As the newly appointed Quality Vice-President for Flex, you have been asked by the Senior Management Team to prepare: Quality Management for Organisational Excellence Assignment, MDIS, Singapore

University Management Development Institute of Singapore (MDIS)
Subject Quality Management for Organisational Excellence

As the newly appointed Quality Vice-President for Flex, you have been asked by the Senior Management Team to prepare a 3000-word report to explain how you would introduce a company-wide quality improvement strategy.

This improvement strategy must include Total Quality Management, Quality Assurance, and Quality Control implications. The completed report should also include the following: Your assignment report should consist of

1. An introduction that explains the focus of the assignment.

2. The main body of the text where you develop and explain how you would introduce a companywide quality improvement strategy which must include, Total Quality Management, Quality Assurance, and Quality Control.

3. A conclusion briefly reiterating the focus of the assignment and summarising the improvements you have identified and a recommendation to the ‘Flex Organisation’ Senior management members

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