BSC203: User security behaviour-Information technology security is an increasingly important research topic Although organisations spend large amounts on technology: Introduction To Ict Research Methods Research Paper, MU, Singapore

University Murdoch University (MU)
Subject BSC203: Introduction to ICT Research Methods

User security behaviour-Information technology security is an increasingly important research topic. Although organisations spend large amounts on technology that can help safeguard the security of their information and computing assets, increased attention is being focused on the role people play in maintaining a safe computing environment.This issue is important both for organisational and home computing.

Affective computing – Affective computing is “computing that relates to, arises from, or deliberately influences emotions”[1]. Developments in affective computing facilitate more intuitive, natural computer interfaces by enabling the communication of the user’s emotional state. Despite rapid growth in recent years, affective computing is still an under-explored field, which holds promise to be a valuable direction for future software development.

Interactive game playing and network quality– Understanding the impact of network conditions on online game player satisfaction has beena major concern of network game designers and network engineers, and has received research attention from both angles. For example, a number of studies have sought to evaluate the effect of aspects of network quality, such as network delay and network loss,on online gamers’ satisfaction and behaviour.

The effectiveness of e-learning – Education is increasingly supported by ICT, with the term e-learning being used as a general term to refer to many forms of technology supported learning. Much of the e-learning research has had a technology focus (e.g. descriptions of implementations) or has been limited to studies of adoption (i.e. will people use it?), but there has been less research on the impact of e-learning on outcomes for students.

Mobile analytics– The term ‘big data’ refers to data sets that are large and complex and hence require new approaches to deal with them. Data analytics has become increasingly important to business and much research has been undertaken into how big data can be used to help organisations make decisions.Mobile analytics is a growing area of focus for data scientists.

Internet of Things (IoT) privacy and security issues – The IoT allows devices with unique addressing schemes to share data with one another and has applications in a wide range of areas including transport, healthcare, manufacturing and home automation. Many of these devices are used for consumer applications (e.g., domestic appliances, smartphones, and fitness devices), and despite the proposed benefits, privacy and security issues have been raised as they collect information constantly.

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