BM4001: You are appointed as an IT Manager of a Leading Business in Singapore and your Remit is to Study the Information Management and Technology Requirements for Your Organization: Managing Information and Technology Report, DIC, Singapore

University Dimensions International College (DIC)
Subject BM4001: Managing Information and Technology

Program: Higher Diploma in Hotel Management Report


Module Synopsis

The aim of the module is to introduce the student to the role and function of management information systems in a business operation and introduce the technique for effective collection, storing, and analyzing data for effective decision-making process via electronic and paper-based communication.

It will require the students to develop practical applications as well as the ability to recommend how MIS should be used in business as a competitive advantage. Students will also be exposed to the ethical issues in data management.

Module Learning Outcomes

LO1 Explain the purpose and scope of information technology (IT) and information systems (MIS)

LO2 Analyse current trends and developments in the field of information technology and systems

LO3 Apply various methods of collection, storing, retrieving, and analyzing data for making appropriate business in a business situation using an IT-enabled platform

LO4 Evaluate the types of information required to manage day-to-day and medium-term operations in a selected organization



You are appointed as an IT Manager of a leading business in Singapore and your remit is to study the information management and technology requirements for your organization.

You, as the Manager of a selected organization, are required to carry out a concise analysis using the databases of the company, library, e-resources, annual reports, journal articles, newspapers, and case studies.

Based on your study and analysis, prepare and submit a report covering the following tasks. All your answers must be based on the selected organization.

Your report must contain the answers for the following tasks.


1. Discuss the scope of Information technology and Management of the selected organization.

2. Analyse current trends and developments in the field of information technology and systems in industry related to your business.

3. Analyse various methods that your organization collects, store and use data for making appropriate business decisions.

4. Identify and evaluate various types of information required for your organization for day-to-day and medium-term operations.

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