BUSM1208: Managing change, Assignment, RMIT University, Singapore

University Singapore University of Social Science (SUSS)
Subject BUSM1208: Managing change Assignment

Assessment Brief


The purpose of this assessment is to assess your ability to explain different change theories, and how they can be used to explain and predict nature and responses to change in reference to a ‘real world’ organisa”onal change problem.

Develop a brief to the Chief Execu”ve Officer of the case organisa”on to:

  • Frame an organisa”onal change ‘problem’ to be addressed
  • Apply organisa”onal change management models or theories to explain the problem, and predict and/or recommend how to address it; and
  • Reflect cri”cally on the applica”on or effec”veness of different change management models or theories in prac”ce.

This is an individual assignment. You will be discussing issues related to the assessment task in class, sharing and evalua”ng resources and ideas, and working to frame their par”cular approach to the problem. However, you are required to reflect on and develop their own perspec”ve, and submit your own individual, independent ideas.

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Assessment Details

The CEO of the case organisa”on has commissioned you to help address the change challenges described in the scenario. In the last mee”ng with the Board, to which you were invited in your capacity as a member of the Change Management team, the CEO said the following to you and your colleagues:

We are facing significant challenges. You all know the scenario; it is complex and challenging to interpret. Our ques”on to you is – what do you think the central issue or problem we need to address, and which approach to managing change is likely to be most helpful?

From my own experience, I know many managers turn to Ko$er’s 8 step process for leading change. I studied it myself when I a$ended the Senior Leaders Educa”on Program a few years ago at Harvard University. But I am not sure if that thinking will work here, especially given the current environment. The Board and I would like you to write a report that 1) helps us understand nature of the problem at hand; 2) applies and evaluates relevant organisa”onal change theories that would help us explain and address it; and 3) makes some rigorous and concrete recommenda”ons or predic”ons about what to do next.

We know the issues are complex – so make sure you scope your work carefully to focus on what we want to achieve. Also, remember that we work in a par”cular sector, in a par”cular context, and with specific kinds of work and workers, so please make sure any recommenda”ons or predic”ons you make take those into account.

In this assessment, you will write a brief to the CEO and Board in response to the challenge they have set. Please download the below assessment brief for further details on what you are required to do as part of this assessment.

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Course Learning Outcomes

The targeted Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs) for this assessment are:

LO1: Explain how different theories and assump”ons about change offer different, o%en conflic”ng, perspec”ves on managing change in organisa”ons.

CLO3: Effec”vely frame and solve ‘real-world’ problems rela”ng to organiza”onal change.

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