BIN3023: Undergraduate Business Project Dissertation, Singapore

University Teesside University (TU)
Subject BIN3023: Business Projectundergraduate

Undergraduate Business Project Report Template

Title Page

Ensure you refer to the Undergraduate Business Projects Guide to confirm the structure.

Marking Criteria

Criteria Weighting (%)
Introduction and Background 5%
Aim and Objectives 10%
Literature Review and Theoretical Underpinning 20%
Research Design/Methodology 20%
Analysis and Findings 20%
Conclusion and Recommendations 10%
Self-Reflection 5%
Presentation 10%

Business Project Certificate

Teesside University
Teesside University International Business School

I confirm that the work in this dissertation is original and has been carried out by me as part of my programme of study.

I confirm that all secondary material has been properly acknowledged by me and referenced in this work.

Signed: …………………………………………..

Name: …………………………………………..

Date: …………………………………………..

Course/Programme of Study: …………………………………………..


Suggested approximate word count: 300 words. Provide an overview of the dissertation aim, research design and methods, findings, conclusions, and recommendations.


An optional section to thank those who have supported or inspired you during your work.

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List of Tables and Figures

List all tables and figures used in the main text, in numerical order, including their title and page number.

Chapter 1: Introduction and Background

Word Count: 500 words

Describe the rationale for your project. Include project aims and objectives, outlining the audience and significance of your dissertation.

Chapter 2: Literature Review

Word Count: 2,200 words

Critically analyse published theories and research relevant to your topic. Use headings and subheadings for structure.

Chapter 3: Research Design and Methodology

Word Count: 1,700 words

Explain your research design, data collection methods, and analysis techniques. Include discussions of ethical implications.

Chapter 4: Findings and Analysis

Word Count: 2,200 words

Present and interpret your research findings. Use visual aids like graphs or diagrams where appropriate.

Chapter 5: Conclusions, Recommendations, and Self-Reflection

Word Count: 700-800 words for conclusions and recommendations, 500 words for self-reflection.

Summaries key findings, propose actionable recommendations, and reflect on the research process.


List all sources cited in Harvard style, in alphabetical order by the author’s surname.


Include supporting documents such as questionnaires or detailed data. Clearly label and reference these in the main text.

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