. At the time of writing the findings section of the dissertation, you should emphasize on analyzing the case studies or interpreting the results.

How to report Quantitative Findings?

One best technique to report quantitative findings is to arrange them according to the research hypothesis. While presenting the quantitative findings, you need to state the procedure you will execute for analyzing the information.  However, analyzing findings will help you in determining the way findings are related to the research questions. At the time of writing the finding section of the dissertation, you should highlight meaningful relationships. You should include the findings which are not directly related to your findings in the appendix.

You should use charts, graphs for presenting the findings of your dissertation.  The chart charts, graphs or tables which you will include would help the reader in developing the understanding of different patterns. At the time of writing the dissertation finding chapter you should only provide a summary of a few parts of results. You should provide descriptive labels below your tables and charts.

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How to report Qualitative Findings?

One of the biggest issues in reporting the qualitative findings is that all the outcomes are relevant to the study.  The best technique to report Qualitative findings is to write the findings according to themes which you have designed after analyzing the information. You should clearly mention the pattern, any developments and independent responses of the participants in the dissertation finding section.

Things to avoid while writing Dissertation Findings

While writing the dissertation finding chapter you should not use interpretive and subjective phrases. You should not use words reveals, suggest, validates, etc. Such terms are more appropriate for the discussion section where you will expect to write an interpretation of outcomes in detail. You should not provide detail findings.

Things to do while writing dissertation findings.

The following things you should keep in mind at the time of writing findings section for the dissertation are:

  • You should only include your own research findings. In simple words, it means that you should include only those facts which have been observed during the investigation.
  • Researchers can utilize charts and graphs for presenting the data in a systematic manner.
  • Investigators can use SPSS, Excel and other software for analyzing information.
  • While preparing the findings section for the thesis writing you should first be clear about the organization of your work.
  • You should organize and arrange the dissertation findings in such a manner that it makes sense.
  • It is very much important for you to include negative outcomes in the dissertation finding section. It is the tactics that will help you in demonstrating the validity of outcomes.

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Structure of dissertation finding chapter

Appropriate words and phrases should be used for presenting the findings in a systematic manner.  After completion of the dissertation findings chapter, you should confirm that the entire paragraph in a specific section consists of logical sentences and they are properly linked with each other.  One best technique for arranging the dissertation finding section is to first arrange outcome and then provides an explanation of key findings. In simple words, you can provide a brief synopsis.

Another technique is to first present the results and after that provide an explanation for the same.  You can do this for all the results. Secondly, you can write the conclusion of the section by writing overall synopsis.  Such type of structure the researcher uses when they have to write lengthy dissertations that consist of multiple results. You can also write a brief conclusion for linking all results and providing transitions to the dissertation discussion chapter.

Tips for Writing Findings of a Dissertation

Some tips for writing the dissertation findings chapter are:

  • You need to present the result in the proper sequence.
  • There should be clarity in your findings.
  • It is very much important to avoid a lengthy debate while doing the interpretation of outcomes.
  • While writing the dissertation findings chapter, you should mainly concentrate on providing the explanation of observations in a clear and precise manner.
  • The length of the finding chapter is completely based on the type of research and the amount of information.
  • You should not include irrelevant results in the dissertation finding chapter.


From the above article it has been concluded from the above article that the finding section in the dissertation consists of crucial data which is collected through investigation. Another fact which has been discovered from the above is that tables and charts help in presenting the findings in a systematic manner.

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