BSE207 Cardiorespiratory Fitness Assessment: VO₂max, Submaximal & Maximal GXT Analysis, Singapore

University Singapore University of Social Science (SUSS)
Subject BSE207: Exercise Physiology

Question 1

(a) Present the results of

1) the Bruce Submaximal Treadmill Protocol Graded Exercise Test (GXT)
2) the Åstrand-Ryhming Cycle Ergometer Submaximal Exercise Test Protocol
conducted during the laboratory session.


  • Present, in a table, the data collected from ALL the team members undertaking either the Bruce Submaximal Treadmill Protocol Graded Exercise Test (GXT) OR the Åstrand-Ryhming Cycle Ergometer Submaximal Exercise Test Protocol.
  • Compare the V̇ O2max values of ALL the team members with the CRF
    Classification of V̇ O2max (ml/kg/min) by Age and Gender, to determine the CRF classification of ALL the team. Analyse your findings.
  • Compile in ONE (1) worksheet, the original Data Collection Sheets of ALL the
    team members, undertaking either the Bruce Submaximal Treadmill Protocol
    Graded Exercise Test or the Åstrand-Ryhming Cycle Ergometer Submaximal
    Exercise Test Protocol. Attach the worksheet as an appendix to your ECA.
    (10 marks)

(b) Present the results of

1) the Ebbeling Submaximal Treadmill Protocol GXT
2) the PWC-170 Cycle Test
conducted during the laboratory session.

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  • Present, in a table, the data collected from ALL the team members undertaking either the Ebbeling Submaximal Treadmill Protocol GXT or the PWC-170 Cycle Test.
  • Compare the V̇ O2max values of ALL the team members with the CRF
    Classification of V̇ O2max (ml/kg/min) by Age and Gender, to determine the CRF classification of ALL the team. Analyse your findings.
  • Compile in ONE (1) worksheet, the original Data Collection Sheets of ALL the
    team members, undertaking either the Ebbeling Submaximal Treadmill Protocol GXT or the PWC-170 Cycle Test. Attach the worksheet as an appendix to your ECA.
    (10 marks)

Question 2

(a) Discussion:

  • Compare the V̇ O2max (ml/kg/min) values of ONE (1) team member (excluding
    yourself) between the Bruce and Ebbeling Submaximal Protocol GXTs OR between the Åstrand-Ryhming Cycle Ergometer Submaximal Exercise Test Protocol and PWC-170 Cycle Test.
    Repeat for (1) other team member (excluding yourself).
  • Evaluate TWO (2) chosen team members based on their
  • Cardio Respiratory Fitness with respect to the CRF Classification of V̇ O2max
    (ml/kg/min) by Age and Gender and
  • medical and lifestyle fitness profile status based on the Health Screening selfreports.
  • Present an evaluation report of the TWO (2) chosen team members. Provide
    supporting evidence in your evaluation report.
  • Attach the Health Screening self-reports, of the TWO (2) chosen team members, as an appendix to your ECA.
    (18 marks)

(b) Identify and explain TWO (2) practical things that you have learned from the laboratory sessions that you can apply to enhance your experience as EITHER an athlete, coach/trainer, mentor, sports administrator, teacher-in-charge, school leader, parent OR in any other related capacity (please specify). Provide examples and supporting evidence relevant to the real-world context.
(4 marks)
(c) Examine THREE (3) similarities and THREE (3) differences between Submaximal GXTs and Maximal GXTs. Substantiate your answers by giving examples of Submaximal and Maximal GXT protocols.
(12 marks)

Correct In-text Citations, Referencing and Word Count (6 marks)

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Question 3

For Question 3, upload a PPT or PDF copy of the slides for PRESENTATION 2, presented in class on Session 6 (WEEK 9), onto the specified submission link on Canvas (when submitting ECA).
(20 marks)


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