BSE217 Motor Learning And Performance: Theories, models, and Practical Applications, Singapore

University Singapore University of Social Science (SUSS)
Subject BSE217: Motor Development Control and Learning

Question 1

Instructional practice are influenced by theoretical perspectives that have had dominant periods of scientific influence since the early 1900’s (Clark & Whitall, 1989). Newman & Newman (2010) suggest that motor development and learning theories can be classified as reductionist or interactionist theories.

(a) Define the main principles and points of differences between reductionist and interactionist theories (Newman & Newman, 2010). Use relevant movement-based examples to elaborate on the responses being presented.

Marks: 5 marks

(b) Discuss why current practice represent more reductionist over interactionist approaches considering the various underpinning principles of the various theories.

Marks: 10 marks

Question 2

Evaluating performance and learning are essential to track learners as they progress through practice. Refer to this video of Jaime Alcaraz during a practice session:

(a) Discuss, substantiating with empirical evidence, whether the observation of Jaime Alcaraz as presented in the video would be a valid indicator of motor performance or motor learning.

Marks: 5 marks

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(b) Outcome measures enable tracking and assessment of performance and learning.

  1. Describe at least five (5) outcome measures that you collect to assess Jaime Alcaraz’s performance and learning.
  2. Examine the advantages and disadvantages of each measure.
  3. Highlight whether each specific outcome measure assesses performance or learning and why?

NOTE: You may use the table below to present your responses. Add more rows where necessary.

Outcome measure Advantage Disadvantage Assesses learning OR performance AND why?

Marks: 15 marks

(c) Jaime Alcaraz executing the forehand stroke is an example of voluntary movement.

  1. Outline at least three (3) of the four (4) main areas of the cerebral cortex that are dominantly involved in the control of voluntary movement.
  2. Describe the role each area plays in motor control.

Marks: 15 marks

Question 3

Learning models are critical for developing training plans and to track progress of athletes. Importantly, they should take into account the empirical knowledge from the substantial literature amassed in the disciplines of motor development and learning.

(a) Discuss what learning models are and its implication to the practitioner. Supplement your response with empirical evidence and relevant examples related to how a learning model can be used by a practitioner.

Marks: 10 marks

(b) Present an overview of one (1) model of learning as introduced in this course focusing on the main tenets of the model.

Marks: 5 marks

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(c) Refer to this YouTube video of Roger Federer playing tennis against a child:

  1. Outline the stage of learning of Federer and his opponent in the video based on the terminology used by the model of learning as presented in Q2(b).
  2. Explain your classification of Federer and his opponent based on the learning characteristics as defined by the model you have introduced in Q2(b).

NOTE: You may use the table below to present your answers.

Subject Q3c(i) – Stage of learning the subject is at based on the model of learning Q3c(ii) – Justification of classification of subject according to the model of learning
Pineapple (Federer’s opponent)
Roger Federer

Marks: 10 marks

(d) Watch the match played between Federer and his opponent from 1:44 mins in the video.

  1. Evaluate if the match demonstrates an example of motor performance or motor learning for both Federer and his opponent (Pineapple).
  2. Justify your response in Q3d(i) with empirical evidence.

NOTE: You may use the table below to present your answers.

Subject Q3d(i) – Motor performance OR motor learning Q3d(ii) – Justification of 3d(ii) with empirical evidence
Pineapple (Federer’s opponent)
Roger Federer

Marks: 10 marks

Question 4

Think of movement-based activity and accompanying developmental plan for that particular movement-based activity.

(a) In your response outline the following:

  1. Describe the movement-based activity and an initial generic developmental plan for the specified movement-based activity.
  2. Distinguish the predicted movement responses between a novice and proficient individual based on your developmental plan in Q4a(i).

Marks: 5 marks

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(b) Adapt the initial generic development plan that considers the individual learning stages and individual differences of the novice and proficient individual. Your responses should address the following:

  1. Apply principles of instruction, feedback and practice conditions to enhance motor skill acquisition in the adapted developmental plans.
  2. Formulate an adapted developmental plan to suit the individual needs of both the novice and proficient individual based on your predicted movement responses in 4a(ii).

NOTE: You may present your answers for Q4 using the table below. Add columns to the table as necessary.

Q4(a) General description of the movement-based activity Q4(a) Description of an initial generic developmental plan for the movement-based activity Q4(a) Predicted movement responses of the novice individual Q4(a) Predicted movement responses of the skilled individual Q4(b) Adaptations to developmental plan based on individual needs of the novice individual Q4(b) Adaptations to developmental plan based on individual needs of the skilled individual

Marks: 10 marks



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