University | University of Birmingham (UoB) |
Subject | International Marketing |
Assignment brief:
Choose a company (other than any firm which you have mentioned or studied in a previous assignment) that you believe has achieved superior performance in at least TWO separate countries. Collect data/information regarding this company from published material (online or otherwise).
Notes for guidance:
Use relevant concepts and models to:
- detail and defend the extent to which this company has achieved superior performance in BOTH countries;
- describe and critically analyze the marketing environment of this company;
- identify and critically evaluate the factors in their marketing activities that have contributed to their superior performance
- Use secondary data, DO NOT do any primary research
- Ensure that you do not exceed the word count limit; any text going beyond this word-count allowance will not be marked
- Provide a word count at the start of your document.
- Assignments should be submitted in size 12 font, with double line spacing.
- Ensure that your discussions flow coherently, use, and number subheadings; all diagrams/tables used must also be numbered, labeled, and referenced.
In this assessment the following learning outcomes will be covered:
LO 1. Understand the concepts and theories in international marketing for consumer and business products and services;
LO 2. Apply these concepts and theories in the analysis of case examples;
LO 3. Apply these concepts and theories for developing a marketing strategy for a company of their choice.
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